Do you consider The Black Album a classic????

%%#% it ill play...

2. December 4th - 5/5

3. What More Can I Say - 4/5 The chrous stops this song from being 5...

4. Encore - 5/5

5. Change Clothes - 2/5-Always disliked this ##*%...It seemed so manfactured

6. Dirt Off Ya Shoulder - 4/5

7. Threat - 5/5

8. Moment Of Clarity - 4/5

9. 99 Problems - 5/5

10. Interlude - 4/5

11. Justify My Thug - 4/5-Always been dope to me...theres some spit on this %*%@

12. Lucifer - 2/5-I know im gonna get killed for this but never really felt this...I always skip it

13. Allure - 5/5

14. My First Song - 4/5

Is it Classic to me?
Pretty close though...
4th favorite jay album RD>Blueprint>Vol 1> Black Album...
At first this album was rated a 4.5/5 to me and the only thing I didn't like was the beat on JMT. But it has stood the test of time and is now a classic inmy eyes.
Originally Posted by BeallsFinest

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Black Album>>>Blueprint. By far Jay's more REAL album.
I listen to this album about 3 times as often as the Blueprint.
Me too, but I think its just because I played out BP1 so much.

Side by side, I like BP1 > BA


BA is a classic....period.
To me classic means that every song is amazing and you can listen to the whole thing without skipping a track and Justify My Thug definitely kills that. But itis a great album indeed. One of his best without a doubt. But I swear these days the NT music section should just have a Jay-Z sub-category with as much aseveryone talks about him.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

I consider it a "Classic"... It was the PERFECT ending to a career... This is Jordan in the final seconds over Russell...

"Justify My Thug" is a DOPE record IMO... Theres no truly AWFUL tracks on this album (thats saying a lot for a Jay Z album)... Every song serves a purpose, tho it may not have as many AMAZING tracks as other Jay albums, theres still enough Good/Great records to hold it to the classic prestige...

2. December 4th - 4/5

3. What More Can I Say - 5/5

4. Encore - 5/5

5. Change Clothes - 4.5/5 (2nd verse

6. Dirt Off Ya Shoulder - 4/5

7. Threat - 3.5/5

8. Moment Of Clarity - 3.5/5

9. 99 Problems - 4.5/5

10. Interlude - 5/5

11. Justify My Thug - 4/5

12. Lucifer - 4/5

13. Allure - 5/5

14. My First Song - 4/5

Yep... Its a classic...
How's Change Clothes a 4.5, but Moment of Clarity is a 3.5?

No way is Change Clothes better than any of the songs you ranked it above.
"Change Clothes" was a perfect 1st single... If you put that side by side with some of Jay's singles, IMO its one of the better ones... Its nottoo much, but its still a solid single without him trying entirely too hard...

"Moment Of Clarity" on the other hand, in comparison to the "introspective" Jay Z records, I don't think its all that spectacular...Even compared to the introspective joints on this album alone...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

"Change Clothes" was a perfect 1st single... If you put that side by side with some of Jay's singles, IMO its one of the better ones... Its not too much, but its still a solid single without him trying entirely too hard...

"Moment Of Clarity" on the other hand, in comparison to the "introspective" Jay Z records, I don't think its all that spectacular... Even compared to the introspective joints on this album alone...
Fair enough...

I wasn't saying Change Clothes is a bad song, I just don't see it above the other songs you ranked it above. To each his own though.
Originally Posted by mossman75

Nope album is not a classic

Change Clothes
99 problems
Justify My Thug

^All Garbage

I hope i'm not as disgruntled as you are when I get to be your age (63)....
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Classic indeed.

only thing i dont like is the beat to "justify my thug"
See I don't understand this...I didn't like it when it first drops, but now I feel like it's one of the hardest Jay beats of all time.%#%+ bumps so vicious and he goes in with some super deep lyrics...
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

God I hate these threads...what happened to just appreciating good music for their intrinsic worth aside from the need to rank and categorize everything?
Word, always end in arguments. Yes it's a classic.
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