Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

i may sound crazy but its true. When you proc the LitC and firefly it happens.

Well damn, smh.....I was looking forward to finally having a decent legendary HC to use |I

Guess that other Hawksaw just got bumped up the list :lol:

Or maybe I will get a Y2 Saint 14 helm instead

If you don't have one.. get the Red Death.

Trials/IB in 2 weeks.. get ya gear right.
Interesting changes to IB and ToO. Kind of like the changes overall for the most part though. 

Oct 13th IB (230 light min.) is back and that same weekend , the 16th, ToO (290 light min.) comes back as well 
If you don't have one.. get the Red Death.

Trials/IB in 2 weeks.. get ya gear right.
Bought a Red Death last week already. 

You know I will be ready to run that with you 

Unless that is a Resolute only type of thing for you now 
Well damn, smh.....I was looking forward to finally having a decent legendary HC to use |I

Guess that other Hawksaw just got bumped up the list :lol:

Or maybe I will get a Y2 Saint 14 helm instead

Buy helmet engrams and decrypt on your Titan.
I'm off today and had a few hrs in the am so I join the100 to try and knock out the raid for the first time; fool meant to set it at 930pm instead of 930am :smh:
That ain't work for me. I ended up just buying my ST 14. Plus it's pretty expensive coin wise to keep trying and failing IMO
Yea it def adds up. Luckily I have all 3 characters 290+ light. Just need to get all their armor up to Y2 now. As long I don't get anymore Ahamkara warlock gloves or Titan Insurtmountable SKullforts, I will be good, lol
Is anybody new at the game and willing to go through the game with me? Or anyone willing to help me level up and show me the ropes? I literally just copped the Destiny (base game) and am just going through levels.
So we obviously need to be 310 for trials. Right?

And y'all are foul for not even CONSIDERING me for the raid last night :smh::x
So we obviously need to be 310 for trials. Right?

And y'all are foul for not even CONSIDERING me for the raid last night
310 is the goal but I think within 5 light of your opponents is equal damage.

I think bungie said theyre reworking the algorithm in their update this week.
Well you being on PS for Destiny is winning 1/2 the battle in itself right there, lol

I believe Destiny comes with a token booster for 1 character now, so you can at least have 1 level 25 to start. The issue is, I don't think you can start the new content until you finish the OG story first. Luckily, you will be level 25 and higher level than what you would be facing so it wouldn't as tough. There are plenty of NTers on all the time. The key is to catch one of us on that has some spare time to help you out if we aren't doing something else or about to already. 

Here is the list of PSN names that we made starting out. Feel free to add any and all of us to help you along the way.
So we obviously need to be 310 for trials. Right?

And y'all are foul for not even CONSIDERING me for the raid last night
310 is the goal but I think within 5 light of your opponents is equal damage.

I think bungie said theyre reworking the algorithm in their update this week.
With the min being 290 light for Trials, I would imagine to at least hover around the 300 light area will be ideal at the least. 
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Well you being on PS for Destiny is winning 1/2 the battle in itself right there, lol

I believe Destiny comes with a token booster for 1 character now, so you can at least have 1 level 25 to start. The issue is, I don't think you can start the new content until you finish the OG story first. Luckily, you will be level 25 and higher level than what you would be facing so it wouldn't as tough. There are plenty of NTers on all the time. The key is to catch one of us on that has some spare time to help you out if we aren't doing something else or about to already. 

How can I use the token booster? If its a code that comes with the game, I got my game used if that makes any difference.
How can I use the token booster? If its a code that comes with the game, I got my game used if that makes any difference.
Destiny used... Taken King version?

It was with the Taken King pack that came with that I believe. If it is a Taken King version, then they probably already redeemed the code and sent it back like SOME of the guys on here were doing 
I just thought....

When are we going to get @InfraRen
 back on Destiny? I miss him and mystical word play he used to use :lol:

From the shadows he emerges, in a cloud of smoak and cloaked/
Got his Gjally, lost the fire, the spark that burned was unevoked/
But poked and prodded from the brethren with whom he raided/
He's evaded these expansions, but memories have never faded/
Can he be baited, perhaps persuaded to be taken by the King/
Wield those weapons, get to steppin just once more, one more fling?/
I hear your pleas, the body counts, and the imminent demise/
Renny rescuin' redemptionin respect and realize, I rise.../


For real though, I literally played the game 9 months, finally got my Gjally, then only played sporadically for about 2 weeks and then fell off HARD. I actually sold it for $20 a couple months back.

Wife and I just had our second baby girl, so I'm pretty busy these days. I do miss playing with ya'll though and the Taken King commercials have hit me in the feels.

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Oh I didn't buy the Taken King, just the regular Destiny game. Although the start screen when I play says Taken King?
From the shadows he emerges, in a cloud of smoak and cloaked/
Got his Gjally, lost the fire, the spark that burned was unevoked/
But poked and prodded from the brethren with whom he raided/
He's evaded these expansions, but memories have never faded/
Can he be baited, perhaps persuaded to be taken by the King/
Wield those weapons, get to steppin just once more, one more fling?/
I hear your pleas, the body counts, and the imminent demise/
Renny rescuin' redemptionin respect and realize, I rise.../


There are those posts that have been missing in here 

Now for us to find

@Based Jesus



PSN chats used to be on fire man 

Cordon Bleu

You Work, You Lose

and so many more 

Oh I didn't buy the Taken King, just the regular Destiny game. Although the start screen when I play says Taken King?
Hmmm....I am guessing since TTK is Destiny now that is what you have. I am not sure how that works for you then. I am guessing you just have access to the old content and can't see the new places and what not. Not sure how that works for weapons and all that though. Someone else might can provide input on that though. 
Oh I didn't buy the Taken King, just the regular Destiny game. Although the start screen when I play says Taken King?

Buy TTK, you pretty much gotta buy every dlc if u plan on going all the way in on Destiny. TTK includes all three dlcs and Destiny.

Make 3 characters.
Titans are good as a starter character.

Are you pve or pvp or both type of player?
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