Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

yeah I grabbed a couple ps+ cards last year from walmart $35 each I think? but I was talking about psn cards that add money to your stores wallet. 2 $50 cards get 1 free :wow:
Oh those cards. Yea I definitely didn't think if those. That is a sick deal. Will have to look out for those.

Those stats are crazy biggie!
Oh those cards. Yea I definitely didn't think if those. That is a sick deal. Will have to look out for those.

Those stats are crazy biggie!

The numbers don't add up per say as they multiply, but it's just to show of what we are looking at and why it all seems so difficult for us at times. And it's why bringing a 28 or a 29 with not maxed out weapons is more of a burden than anything else.
FInally found the percentages of damage reduction for fighting enemies higher level than you:

1 level higher - 32% less damage dealt than lvl 30
2 levels higher - 42% less damage dealt than lvl 30
3 levels higher - 52% less damage dealt than lvl 30

So if you don't fully max out your weapons at 267 damage (for exotics), then you are doing another 33/300 * .32 = 3.52% less damage on top of the 32% reductions already. Hence why if you want to even have a chance doing hard at level 29 having all weapons at 300 is essential. 3.5% might not seem like much, but if you take into account 3 people in a portal or outside defending it a 10.5% reduction in damage is HUGE. That is per 3. As a group you are doing over 20% less damage on top of the 32% reduction. Making the fights longer and hard than they should be.

The longer the fight with Atheon the less likely chance to beat him, b/c after 7-8 minutes he become enraged and there is a slim to none chance of beating Ateon once he's enraged. So whoever is joining the raid, your gear should be maxed or you will hinder the entire team. Distractions don't work in the raid.

I'm gonna try to join yall tonite, since I didn't get on yesterday and if i don't run the raid tonite, i'll mos definitely do it tomorrow night. So if I hit yall up with a invite for VoG, I don't wanna hear that "I already did it this week", b/c I've ran it plenty of times just for the hell of it without getting not even a shard.
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The longer the fight with Atheon the less likely chance to beat him, b/c after 7-8 minutes he become enraged and there is a slim to none chance of beating Ateon once he's enraged. So whoever is joining the raid, your gear should be maxed or you will hinder the entire team. Distractions don't work in the raid.

I'm gonna try to join yall tonite, since I didn't get on yesterday and if i don't run the raid tonite, i'll mos definitely do it tomorrow night. So if I hit yall up with a invite for VoG, I don't wanna hear that "I already did it this week", b/c I've ran it plenty of times just for the hell of out without getting not a shard.

If it's Zero, Wright, you, me, and then two experienced people with gear we can speed run it easily in an hour if we don't mess around and just execute.
One more thing, I ended up getting picked to try out the Evolve Alpha this weekend which ends on Sunday night, so this weekend I gotta try to find time to play both Evolve and Destiny.
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FInally found the percentages of damage reduction for fighting enemies higher level than you:

1 level higher - 32% less damage dealt than lvl 30
2 levels higher - 42% less damage dealt than lvl 30
3 levels higher - 52% less damage dealt than lvl 30

So if you don't fully max out your weapons at 267 damage (for exotics), then you are doing another 33/300 * .32 = 3.52% less damage on top of the 32% reductions already. Hence why if you want to even have a chance doing hard at level 29 having all weapons at 300 is essential. 3.5% might not seem like much, but if you take into account 3 people in a portal or outside defending it a 10.5% reduction in damage is HUGE. That is per 3. As a group you are doing over 20% less damage on top of the 32% reduction. Making the fights longer and hard than they should be.
The longer the fight with Atheon the less likely chance to beat him, b/c after 7-8 minutes he become enraged and there is a slim to none chance of beating Ateon once he's enraged. So whoever is joining the raid, your gear should be maxed or you will hinder the entire team. Distractions don't work in the raid.

