Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

You can't equip any armor or guns purchased from a faction (dead orbit, monarchy, etc..), until you're a level 20. Those pieces are legendary and equipping comes with a level 20 minimum.

I think that he meant if he were to reach level 20 on a 2nd character without the required rep, if there would be a restriction. I personally can't see it.
He's asking if the 2nd character can wear it without having New Monarchy, FWC, or Dead orbit faction rank 2-3......
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Lemme ask you guys something, well I know @WrightOne86 doesnt have this problem haha, but what do your significate other say? Havening a non-gamer wife kinda sucks
. She is trying to be cool with it but I kno she didnt like that I play as much as i do.
and i want to play more
My wife usually doesnt mind, but once it gets past 3-4 hrs that I've been playing, I'll start my "wifey check-in" cycle every half hour or so.  Gotta always make sure to balance gaming and wifey time 

It was great running with you on the weekly yesterday @Ciscokid  .  Always good to run with fellow NTers.

So normal raid tonight it seems?  Anyone else got a separate team they can fit me in since there's one already set up?
I think that he meant if he were to reach level 20 on a 2nd character without the required rep, if there would be a restriction. I personally can't see it.

I can't speak on the armors. but I know the guns can be used between characters and they don't require the 2nd character to be in the faction to use said guns.
Lemme ask you guys something, well I know @WrightOne86 doesnt have this problem haha, but what do your significate other say? Havening a non-gamer wife kinda sucks
. She is trying to be cool with it but I kno she didnt like that I play as much as i do.
and i want to play more
Yea I lucked on that front. Since she has known me so long and she said that I was always into sneakers, video games and cars, that she would never make me change and stop doing those things that I like to do in my spare time

Doesn't hurt that we have a 3 month old at the house that keeps her busy, and she wakes up at 4am so she goes to sleep early and then I can hop on the game then

He's asking if the 2nd character can wear it without having New Monarchy, FWC, or Dead orbit faction rank 2-3......
I think that he meant if he were to reach level 20 on a 2nd character without the required rep, if there would be a restriction. I personally can't see it.
Yea this is what I was asking.

Just making sure the stuff I have leveled from factions/rep I can just throw in the vault and they grab them with no issues.
Kinda wanna try this strategy out tonight. If we can get this down, the Hard mode Oracle phase would be cakewalk. 

This is a jumping plan all three classes could do for the middle crack. Not all of us can fly like a Sunbro.

0jtgendo4 0jtgendo4 Thanks for letting me run with you guys and showing me that cave. wrightone86 wrightone86 your in for it once the baby starts walking. All my son wants to do right now is play with daddy once I get home. He's about to be 2 in dec.
Lemme ask you guys something, well I know wrightone86 wrightone86 doesnt have this problem haha, but what do your significate other say? Havening a non-gamer wife kinda sucks :lol:. She is trying to be cool with it but I kno she didnt like that I play as much as i do. :rofl: and i want to play more

My wife hates this game :lol:. Not because of how much I play it, but more so because she's just not that into it. She likes watching me play GTA, or fighting games (She's actually really into Injustice right now. I have to play a few matches with her before I can even hop on Destiny now :lol:), but she just can't get with the constant shooting or me screaming out "praetorian! Oracle! Etc.." :lol: I do have to let her know in advance if it's raid night though lol.

The biggest challenge for me though is the fact that I work the graveyard shift at a casino so I'm not on a "normal" sleep schedule. Balancing Destiny with that, wifey time and a 6 year old can get pretty hectic :lol:
Quick couple questions for you experts. Finally got my first exotic bounty and its for Bad JuJu. Is that gun even worth me grinding for? And secondly is there any more reliable way for earning strange coins beyond the weekly strikes? Cuz finding two other people to run with has been hell
Quick couple questions for you experts. Finally got my first exotic bounty and its for Bad JuJu. Is that gun even worth me grinding for? And secondly is there any more reliable way for earning strange coins beyond the weekly strikes? Cuz finding two other people to run with has been hell

Weekly Strikes + tiger strikes because blues have a chance of turning into strange coins one decrypted.

