Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

You know what we should do? One of us run a solo Nightfall, then when the nexus is about to die, other two jump in, kill and get the XP bonus and rewards. Then other two run nightfall and do the same thing and get the original solo person to jump in with an alt and get the nightfall bonus. We should do that tonight. Would level us up faster too. Unless they don't even let you get into the nightfall before level 20.

I dont think it will let you get on. Might say lvl too low to join. I've had that happen to me not with nightfall specificaly but with others
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Good raid run last night fellas :pimp:

All I got were guns and the shader. Corrective Measure (legendary), Thunderlord (exotic), and Praedyth’s Revenge (legendary).
It was only for like another 20 minutes or so. Since I was level 4 they only let me take 3 bounties - Cosmodrome Patrol, 200 dust mites on Cosmodrome, 100 kills without dying. Finished all three quick and leveled up fully. I might not even bother with the story missions. The bounties and patrols are pretty good. Not to mention crucible. Oh yeah, I did get to do the devil walker in the divide with my alt. Even though other 29's did most of the leg work, I like to think my 56 damage green pistol did work too. I ended up getting an energy at the event then another one at the mail carrier so this is kinda working out nice. Transferred through vault and good to go. Just gotta get to 20, then it's on. One way or another I'm getting this damn Raid Armor!!!!

Nice :nthat:

Once I finish that Crucible bounty this evening and run the daily strike, I will hop over and run the alts with you guys too. I am sure you will say that I don't need to run with a 2nd character to get more stuff though :lol:

I might not be as lucky come the next raid and will need that 2nd run though. The extra strange coins won't hurt either.
You know what we should do? One of us run a solo Nightfall, then when the nexus is about to die, other two jump in, kill and get the XP bonus and rewards. Then other two run nightfall and do the same thing and get the original solo person to jump in with an alt and get the nightfall bonus. We should do that tonight. Would level us up faster too. Unless they don't even let you get into the nightfall before level 20.

Im down also, my alt is at level 13, but I still need to finish up some bounties and the raid with my main.
It was only for like another 20 minutes or so. Since I was level 4 they only let me take 3 bounties - Cosmodrome Patrol, 200 dust mites on Cosmodrome, 100 kills without dying. Finished all three quick and leveled up fully. I might not even bother with the story missions. The bounties and patrols are pretty good. Not to mention crucible. Oh yeah, I did get to do the devil walker in the divide with my alt. Even though other 29's did most of the leg work, I like to think my 56 damage green pistol did work too. I ended up getting an energy at the event then another one at the mail carrier so this is kinda working out nice. Transferred through vault and good to go. Just gotta get to 20, then it's on. One way or another I'm getting this damn Raid Armor!!!!


Once I finish that Crucible bounty this evening and run the daily strike, I will hop over and run the alts with you guys too. I am sure you will say that I don't need to run with a 2nd character to get more stuff though

I might not be as lucky come the next raid and will need that 2nd run though. The extra strange coins won't hurt either.
You know what we should do? One of us run a solo Nightfall, then when the nexus is about to die, other two jump in, kill and get the XP bonus and rewards. Then other two run nightfall and do the same thing and get the original solo person to jump in with an alt and get the nightfall bonus. We should do that tonight. Would level us up faster too. Unless they don't even let you get into the nightfall before level 20.
I dont think it will let you get on. Might say lvl too low to join. I've had that happen to me not with nightfall specificaly but with others
It's the same thing with the raid though. Tek couldn't start his own Hard Mode Raid at level 27, but he could join my fireteam in the Raid. So I wonder if you could use that exploit to do the same? Might not work but worth a shot. I remember jumping into a Nightfall the first Phogoth week and a level 29 with Maxed out GGHorn telling us to jump in then he finishes it off and we got the reward. I got a legendary pulse from that. But I was level 23 or 24 and I couldn't even start the nightfall myself.
Good raid run last night fellas :pimp:

All I got were guns and the shader. Corrective Measure (legendary), Thunderlord (exotic), and Praedyth’s Revenge (legendary).


Came out like a bandit.

I'm still surprised that no epilogue dropped yesterday for anyone.

The true positive that I take out from doing yesterdays raid was that I'm super comfortable being a relic holder and being aggressive with it against the mobs. But this is also the same reason that we need to carry 2 Titans, one other than me. The bubble for Weapons of Light buff is so important. My corrective measure with a full mag was doing over 100k in total damage, then switched to my epilogue and did even more.
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Yea I got teleported one time last night and the other 2 guys to get the oracles, so I just picked up  the relic. Ran down the stairs and did 2 jump bashes and then a quick bash, cleansed and then we were clear to go. Then just jumped to the middle platform and held it while you guys did work. It really isn't that bad at all. I don't mind running the relic if need be. Since most of us have "+Oracle damage" bonus weapons now, it makes it even easier to drop them as well in the raid.
I wish the P&T was void. I already have two of the queen's snipers from her event, both arc, and the cryptarch gave me a legendary package yesterday that turned into an arc sniper from new monarchy. Add my icebreaker in there and I'm pretty set on snipers, I just need a good void one :\.

I'm still holding out for that GGHorn :evil:
I wish the P&T was void. I already have two of the queen's snipers from her event, both arc, and the cryptarch gave me a legendary package yesterday that turned into an arc sniper from new monarchy. Add my icebreaker in there and I'm pretty set on snipers, I just need a good void one :\.

I'm still holding out for that GGHorn :evil:

You need to run the raid as it's one of the drops. We sent you an invite, and yes we know you were doing the weekly. It's cool.
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P&T is worth it for the Arc damage alone IMO. The thing Boost is that you won't be able to equip your Suros at the same time. So that'll be the trade off. I mean if you raid you'll probably get a VoC or an Epilogue so that no longer becomes an issue.
You guys see that if you wear your Jackolyte helmet (consumable) when dealing with Xur that you can buy another consumable that changes the way you respawn for 24 hours?

Makes it like a gang of bats. It is called the Flight of shadows

That Patience And Time 

Loving it so far. I don't think anything will ever beat my Supremacy with AP rounds that shoot through walls though 

Found this clip on my onedrive. Dudes get so mad when I do this.
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