I'm gonna try to join yall tonite, since I didn't get on yesterday and if i don't run the raid tonite, i'll mos definitely do it tomorrow night. So if I hit yall up with a invite for VoG, I don't wanna hear that "I already did it this week", b/c I've ran it plenty of times just for the hell of it without getting not even a shard.
We will knock this raid out around an hour and a half if we are all experienced. I'll get the fireteam going when I sign on. Wright Biggie Quad Zero. #teamdistractions

#carrymeplease #NoMoreThotBoots 
:lol: @ #TeamDistractions #CarryMePlease and #NoMoreThotBoots .....I tell you what ...I've never owned thot boots :smh:
@ #TeamDistractions #CarryMePlease and #NoMoreThotBoots .....I tell you what ...I've never owned thot boots
I think I still have my green level 18 thot boots in my vault for some reason.

I NEED raid armor. Hoping I get some drop tonight. 
Last night the team I run with usually and Balla got to Atheon in like 40 mins... We spent long on Atheon though because people didn't know how to use the relic. But that normal raid shouldn't be longer than an hour though.
Last night the team I run with usually and Balla got to Atheon in like 40 mins... We spent long on Atheon though because people didn't know how to use the relic. But that normal raid shouldn't be longer than an hour though.
I'll hit you up tonight. I got you on my PSN friends list.
"Oh I got a game invite"

"Checks invite....from Quad...notices 4 people already in fireteam..."

"Closes invite and plays Crucible and Tiger Strikes"

"Oh I got a game invite"
"Checks invite....from Quad...notices 4 people already in fireteam..."
"Closes invite and plays Crucible and Tiger Strikes"


:lol: I do that all the time myself, you, Biggie, and Zero has the tightest fireteam on NT, like yall know each playing patterns, so 9 times outta 10 yall 3 together, so I gotta backup clan that I run with from time to time.
One more thing, I ended up getting picked to try out the Evolve Alpha this weekend which ends on Sunday night, so this weekend I gotta try to find time to play both Evolve and Destiny.

Me too! I'm Psyched.. I just want to play as the monster though.. I hope at least two of the ones they've revealed will be playable.
I do that all the time myself, you, Biggie, and Zero has the tightest fireteam on NT, like yall know each playing patterns, so 9 times outta 10 yall 3 together, so I gotta backup clan that I run with from time to time.
Yea it's to the point, I don't even ask anymore. I just sign in and join their fireteam wherever they are. Or if I have something to do I just invite them

I normally join your stuff to Quad. There is a usual group of us that run around doing stuff....I think it is at least 8 of us. After that it gets kind of hard because they have never really talked much to us, or they run at different times than us.

Our raids normally are a mix of these guys from what I recall:








Tru Blue



I haven't seen kingpin_chi or bobby99son in a while, but I have ran with them before as well. There was another hunter from here as well I think I ran with too. Be nice if we could get 2 dedicated groups that ran every week. It could even be with people having 2nd accounts if they wanted it to be too.

We still gotta level our 2nd characters up too Quad, Zero, and Biggie
:lol: I do that all the time myself, you, Biggie, and Zero has the tightest fireteam on NT, like yall know each playing patterns, so 9 times outta 10 yall 3 together, so I gotta backup clan that I run with from time to time.

Yea it's to the point, I don't even ask anymore. I just sign in and join their fireteam wherever they are. Or if I have something to do I just invite them :lol:
I normally join your stuff to Quad. There is a usual group of us that run around doing stuff....I think it is at least 8 of us. After that it gets kind of hard because they have never really talked much to us, or they run at different times than us.

Our raids normally are a mix of these guys from what I recall:

Tru Blue

I haven't seen kingpin_chi or bobby99son in a while, but I have ran with them before as well. There was another hunter from here as well I think I ran with too. Be nice if we could get 2 dedicated groups that ran every week. It could even be with people having 2nd accounts if they wanted it to be too.

We still gotta level our 2nd characters up too Quad, Zero, and Biggie

There is a usual group of us NTers, I mean me and Based got 21 mutual friends, that's almost everybody on the PS4 list.

