Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

So many times there's these big Deb meltdowns with no fallout. Just back at it next episode like nothing happened. Deb trying to kill them both could have been a good twist they built off, but I feel like they fumbled so many angles and tied it all up so neatly.
Yeah, at this point Dexter has long jumped the shark, I've just been watching since season 1 so I need to finish it :lol: the writing and storylines have been really lacking for a couple seasons now.
Disappointed in this episode. It wasn't even needed.

Why does it feel like the "previews" are telling the whole story. :rolleyes
predictions for this season:

vogel really killed harry. harry was upset with her and was gonna expose her and her unconventional methods. maybe she prescribed him the heart medication and told him to take a certain dose that would kill him without his knowledge. before harry's death, he tells matthews about how vogel created dexter's dark passenger. matthews originally told dexter that his dad committed suicide, but brings vogel back hoping that dexter would put 2 and 2 together and get his revenge.

deb gets raped by her boss. secretly, he slips the date rape drug and tells her its the same electrolyte thing he's been giving her to focus. quinn finds out and kills him and he gets back with deb

dexter bangs his neighbor cassie who is really hannah mckays homie. she convinces him not to use a rubber and gives him hiv

This actually made some sense in the beginning until you started mentioning the Date rape thing with Deb :lol:

I do think the show isn't done with Hannah Mackay though.
This actually made some sense in the beginning until you started mentioning the Date rape thing with Deb :lol:

I do think the show isn't done with Hannah Mackay though.
Neither does anyone who's seen preview for the season lol
I like how Dex said, I have my son tonight........

No ****** **** you have your son clown. :lol:

Then he comes home and the nanny says what, "dinner's in the oven"

Most WIVES don' even say that **** bruh. The God damn nanny doin it. :lol:

Dex needs to kill Quinn and move in on Jamie, make it official.
I like how Dex said, I have my son tonight........

No ****** **** you have your son clown. :lol:

Then he comes home and the nanny says what, "dinner's in the oven"

Most WIVES don' even say that **** bruh. The God damn nanny doin it. :lol:

Dex needs to kill Quinn and move in on Jamie, make it official.

Lmao got me dying in class smh
Each episode is getting harder to watch. Deb is too much, she's brutal. Then the random guy that saves Deb but doesn't go back to grab Dex? Uhhh, ok
So kill yourself when you get home.:lol:

That was a supreme lack of logic. I'm disappointed in the writing so far.

this. the writing is so damn lazy

dex goes out and hunts for the brain surgeon then confronts vogel about the new suspect with the scar on the back of his head. vogel's response, "oh yeah my bad, forgot about yates having brain surgery."

yates sees dexter in his house, finds out he's working with vogel AND is going to run his prints from the shoes. yates lets him walk away

dexter finds the secret entrance to yates' kill room because yates left the light on. lol wut. how lazy could the writers be? they definitely mailed it in on that one

where should dexter lure yates to abduct him? oh i know, a nursing home in broad daylight. no one will ever notice

where's the best place to hide a key to the dvd drawer? directly above the drawer.

what do you do when you have patient files and tons of sensitive information on your computer? don't password protect your computer.

harrison is supposed to be 3 years old and looks like he's 7 lmao. by the end of the season, he'll hit puberty
If Matthews always knew that means he set LaGuerta up to get killed just to get his job back. I will admit he seemed very willing not to believe Dex is a killer unless the evidence is right in front of him

:rofl: @ date raping Deb and Dex getting HIV. What you on? :lol:
Jamie adopts him. Her damn kid anyways.
I'm saying.

Minus whale call him Harrison Batista at this point.
season has been weak, hopefully they bring back Hannah Mckay
But the issue with “Scar Tissue,” as has always been the problem with Dexter, is the show’s obsession with keeping Dexter above reproach, which completely neuters a show built around an anti-hero (see: “Nebraska”). The audience is supposed to identify with Dexter, but only because the story is told from his perspective, not because he’s some sort of blood-spattered saint. I guess it’s fitting in a way, how much the writers fall over themselves to prove Dexter’s worth to the audience; one of the characteristics of psychopaths is their obsession with forcing other people to see them as they wish to be seen. But Debra is the closest thing Dexter has to an audience proxy, so the effect of having Vogel spend an episode convincing her she did the right thing in that storage container does two disservices in one, extinguishing the tension in their bizarre love triangle while making the audience feel like Dexter’s value is being crammed down its throat.,100216/

i like this paragraph as a summation of the whole series
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Yo tell me that convo with Jamie wasn't on some married couple steez :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She wouldn't let him leave :lol:

Ok ep. The preview for next week intrigues me. It'd be interesting as hell if it's Quinn that takes Dex down or tries to.
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Best episode of the season so far Dexter with the spear through the beautyrest. Next episode looks all kinds of crazy I'm just waiting on Hannah and Lumen to pop up they just have to.
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Imagine is Quinn finds out about Dex
and deb has to pick between the two
and ends up killing quinn...hopefully she shoots herself after that
she would become even more annoying lol
I seen the signs with Jamie. :lol: look at this bish.

Man, what a pussburger serial killer. Mommy issues type boy. :smh:

Deb looks back to normal, hopefully ya'll shut up now.

Mazuka daughter angle.......the hell this all about? Strange.

Quinn gettin it from all sides. This stuff reminds me that Mathews could absolutely know about Dex/Harry and not care one bit. But Quinn chasin Dex again????? I bet they misrepped it. Bet he thinks he's stalkin a chick or something easily explainable.

Vogel passin out the code like Halloween candy. :lol:
Imagine is Quinn finds out about Dex

I think that tidbit we saw for next weeks episode is misleading. There is no way in Hell Quinn is finding out anything.
I know it's a complete misdirect cuz he really wouldn't call out to Dex from his car if he knew he was stalking his next victim. It's probably something about Deb and Dex just goes along with Quinn's assumption.

But still the thought of Quinn actually finding out and doing something is intriguing unlike before when he almost found out and was kinda gunning for Dex. I could see a scenario where Quinn finds out and possibly follows Matthews examples and doesn't react or do a damn thing until Dex is exposed.
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from the preview it looked like it was about the rich kid not about quinn finding out about dex
but still it would be funny if that did happened tho
Great episode... I hope that kid doesn't get taught the code, seems like a brat.

Still not sitting right with Masuka's daughter. 

That scene with Quinn is misleading. Quinn is thinking Dex is trailing the kid as well to find some evidence.

Deb's coworker outta nowhere slugs that dude... His feelings are coming out. 
predictions for this season:

vogel really killed harry. harry was upset with her and was gonna expose her and her unconventional methods. maybe she prescribed him the heart medication and told him to take a certain dose that would kill him without his knowledge. before harry's death, he tells matthews about how vogel created dexter's dark passenger. matthews originally told dexter that his dad committed suicide, but brings vogel back hoping that dexter would put 2 and 2 together and get his revenge.

deb gets raped by her boss. secretly, he slips the date rape drug and tells her its the same electrolyte thing he's been giving her to focus. quinn finds out and kills him and he gets back with deb

dexter bangs his neighbor cassie who is really hannah mckays homie. she convinces him not to use a rubber and gives him hiv

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Glad they are ending this series. Last 2 seasons were epic. This current season is weak.
Glad they are ending this series. Last 2 seasons were epic. This current season is weak.
The last 2 seasons were anything but epic. Season 6 was arguably the worst season of this series and last season was just good enough to keep the regulars hanging around to watch this show end. This show jumped the shark awhile ago and if the first 4 seasons weren't so damn good, nobody would even be watching this show anymore.
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