DJ Mister Cee gets caught soliciting a male prostitute......again

I must've spoken too soon then because I only listened to the first 20-25 minutes and they were basically telling him to come out the closet even though he kept saying he wasn't gay. 
@ getting the prostitute on the phone, I would fully expect that if he did the interview with the breakfast club...
yeah they were being serious about it the whole time and didn't let him backpedal but he still choose to not acknowledge the possibility of him being gay and play i have a sex problem. that west indies card was the best thing he coulda played but he can't use that now. 
As a west-indian person myself....being gay is def frowned upon. West-indians can tolerate homosexuality but we still believe it's some kinda disease like AIDS.

:lol: @ him being a real battyboy now.
but what are the implications of said penis shopping? its not as if hot 97 would fire him.

if i were mister cee, i would stop calling myself "the finisher". just saying...
:lol: Yo.. he All BUT said he was gay.. like he said every possible thing that would implicate his gayness without admitting it..

.."But if I was gay, thats my choice.."

:stoneface: :lol: Cmon shun
throw back interview from 07.. No wonder Charlemange be roasting dude hes know for a while now..

THis whole thing is stupid. He is a grown man and has the right to smash who/what he likes. The problem here is that if he is gay he needs to either own it and live his life so everybody can move the **** on, or do a better job at hiding his secret. At this point I think people don't really care if he is or isn't. We recognize his contribution to hip hop {especially in NYC}. Nothing can take away from what he has done.

His antics are fueling the fire and people don't like it when you front. Now he is going on a self imposed suspension to avoid the questions and embarrassment. At the end of the day he needs to be able to live his life and be happy. Find a man and do you, leave the illegal **** alone. He obviously isn't good at being discreet, so he needs to figure this out.

This world is more accepting and tolerant now, he doesn't have to keep up an image anymore when the majority of the dudes who ride with Mr. Cee are in their middle 30s and up. Ninjas don't care anymore.
well-thought out comment

i totally agree although the stupidity of the few mental midgets using their radio platforms to ridicule him for basically being gay is a difficult thing to counteract because their words have gravity in those (hip hop) circles. 

it's somewhat weird/ironic of these radio personalities to act out that way considering how heavily-closeted people associated with the world of hip hop are. who knows, maybe they're taking shots at others in order to protect their own (secret) identities

anyway, mr. cee just needs to be real with himself
thats the thing, are they ridiculing him based soley on the fact that he is gay, or because he trolls for ****** prostitutes? Either way I think if it was out there it would die down. Behind the scenes I'm sure they will go in on him heavy, but on radio they can't afford to disrespect theLBGT community.
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thats the thing, are they ridiculing him based soley on the fact that he is gay, or because he trolls for ****** prostitutes? Either way I think if it was out there it would die down. Behind the scenes I'm sure they will go in on him heavy, but on radio they can't afford to disrespect theLBGT community.
i was wondering if the backlash/ridicule he's facing right now would be the on the same level if he was caught with a female prostitute and i really don't think it would be.

he would get a bigger pass.  there's still a heavy duty stigma for anyone to come out as gay in hip hop circles compared to other social/musical subcultures (mainly because a lot of hip hop reinforces an idealized and nonsensical version of masculinity and realness - whatever that means)

i mean the fact that he was caught with a prostitute left him open for criticism, but the fact that the prostitue was a dude?  X10
i was wondering if the backlash/ridicule he's facing right now would be the on the same level if he was caught with a female prostitute and i really don't think it would be.

he would get a bigger pass. there's still a heavy duty stigma for anyone to come out as gay in 
hip hop circles compared to other social/musical subcultures (mainly because a lot of hip hop reinforces an idealized and nonsensical version of masculinity and realness - whatever that means)

i mean the fact that he was caught with a prostitute left him open for criticism, but the fact that the prostitue was a dude?  X10

They're clowning him because he got caught with a ****** prostitue before, skated around the question and basically said he's not gay, get's caught AGAIN and STILL keeps dodging the question talking about "i'm not gay" :lol:

I can respect a man who at least has the courage to keep it 100 with w/e he does/did, but you're just going to blatantly lie after everybody knows what you did? He looks like a fool.

Same reason why Rick Ross caught so much heat for being a C.O. Dudes ain't clown him for being a C.O. they clowned him because the picture clearly said "William Roberts" and he said (at first) "That's not me, I wasn't ever no C.O." :stoneface: Bro, the evidence is right there, just own up to it and move on, but trying to lie your way out of it ain't gonna work.

Hell if one of the weakest centers in NBA history can come out the closet and get a Oprah special, I'm sure Cee can get some acceptance, from somewhere, maybe even a check. it's 2013 not 1983
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i was wondering if the backlash/ridicule he's facing right now would be the on the same level if he was caught with a female prostitute and i really don't think it would be.

he would get a bigger pass. there's still a heavy duty stigma for anyone to come out as gay in 
hip hop circles compared to other social/musical subcultures (mainly because a lot of hip hop reinforces an idealized and nonsensical version of masculinity and realness - whatever that means)

i mean the fact that he was caught with a prostitute left him open for criticism, but the fact that the prostitue was a dude?  X10

They're clowning him because he got caught with a ****** prostitue before, skated around the question and basically said he's not gay, get's caught AGAIN and STILL keeps dodging the question talking about "i'm not gay" :lol:

I can respect a man who at least has the courage to keep it 100 with w/e he does/did, but you're just going to blatantly lie after everybody knows what you did? He looks like a fool.

Same reason why Rick Ross caught so much heat for being a C.O. Dudes ain't clown him for being a C.O. they clowned him because the picture clearly said "William Roberts" and he said (at first) "That's not me, I wasn't ever no C.O." :stoneface: Bro, the evidence is right there, just own up to it and move on, but trying to lie your way out of it ain't gonna work.

Hell if one of the weakest centers in NBA history can come out the closet and get a Oprah special, I'm sure Cee can get some acceptance, from somewhere, maybe even a check. it's 2013 not 1983

all of this. still waiting on flex to address this issue. he can't possibly do another bomb off/bomb on rant after cee getting exposed again..
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