Discussion on cheating on tests, exams etc

My math teacher this semester has been allowing us to use phones as calculators.

I use my Ipod Touch and go online to look at the old exams from previous semesters.

First 2 exams, got a 91 & 89.
dont, its better to do bad in a class then caught cheating especially in college.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I only cheated on things I didn't care to learn.

There's no point to learn trig or anything like that if you are never going to use it in life. So cheat and pass the course to take a course you actually care about and will study for to actually absorb the material.

Learning pointless information is well...pointless.

You right. My ability to learn/read about things I don't care about sucks unfortunately. This is where cheating helped me earn my college degree.
Use to cheat in high school sometimes..mostly in classes where the teacher clearly didn't care.

Now I don't cheat in college..getting kicked out and embarrassed is so shameful..plus it just feels bad.
i believe in cheating in any classes that dont really have anything to do with your major. otherwise your just cheating yourself. your gonna go into your fieldwithout sufficient knowledge and skills
i have used every method in the book that i can think of.
the waterbottle trick, phones, sit next to nerds, have the answers under the desk. alot of my teachers wouldnt let you take bathroom breaks or anything whentaking a test.
I don't cheat. It's not worth the risk IMO. If you don't know it, you don't know it. The test is to see whether you DO know it, so why bother?Just do better the next time.
I tend to do fairly well on tests. I rarely get below a B on my tests and that's because I'm pretty quick at learning material. I may ask friends thathave taken the class what to expect, but thats hardly cheating. At the end of the day, you've got to live up to your actions, and I don't want to lookat a cheater in the mirror.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

i have used every method in the book that i can think of.
the waterbottle trick, phones, sit next to nerds, have the answers under the desk. alot of my teachers wouldnt let you take bathroom breaks or anything when taking a test.

That's my !+%$

I used to come to class with 5 water bottles in my backpack all with different notes in it since you can't really fit much into 1. I'd just switch thebottles on my desk when the teacher wasn't looking.
me an my friend weren't the dumbest nuts around so sometimes during tests we just exchange papers and take a look at what each other got.. studying reallyisnt as hard as I thought as long as you got someone with you who is willing to learn too..
Saw it a lot in my 4 years at school. Today some girl pulled out her blackberry on the exam and started Googling the answers.
Haven't cheated lately but in high school most definitely.

I remember one time, the teacher posted the answer key online while we were taking a quiz. I took a bathroom quiz, got on my iPhone, looked through it, andwent back. I couldn't remember any of it so I brought out my phone as a "calculator" but I think my professor knew what was up so I just put thephone back. Couldn't even risk it
i had a teacher that would leave and we would right down the answers and leave them on the back of our nametag. this was while i was in hs but taking spanishat a community college. I cheated every once in a while in HS but stopped towards the end. Not worth the risk, especially if you get caught. theres apossibility of not having letters of rec sent out. In college, NEVER!
Sometimes you have too many finals and not enough time to study for all of them or memorize all the equations (if no cheat sheets are allowed).

Coming in with EXTRA cheat sheets FTW. Professors says 4 cheat sheets for the final, dudes be coming in with 8
You gotta do what it takes to get the A.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by dunkaruu

I never did it in high school or college and it made it much more difficult but also rewarding. It did seem like the students that cheated had it easier, though.
any truth to that rumor that if you smear some chapstick on the black lines on the side of the scantron, the machine can't mark it wrong?
I always heard that but never had enough balls to try it. I would write hints and tips on the scantron lightly in pencil. My professors never looked at the scantron before the test. Just erased everything before I turned it in.

At my school, you would bring your own bluebook or scantron, and then give it to some random student, and you would take theirs.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Saw it a lot in my 4 years at school. Today some girl pulled out her blackberry on the exam and started Googling the answers.

Did this on friday.
I rather cheat than fail.

It is so much more satisfying when you actual study and ace an exam though
First off, EVERYONE cheats. I don't care what you believe.

Secondly, if it's a course that is relevant to my major/career, I'll put forth the effort to learn and do well. If it's not relevant, like GeneralEducation $+!##%@!, I won't hesitate to cheat.
In high school I used to steal tests and make good cash off selling em. Sometimes I made around $200 selling em at $5 per test. If you can get the test outof the teacher's classroom, get to the copy machine and make a copy, then put the test back without getting caught; it's worth it. It was a rush too. Then give a copy to a few of your smarter friends for free, and have them give you the right answers. Then fill in a Scantron so you can switch it with theblank one the teacher gives you. Good grades and good money FTW.
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