Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

xur inventory this weekend:
Crest of Alpha Lupi [Exotic Titan chest armour] – 13SC
Mask of the Third Man [Exotic Hunter helmet] – 13SC
Sunbreakers [Exotic Warlock gauntlets] – 13SC
Truth [Exotic rocket launcher] – 17SC
Exotic Engram [helmet] – 23MoL

should I cop the truth or wait for gghorn? :nerd:
Xurs trolling knows no limits. Really? The truth again? Every weapon has cycled twice except the ghorn. It's been ghost since the second week. But I'm sure that's "random" right? F'ing bungie man....
MASK OF THE THIRD MAN FINALLY! Copped lol. Still wondering if I should get the Truth tho. I heard its better for PVP than anything but I dont use rocket launchers on PVP or anywhere else for that matter lol
The Truth is the the 2nd best rocket launcher after the Gjallahorn, and since it has void and since I have hella coins, I'm buying it even tho I just got and Unfriendly Giant which also tracks enemies just like the Truth ... anything void gets auto copped since it's needed in the raid.
no icebreakre :frown:

Truth is 
 if you dont already have one

I have 40 SCs and 30 MoLs so I guess ill cop the helm and a engram and see what happens. Cant let em go to waste I suppose
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The ******* Truth?!?!?! The ******* truth?!?!?!? **** YOU BUNGIE!!!!

I get shards in 1 Nightfall and then a legendary rocket launcher that I shard for energy and this is how you repay me! i mean I'm getting one just to have one but god....

Aetheon better hook me up.
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The ******* Truth?!?!?! The ******* truth?!?!?!? **** YOU BUNGIE!!!!

I get shards in 1 Nightfall and then a legendary rocket launcher that I shard for energy and this is how you repay me! i mean I'm getting one just to have one but god....

Aetheon better hook me up.

Yeah cop that truth bro. Wright was doing work with it all week. Then again, you did just get them boots. At least you didn't get two more chest pieces... :x
The worst nightfall reward is a legendary engram. I've gotten it twice so far. Both times it turned into 2 ascendant energies...
Worst part about these boots for the current save we have is that even though I will be 30 tonight for the wrap up, I can't be the relic holder for Aetheon because I'm the only one with a bubble :rofl:
Worst part about these boots for the current save we have is that even though I will be 30 tonight for the wrap up, I can't be the relic holder for Aetheon because I'm the only one with a bubble :rofl:
will be power leveling tonight. I need dem boots. Technically you could drop the relic and pop a bubble then pick it back up real quick. Not ideal at all though.
Yes, get Truth launcher. Like someone said it is the best pvp heavy in the game currently.The seeking and blowing up early are clutch and ridiculous. You don't even have to aim down sights for it to lock on. It is also void where gghorn is solar.

The crucible map first light, on the moon where everyone snipes... I have taken a sniper out that sits on those silos/missles in the ground from the B flag, and even from the gun turret overlooking B flag easy. Literally shoot it and forget it. You don't have to follow it or wait.

I can hide around cover or around the corner on boss fights and just jump up or peek out real quick and as long as I see them, it will go attack them.

For the minotaur/praetorians... I do about 8k damage per shell (6400 void hit and there is always another number in white/grey that says 1400-1600). On the gatekeeper part when I go defend the middle conflux, it is a 1 shot in those red but shielded minotaur. Allows to keep them down and try to keep the trash from getting out of hand behind you too.

I would definitely get Truth launcher. I have been thinking for a while. Since gghorn hasn't been out for a while, if they have removed it or reduced the Xur chance of it. They know everyone wants it and how powerful it is, so maybe they don't want it available as a Xur purchase frequently as the rest.
Bungie mos def do not want to sell Gjallahorn, as they have recognized how powerful it is ...I'm sure they've seen those youtube videos of 6 man team beating Atheon is record time thanks to Gjallahorn.

The day xur sells Gjallahorn is the same day hell literally freezes over. :lol:
noobs should learn the raid on hard mode then?

Well, as we saw yesterday with someone who wasn't prepped for hard mode with neither the right combo of weapons FULLY leveled nor the right focused mind set, *cough* Quad Jr. cough*, hard is no joke. If you don't have the firepower, speed, communication, synthesis packs, and focus don't even waste your time on the gatekeeper. You have no chance. Everything before that is cakewalk.

Otherwise you are like Derrick Rose in
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Yes, get Truth launcher. Like someone said it is the best pvp heavy in the game currently.The seeking and blowing up early are clutch and ridiculous. You don't even have to aim down sights for it to lock on. It is also void where gghorn is solar.

The crucible map first light, on the moon where everyone snipes... I have taken a sniper out that sits on those silos/missles in the ground from the B flag, and even from the gun turret overlooking B flag easy. Literally shoot it and forget it. You don't have to follow it or wait.

I can hide around cover or around the corner on boss fights and just jump up or peek out real quick and as long as I see them, it will go attack them.

For the minotaur/praetorians... I do about 8k damage per shell (6400 void hit and there is always another number in white/grey that says 1400-1600). On the gatekeeper part when I go defend the middle conflux, it is a 1 shot in those red but shielded minotaur. Allows to keep them down and try to keep the trash from getting out of hand behind you too.

I would definitely get Truth launcher. I have been thinking for a while. Since gghorn hasn't been out for a while, if they have removed it or reduced the Xur chance of it. They know everyone wants it and how powerful it is, so maybe they don't want it available as a Xur purchase frequently as the rest.

Yea I'm going to pick it up. We'll see what happens. Going to pick up the gloves engram as well, might get the Titan ones just for the hell of it.
Last night was a success for the squad. Biggie got his boots to get to 30 and Wright scored a GGhorn in the nightfall. Congrats bros. Next up hopefully I get my boots after I power level another alt. Should be close after tonight.
Last night was a success for the squad. Biggie got his boots to get to 30 and Wright scored a GGhorn in the nightfall. Congrats bros. Next up hopefully I get my boots after I power level another alt. Should be close after tonight.[/quote]


I saw you being done halfway through 4 :lol:
Zero was on until 3am talking about "I just want level 4 so I can get the bounties before I log off and then get the others tomorrow."

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