In terms of bad Juju, I mean the gun is good for weak trash mobs if you're farming or doing bounties. Other than that it's too weak. Mine is sitting in the vault waiting for the buff they promised.
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Quick couple questions for you experts. Finally got my first exotic bounty and its for Bad JuJu. Is that gun even worth me grinding for? And secondly is there any more reliable way for earning strange coins beyond the weekly strikes? Cuz finding two other people to run with has been hell
Just solo the weekly. It's not that hard and it is the best way of getting strange coins. Other than that it's completely up to luck.
Just solo the weekly. It's not that hard and it is the best way of getting strange coins. Other than that it's completely up to luck.
Tried to solo it last night on hard since I'm lvl 28 anyway. Got that flying bastard to his last eight of health after 30 min and died off a ricotched explosion I didnt even see coming. Lost all will to continue 
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Quick couple questions for you experts. Finally got my first exotic bounty and its for Bad JuJu. Is that gun even worth me grinding for? And secondly is there any more reliable way for earning strange coins beyond the weekly strikes? Cuz finding two other people to run with has been hell
Running tiger playlist strikes continuously will grant you a few once you decrypt the blue engrams you attain each time.  Basically run the list till you're all maxed on space in your inventory and head to the tower.  I typically get at the most two from an hour or so of grinding.  Not much but its something.  Also, public events have been known to give a strange coin on occasion.  It's not guaranteed however as those events are more inclined to give ascendant material.  Good thing is once you run your first event for the day, you'll get a public event reward from the postal guy in the tower, which will also typically give one strange coin or mote of light.  It's not guaranteed as I've said, but it is also worth doing, nothing really to lose.  Lastly, another thing you can try is grind on PvP for a good amount of time as well, which will net you engrams and even strange coins in the process.  They won't be in wealth by any means, but you will likely get at least one or two from an hour of grinding.  Just gotta stay committed.
Weekly Strikes + tiger strikes because blues have a chance of turning into strange coins one decrypted.

In terms of bad Juju, I mean the gun is good for weak trash mobs if you're farming or doing bounties. Other than that it's too weak. Mine is sitting in the vault waiting for the buff they promised.
You know I don't take that Juju slander Biggie!

I liked the Juju, but I am weird like that, lol. Honestly, all it needs is a little more impact and raise the magazine size from 15 to around 21-24 range and I would be happy with it.

I was rolling through the spawns and stuff in VoG when I was using it. The automatic reload perk on it was great against those mobs in there. I rarely had any downtime with the gun. Just make sure you have a good shot and always go for headshots obviously for max damage. Now it will suck on bosses and shielded guys because you will have to reload fairly quickly/often. Mine is maxed out at 300 so I spent a little bit of time with it.

Since you need strange coins, it works out that you are on the 25 strike portion then. Like they said, run the tiger strikes and you should be getting anywhere from 2-5 engrams a run almost. Those will decrypt into strange coins for you as well.

If you still have the 9 coins to get for the week, you can either run the weekly on a lower level 3 times (each time will give 3 coins) or you can grab one of us before Xur leaves and we can get you the 9 coins at once. It literally took me, Zero, and Biggie about 15 minutes to clear it with our void weapons. Others on here can clear him pretty quickly as well with their weapons too.
You're right, everyone has had horrible luck except 2 people

Wright and based.
I have no clue about this luck you are talking about

Watch I get some ridiculous drops tonight just to give you guys more ammo to give me a hard time
If we have 2 Titans, this looks like the easiest way to get the Templar to die without him teleporting and us getting that 5th chest in there. The 2 titans just stand on the 2 points that the red ring appears that keeps him from teleporting and the rest just throw their heavy weapons at him. Notice those GGhorns putting in work too @Zero23

If we have 2 Titans, this looks like the easiest way to get the Templar to die without him teleporting and us getting that 5th chest in there. The 2 titans just stand on the 2 points that the red ring appears that keeps him from teleporting and the rest just throw their heavy weapons at him. Notice those GGhorns putting in work too @Zero23
:lol: :nthat:

Or we can just cheese him with grenades and watch him fall off. We still haven't done that yet either. :lol:
 When you visit, there is a squad of community volunteers at the ready to assist you. Tonight, you're welcome to hunt them down and destroy them. If you can.
The Welcoming Committee executes a crucial mission. Unlike the Ninja, who lives to mete out justice, the Mentor exists to serve. They answer your questions when you're lost or confused. They point you in the direction of helpful resources you can use to enhance your player experience or solve your problems. If they identify you as a new citizen of our community, they might just issue forth with a kind word (something we could all use more of on the Internet).
You are cordially invited to blast these good guys to luminous bits on our virtual field of battle. Why would you want to do that to such a pleasant group of people? Because if you can, we'll give you this...


Please be forewarned: in Destiny, these gamers aren't helpful stewards of community. Once Guardian armor is donned, the Mentors become killers. Just like you - stone cold and eager for victory. If they see you on the other team, they won't exchange pleasantries or advice. They'll open fire with terrible munitions and divine magic.

This is why we've placed a Bounty on their pretty little heads.

Thursday, October 30th

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific

PlayStation 4*
The hunt is on, and your prey will be suited up with a unique emblem all their own. Set your destination for the Crucible. If you're matched against a team including some of the following (led by me), you'll have a chance at glory.






Come and reap. Or watch on Twitch!

We're ready to Mentor you in the fine art of war.
Oh yea a new emblem!
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