Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

I liked Harry's dialogue about Dexter has a new need besides a need to kill. Seemed like a foreshadow that Dex and Hannah could run away together, but maybe brain surgeon interrupts that.

Could unseen brain surgeon come in and kill Dex to end the series?????? :wow: :nerd:
I think it's Masuka's daughter. She plotted masuka to come to her bar and see her nude at work; knew it would bug him and find a way to give her a better job. She gets to work in the lab, close to Dexter.

It just doesn't make sense why she would come into the show this late.

It's either her or Vogul behind this. Vogul still hasn't explained her "unconventional" methods.

Anyone else noticed how they played the same Cass Elliot--"Make Your Kind of Music" song when they showed Shoe Killer breaking into Vogul's home and when Zach is left dead in Dexter Apartment? That's def. a sign.
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It really saddens me that Zack died. He could have been great.

Dexter ends and now we hace

Zach travelling photographer killer. Its Dexter but with Super models. Why did he have to die:smh:
Mazuka's daughter being the mastermind would be too much for me :wow:

I can't necessarily agree the mastermind has to have been here the whole time or most of the time. Simply cuz despite this really good ep the writing aint that good. Plus they aint throw any subtle hints or any kind of foreshadowing. Some of the stuff like the bf is still a bit of reach.
i thought that alluded to vogel being the brain surgeon, she usually calls dexter when the brains get delivered to her. after all that is how one of her patients got one of those scars right

:rofl: It was a cut of a preview.

Is everyone just watching the encore now that breaking bad is back?
This should got pushed all the way to the back. I'm watching BB, Ray Donovan, Low Winter Sun, and Newsroom before I get to Dexter now.

brain surgeon = Jamie

Yoooo but really if there's anyone else that could figure out what Dexter is and what he's been doing it would be Jamie.
damn, I actually began to like Zack this episode. If Vogul is the killer, why would they show her receiving packages though?
Just when i started liking Zach :smh: .

Its definitely Masukas daughter.

Hannahs bad. Id eat the butt.
WOW @ this episode...

I can honestly see Mazuka's daughter and Cassie's BF being a tag team... 

Mazuka's daughter gets the intel passes it to Cassie's generic Ryan Gosling BF and he does the dirty work... 
who ever kill cassie has to know of zach, the only person that fits the profile is vogel
unless the brain surgeon was tailing dexter.

theres still something off about mazuka's daughter, but i doubt is thats shes the killer.
Yall dudes not making sense. Why would Vogel send herself another piece of Zack's brain? or are you saying she's saving a souvenir/trophy and is just appreciating her handy work at the end of the ep?

To me it's too obvious that it's Vogel given she was the last one with Zack and right now all signs point to her.
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Yall dudes not making sense. Why would Vogel send herself another piece of Zack's brain? or are you saying she's saving a souvenir/trophy and is just appreciating her handy work at the end of the ep?

To me it's too obvious that it's Vogel given she was the last one with Zack and right now all signs point to her.

That's why I'm apprehensively accusing her to be the brain surgeon. It's just TOO obvious, and I'd like to give the writers more credit than that.

My gut tells me that it's someone who knows Zach and Dexter. Or else why would they kill Zach? I also think that same person plotted Zach's DNA on Cassie so Dexter could leave town for a few days in hope of him looking for Zach.

I mean, if you think about it--it really seems like Vogul is guilty here. But there has to be more to it.

"Make Your Own Kind of Music" playing while Dexter enters his apartment and finds Zach dead is an indicator too. That's the second time they've played that song.The first time was when Vogul put it on right before Yates broke into her home and held her captive.

Now that I think about that episode, Vogul knew how to push Yates' buttons and kind of controled him in some way for a brief moment. She knew his mental weak point and pretended to be Yates' mother. Vogul started to abuse Yates and scold him as Yates' mother would. Vogul def. has the capabilities to control people. Maybe this is why Vogul is so interested in "studying" Dexter.

I just realized that I'm going in circles with this whole thing now :lol:
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99.9% sure the last scene of this series will be Vogel holding up Debras, Dexter, and Hannah's brain
What I don't get, or like is IF Vogel is the one. IF, she is the brain surgeon, why so late? Why do they throw us off track halfway thru the season, only to rehash it and it's now her, and has been all along, with 3 episodes left?

Especially when they had her pushing Dex to mentor Zach, only for her to turn around and kill him right away? That makes NO sense.

On top of that, she actually helped Deb and Dex get back on the same page, something that hurts her chances more than anything.

She has the brain to run everything, I have no doubt there, but I don't see her having the braun, or the reason for it.

At this point, I just hope it isn't Vogel. I like her better as a manipulator, someone you can never fully trust, but not as the main threat.
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