Yea we do, my second character is level 16 I believe and I have a full armor set including a exotic guantlets, legendary everything else, so once i hit level 20, I should be able to hit the raid and just swap guns between characters, would of rather had a hunter, but I keep getting Titan stuff so I guess RNGesus made the choice easy for me.
Yea it's to the point, I don't even ask anymore. I just sign in and join their fireteam wherever they are. Or if I have something to do I just invite them :lol:
I normally join your stuff to Quad. There is a usual group of us that run around doing stuff....I think it is at least 8 of us. After that it gets kind of hard because they have never really talked much to us, or they run at different times than us.

Our raids normally are a mix of these guys from what I recall:

Tru Blue

I haven't seen kingpin_chi or bobby99son in a while, but I have ran with them before as well. There was another hunter from here as well I think I ran with too. Be nice if we could get 2 dedicated groups that ran every week. It could even be with people having 2nd accounts if they wanted it to be too.

We still gotta level our 2nd characters up too Quad, Zero, and Biggie

Lol, a 2nd Titan to do everything twice? I don't know if I'm willing to put in THAT much time into this game. I mean I saw today that I have 7 days and 4 hours played in this game over the past what ~8 weeks.

But yea, I like being able to run things with people I'm familiar with. I can just go out and do my own thing since I know that they'll be using a complimentary weapon or something. Takes guessing and uncertainty out of the game.
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Man I need a squad for raid eventually smh lol. Yall too close knit, its like an inside group thing and im just an outsider :frown: :lol:
It is just a comfort thing since we all know who is who and how they play at this point.

Just join our chats and run with us some time. I normally forget who is who, so I just receive an invite out the blue from someone I don't remember, I more than likely won't answer though

One of those the more they see you and talk to you, the more they remember who you are and invite to run with them type of things.

If you are of level, decently equipped and know what you are doing or can learn quickly and cool to cut up with, then I don't mind anyone for the most part.
I do that all the time myself, you, Biggie, and Zero has the tightest fireteam on NT, like yall know each playing patterns, so 9 times outta 10 yall 3 together, so I gotta backup clan that I run with from time to time.
Yea it's to the point, I don't even ask anymore. I just sign in and join their fireteam wherever they are. Or if I have something to do I just invite them

I normally join your stuff to Quad. There is a usual group of us that run around doing stuff....I think it is at least 8 of us. After that it gets kind of hard because they have never really talked much to us, or they run at different times than us.

Our raids normally are a mix of these guys from what I recall:








Tru Blue



I haven't seen kingpin_chi or bobby99son in a while, but I have ran with them before as well. There was another hunter from here as well I think I ran with too. Be nice if we could get 2 dedicated groups that ran every week. It could even be with people having 2nd accounts if they wanted it to be too.

We still gotta level our 2nd characters up too Quad, Zero, and Biggie
I'm making a second hunter this weekend. Running the raid twice a week until I get my damn Raid armor. Maybe later down the road I'll make a Titan and learn the joys of the way of the punch.
I'm making a second hunter this weekend. Running the raid twice a week until I get my damn Raid armor. Maybe later down the road I'll make a Titan and learn the joys of the way of the punch.

I guess. I could probably level one from 1-20 during the weekend after I do bounties. Hmm. One thing to remember is that whether you kill a level 1 mob or a level 26 mob they give you the same amount of XP. So if you're leveling doing easier mission and fighting easier mobs is better.
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I'm making a second hunter this weekend. Running the raid twice a week until I get my damn Raid armor. Maybe later down the road I'll make a Titan and learn the joys of the way of the punch.
I guess. I could probably level one from 1-20 during the weekend after I do bounties. Hmm.
I think we could clear it by running the story mode once fully. Or can run crucible and get points that way too. Even the bounties would work. It shouldn't be too bad.
I think we could clear it by running the story mode once fully. Or can run crucible and get points that way too. Even the bounties would work. It shouldn't be too bad.

I mean I would just use the character to do the raid a second time so I wouldn't really need to level any reps or anything for him. Good point.
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