Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

Going down with the ship.
So, you guys still gonna play music as the shop goes down?
nope, I pushed Rose off that plank and hopped on about 3 weeks ago
I've really grown to like Quinn's character.

P.S. - How ******g weird was it to see him in The Dark Knight Rises for like 7 seconds?
I've really grown to like Quinn's character.

P.S. - How ******g weird was it to see him in The Dark Knight Rises for like 7 seconds?

It was more weird to see them plug "A storm is coming line" Lol, but seriously it was odd as hell.

And nope. Still can't stand his character. He hitting Jaime, so I hate him even more :lol:
i think he got close to cassie because he wanted to get closer to dex...
but then he probably ended up actually liking cassie and when she wanted to end it
he had to end her
What's so hard to understand? She wants to be a cop again so she'll help Quinn with little things like that and things he can't do that she can do with PI resources. While on the other hand she doesn't want to fully commit cuz she helps out her serial killer brother (by steering away the detectives) and his serial killer friends while also wanting to cross the line herself when she gets too emotionally involved in a case.

The show has fallen flat, everybody sees that but if you aint talking about the eps, I don't see the point of coming back to keep complaining. Might as well save it until the finale. I know I aint going back to the TWD thread again same with The Killing.
So he killed Cassie cuz she wanted to end it and then after decided to frame Zach?

He killed her because he is a psychopath and a serial killer.

They never said why, it may have been because she wanted to end it, it may have been because he saw an opportunity to frame Zach, or it may just have been that it was time for her to go, he was always going to killer her from the start I believe.
I don't agree. I think he killed Cassie to frame Zach all in some plan to mess with Dex.

The other dude I quoted said he did it out of rage cuz she wanted to end it. I just asked to simplify things cuz that reason seems unlikely.

As I've already said though, I don't care about the sequence of events or reasons why. Writers aint even going back to that.
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Nut jobs like the brainiac don't give a damn if their girl wants to end things, he iced Cassie to get Dex to kill off Zach. Point blank.
Quinn sure would benefit if Zack were to be convicted for killing Cassie thus proving Zack a murderer and helping him earn his promotion to Sergeant. Thanks Surgeon? :nerd:

I thought it was odd that Quinn was like "hey Dex did you see any DNA on Cassie?", "look at the two scene photos, Norma and Cassie were murdered the same way".

I mean Quinn was almost obsessive to convict Zack and prove himself, thus getting him his promotion to Sergeant. Not to mention Quinn feels this is the reason why he didn't get promoted.

Quinn could have very well seen Zack next door and Dexter's door (trying to watch him).

Idk why but I thought this was plausible since Quinn is a crooked cop. Just trying to see it from another angle and see who else has MOTIVE.

Let me know what you guys think. Possible? :nerd: :nerd:

This is all assuming that the Surgeon didn't do it. But the Surgeon is always a "step ahead" as Dex said, so why would he try to implicate Zack knowing Dex would figure out Zack wasn't there the whole time? Dexter never commits to a kill without knowing that person is guilty.

As any detective would do, find all suspects with motive and rule them out.
Not true, Dex has mistakenly killed before. He was ready to kill Zach, he just happened to ask one last question in which Zach was able to explain. Otherwise Dex would have killed that guy twice already.

Surgeon may or may not have set up Zach, but the door handle could have been Quinn, I suppose, hence him asking about the DNA.

Quinn doesn't have the brain for this stuff tho, that dude thinks with his fists too much, as seen last season.
Another angle worth thinking about with Saxon killing Zack is that he may have been jealous of the sort of motherly role Vogel was playing in Zack's life. Protecting him from Dex/ wanting to teach him the code. We do know this whole time he's been just trying to get her attention. :wink:
I asked another poster a superfluous question because I disagreed with their reason for why Saxon killed Cassie. You decided to answer my question which your own reason which was he's a psychopath and a serial killer. That's vague as ****. Of course I disagree.

I posted why I thought he killed her twice now; before I replied to you, two pages ago and when I replied to you on the previous page.

If you're confused, w/e.
I said they never said why he killed her. Then one of the possible reasons I said was he wanted to frame Zach, I really don't see where you disagree, but okay you disagree.
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I asked another poster a superfluous question because I disagreed with their reason for why Saxon killed Cassie. You decided to answer my question which your own reason which was he's a psychopath and a serial killer. That's vague as ****. Of course I disagree.

I posted why I thought he killed her twice now; before I replied to you, two pages ago and when I replied to you on the previous page.

If you're confused, w/e.
I said they never said why he killed her. Then one of the possible reasons I said was he wanted to frame Zach, I really don't see where you disagree, but okay you disagree.
I think you should go back and read the last few pages cuz if that's the case all you did was repeat what I already said when I was talking to that other poster. I don't get why you'd reply to me with an answer I myself have posted :lol:
I don't get why you'd reply to me with an answer I myself have posted :lol:
lol the Irony...

Anyways I was replying to one specific post not every one of your post, I never look at who the posters are. My point was more that we never were told why, and it could be one of many reasons including that one. I should of multiquoted, because the guy you quoted in your post about him killing her out of rage was the only theory I didn't buy, since this guy doesn't seem to be the type to rage kill like that. It was way too set up and planned.
While I haven't finished the new episode I'm beginning to understand why Deb acts the way she does. The way Dexter treats her like a five year old, withholding crucial and important information is part of what drives her to such extremes. It's weird this past episode when she supplies the understanding that he asks for, instead of giving her the information to build that trust and understanding he just cuts her off. She's just another tool for him to use.

Anyways I'mma finish the ep and then edit this
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