Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Congrats fam!

I'm just hoping to get any raid weapons at this point (except swordbreakers) out of the many times I've done drop I've only gotten 5 raid guns, 4shotguns and 1 black hammer.. *****.

@InfraRen your descriptions and adjectives are unmatched in here man!

The writer in you definitely shows.

your descriptions and adjectives are unmatched in here man! :rofl:
The writer in you definitely shows.

:tongue:. Just how I'm wired I guess!

Anybody need to knock out Crotes McGotes tonight? I have the CP from when me and Hustle/Chris ran it on Tuesday. Couldn't get him down though. We'll need a swordbearer cuz I think Jaffie is prolly off tonight.

Once we finish that up I'm down to Vault.
I have a few weapons and armor with full xp for the upgrades, but i just dont feel like farming for mats, or farming strikes for armor to break down.

I play with my buddies who are all 32s and they talking about how good it is to be 32, but when we run crucible, they're terrible.  I mean awful.  I'm satisfied with where i'm at with the game, its time to play some other games until next Iron Banner, or DLC.  
I hope ing for either suros or red death. Don't believe they'll sell ghorn anytime soon. Maybe when comets fly
i'll dismantle my vex mythoclast

one of them lolol

Nah, you have to put up something legit like a promise to dismantle your GGhorn :lol:

Hell, Based says that he will dismantle his 1st GGhorn and post a video if and when he gets one. I will hold him to it! :smokin
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Trading will ruin this game, it won't work correctly or as easily as you may think.

If you want to trade, go play Borderlands.
There should be an auction house where you can put up weapons and armor for materials of your choice. IE: Gjallarhorn for 100 Strange Coins, Suros for 50 Radiant Energies, etc. etc. Prices would be pre-set and determined by Bungie. That way it wouldn't be easy to get certain materials and would still be somewhat of a grind, but it would allow players to get the items they want and still have to grind for it.

Would be kinda cool. I have had so many Suros drop for me, but never seen a Monte Carlo or Red Death. Only recently have I started to get Thunderlords.
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