Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Lemme ask you guys something, well I know wrightone86 wrightone86 doesnt have this problem haha, but what do your significate other say? Havening a non-gamer wife kinda sucks :lol:. She is trying to be cool with it but I kno she didnt like that I play as much as i do. :rofl: and i want to play more
My girl HATES it, stays giving me attitude, she needs to miss me with all that lip talk :smh:
My girl and I live together, i get my gaming done downstairs in the office.  She always wanting me to hang out with her, but when I do, she either watching some show i dont care about or she playing some damn game on her phone.  
  Sometimes she knows i'm in the party chat with homies and she'll try and embarrass me, talking bout "but you love watching the Kardashians," 

I just checked how many hours I've logged in Destiny with the app, i'm only at 85 hours.  She needa chill. 
Ran the raid on normal with krazyblunts today. Got the chest piece and the last word. It's the last thing I needed. I'll be level 30 within the next 3 days. Yeeeeeee
My bad fellas no Destiny tonight, something came up.

...Only a worthy candidate shall wield thine relic in the innermost regions of the Vault made of glass. To my clan mates - Choose my predecessor ever so wisely, or suffer abhorrent consequences instigated by interference.
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Apparently there is PSN Maintenance tonight from 9-11pm Pacific.. idk if this comes with downtime?
Really maintenance at midnight EST then...

I'm on the way home now. Will be close since I can't just walk through the door and get on but I will be there, lol

Damn weekly patches and VoIP team messing up their test deployment,smh
It is just a comfort thing since we all know who is who and how they play at this point.

Just join our chats and run with us some time. I normally forget who is who, so I just receive an invite out the blue from someone I don't remember, I more than likely won't answer though :lol:

One of those the more they see you and talk to you, the more they remember who you are and invite to run with them type of things.

If you are of level, decently equipped and know what you are doing or can learn quickly and cool to cut up with, then I don't mind anyone for the most part.

Yea imma lvl 28 hunter but these void damage missions arent working for me since my strongest element guns are mainly solar or arc damage smh. juicyju and a lvl 29 Warlock basically carried me thru the nightfall smh. So ill prolly just end up being carried too since I'm not equipped enough :/

I know how you feel |I for me it feels a bit tough getting onto raids since I can only play around 9-10pm pst and for only about an hr. and have never done it. i have played crucible and weekly with a few. Shout out to wrightone86 wrightone86 again for being the only one to accept my invite when i was trying to solo the weekly a while back :lol: :smokin

Yea I see you on sometimes but I always just assume youre already in a party :lol:
Im usually on from like 730pm est til whenever I get tired, bored or go somewhere. I'm actually on right now, just waiting til my friend get on
do not hit me up for a raid unless you lvl 30. cant be carrying these noobs anymore.
Random but are there any OTHER ways of getting Motes of Light? Like besides the cryptarch & xp? Cause I need 14 more for this Venom of Ikaheka Cloak and I aint getting that by Wednesday if there arent any other ways :smh:
They better not leave that cloak out when they do the stock refresh
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I'm on rdy for the raid. Just invite/msg me.. I will get the notification to my phone. Cavs/NYK
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