Destiny 2 Thread!

Did/Will you preorder Destiny

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • Still on the fence

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
Is Destiny 2 easy to get into for someone who never played 1 and hasn't played a shooter since COD Modern Warfare 2?

Wasn't really into 1 but played COD religously. Played 2 hours tops. This one is a different IMO, but then again I didn't play the original expansions. This one I can't stop playing til 3 am in the morning TBH.
I'm starting to hit that point where there's nothing else to really do. I got one character almost maxed out. I started a second which is around 100 light or so but I don't really feel like doing that whole thing again. I'm getting tired of the strikes. The crucible isn't exciting enough for me to stay there.

D2 is way better than 1 but still lets me down in the content department. A game like Elder scrolls online took me months to even beat the main campaign and then there were 3 other whole story lines
I can tell it's gonna be the same way for me. Once I complete the raid and a few nightfalls, I'm probably done until the expansion drops.
I can tell it's gonna be the same way for me. Once I complete the raid and a few nightfalls, I'm probably done until the expansion drops.

Same on the raid part, and I only need to do one nightfall.........just so I can get this damn Rat King Quest over with.

If me and my homebois ever complete the raid group together........."adulting" can be a ***** sometimes.
Same on the raid part, and I only need to do one nightfall.........just so I can get this damn Rat King Quest over with.

If me and my homebois ever complete the raid group together........."adulting" can be a ***** sometimes.
After trying that Nightfall earlier today, I knew that Rat King wasn't getting done this week :lol:
I'm picking and choosing my Nightfalls.......I could've done last week's Nightfall for the Rat King, but I didn't have time 'cuz "adult life" got in the way.
I'm picking and choosing my Nightfalls.......I could've done last week's Nightfall for the Rat King, but I didn't have time 'cuz "adult life" got in the way.
Should have done that one. Finished it with randoms and had more than 9:30 mins left, :lol:.

Datto is on point!

I grinded this game without realizing that the power cap is 305 for now. My Titan is 304 and my Hunter and Warlock are both 300. I guess aside from getting my fav guns up to 305, I beat the game... Funny thing is I never even completed the raid.

So far D2 is straight up for casuals... Bungie nerfed the elitism and sense of accomplishment for completing any endgame activity, which is literally why we would level up in D1 in the first place. I raided with a bunch of 260's last night, there really is no point to level up. LOL.
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Datto is on point!

I grinded this game without realizing that the power cap is 305 for now. My Titan is 304 and my Hunter and Warlock are both 300. I guess aside from getting my fav guns up to 305, I beat the game... Funny thing is I never even completed the raid.

So far D2 is straight up for casuals... Bungie nerfed the elitism and sense of accomplishment for completing any endgame activity, which is literally why we would level up in D1 in the first place. I raided with a bunch of 260's last night, there really is no point to level up. LOL.

The removal of RNG weapon perks essentially sparked Bungie's philosophy change to cater to the casuals..........grinding back in D1 use to be all about the god rolls, whether you were aiming for max light level or not. God roll guns, god roll armor, preferred exotic armor perks, etc. was literally the concept of the D1 grind when you reached the end game.

With D2, the gun you have will have the same perks as another version of that gun.........removing "the grind" for the casuals that keep getting PUB STOMPED by the people that worked their asses off for God rolled weapons.

I do agree with some of the philosophy changes for "catering to the casuals." I mean the infusion level system back in Year 2 of Destiny 1 was meant to draw casuals back into the game after people dropped the game after Vanilla and/or The Dark Below DLC. That infusion system was a much needed addition for this grind, and it made the grind more incentivized......since it meant if you had a god roll weapon or armor, you can hold onto it by infusion a higher level counterpart into it to reach that top-tier level you needed. This was needed, as opposed to the "Forever 29" droughts that a majority of us went through during the Vanilla days.

That being said, I don't think Bungo totally threw everything to the casuals.

Look at the Crucible, it has basically become a lame version of Call of Duty galore, camping galore, "no more 1 man kill streaks." Bungie made the change to Crucible to appeal to the "elitist PvP gamers" that hated how the 6v6 chaos from D1 was "against the pure first-person-shooter" genre.

So while it is more "casual-friendly" overall in D2, the new Crucible is a god damn "sweat-fest." **** THESE TRY-HARD CAMPING SWEATS IN CRUCIBLE.
Nightfall is stupid hard for No reason. Bungie should of left them the same as d1 imo
It's fairly easy with the right setup, just really annoying at the end. Make sure to get all the oracle looking things that give you +30 seconds and it shouldn't be much of a problem depending on your light level. I was high to mid 80s depending on my character. My friends and I died a whole bunch of times in the boss fight on all 3 characters and still had well over 5 minutes left. The Riskrunner exotic can be very helpful as you can see here (don't mind the ****** aim). A Warlock with healing rift will be of great benefit too.
bigjny88 bigjny88 Yup... That is exactly how I feel about crucible now, to the point I won't even do the crucible milestones anymore. Why get sweaty in a mode when you can damn near catch the same "high powered" drop by getting lucky with an exotic engram from a public event.

6 hours in a sweaty raid? WE OFF THAT.
Sweaty trial card runs for no reason whatsoever? WE OFF THAT.

Game is too casual bruh... I join NT PSN party chats now just to clown around. LOL.
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bigjny88 bigjny88 Yup... That is exactly how I feel about crucible now, to the point I won't even do the crucible milestones anymore. Why get sweaty in a mode when you can damn near catch the same "high powered" drop by getting lucky with an exotic engram from a public event.

6 hours in a sweaty raid? WE OFF THAT.
Sweaty trial card runs for no reason whatsoever? WE OFF THAT.

Game is too casual bruh... I join NT PSN party chats now just to clown around. LOL.

I feel you.

Zero point in the Crucible for hardcore grinding now, and even Strikes take too long than normal.........Patrol PvE is definitely where it is at for the grind.

Less sweat, more **** to get #bars :pimp::lol:
bigjny88 bigjny88 Yup... That is exactly how I feel about crucible now, to the point I won't even do the crucible milestones anymore. Why get sweaty in a mode when you can damn near catch the same "high powered" drop by getting lucky with an exotic engram from a public event.

6 hours in a sweaty raid? WE OFF THAT.
Sweaty trial card runs for no reason whatsoever? WE OFF THAT.

Game is too casual bruh... I join NT PSN party chats now just to clown around. LOL.

yeah, only time i do crucible is to get the call to arms every week. most of my time on D2 right is now is popping medallions and doing the PEs with the homies, patrol here and there
I'd still do the raid, especially since it is now "more casual" as they say. It makes the raid chat more chill and **** instead of *****es sweating and demanding "300+ completions" of the raid requirement to join the group on LFG.

But I'd only do the raid with either my homies OR any of the NT folk in here.........the LFG *****es still tryhard pricks.
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