Do You Give Homeless People Money?

One time I saw a guy with a sign and I called him flashing a $20 he ran towards me and there was also a Mexican dude selling flowers.. I told the bum to callhim over and handed the $20 to the dude working...
I felt that my money was in better hands
Good Feeling FTW
Nope I don't wanna hear your sob stories. It's a reason your on the street you don't just go from having a Good job and a nice home then straightto the street.

somewhere along the lines you messed up. Plus if I give it to them today they'll be outside tomorrow asking for it,ain't like they saving up.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

One time I saw a guy with a sign and I called him flashing a $20 he ran towards me and there was also a Mexican dude selling flowers.. I told the bum to call him over and handed the $20 to the dude working...
I felt that my money was in better hands
Good Feeling FTW
Yup at least Mexicans on the street try to earn money by selling flowers and fruits.
Some homeless guy was singing on the side of the street...Later I saw him in johnny rockets gathering change to purchase a small order of friend

I took his tab and paid 2.92 for it...As I walked out I just said have a good day man before he knew his tab was taken care of

MAde me feel good
Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Some homeless guy was singing on the side of the street...Later I saw him in johnny rockets gathering change to purchase a small order of friend

I took his tab and paid 2.92 for it...As I walked out I just said have a good day man before he knew his tab was taken care of

MAde me feel good

What was dude doing at Johnny Rockets??? With $2.92 He could have gotten small fries and a dbl Cheeseburger at Mds... or 2 Spicy Chicken sandwiches at carlsjr.
Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Some homeless guy was singing on the side of the street...Later I saw him in johnny rockets gathering change to purchase a small order of friend

I took his tab and paid 2.92 for it...As I walked out I just said have a good day man before he knew his tab was taken care of

MAde me feel good
every now and again.

I could picture myself in their shoes and imagine how it feels to sing the blues
I gave this bum in Kobe's a dollar the other day.
One time I gave a bum a pretty nice Columbia jacket. I had just copped a Northface so i said why not, at least i know he's going to use it. He was verygrateful.
Originally Posted by seventh letter


i do sometimes..i dont go out of the way to do it..i hate it when yourgetting off the highway onto the offramp or whatever its called and it'll be a big line waiting for the light to turn green..homeless person will just makehis way down the line of cars..i be in there praying for the light to turn green
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I like to pump fake like I'm about to give them something.

I never give panhandlers any money because:
-the vast majority are scam-artists
-giving them money won't help their situation

If you're going to give them anything, it's best to give food. As a matter of fact, I've seen panhandlers reject food and ask for money instead.
gave a bum a double cheeseburger as i rolled outta mcds. dude had to nerve to take it w/o a thank you and immediately ask got any change?
straight up south park style. i had to crack up/
Nah. You give em money, they buy drugs and alcohol.
I prefer to go to my nearest foodco/foodmaxx/foodsource/albertsons. etc.
get $1 loaf of bread and give it to them.
Nope, I go to Georgia State which is in Downtown Atlanta and is the home for all the homeless. If i gave them money, then i would never have any money seeingas how i see dozens of them everyday but weekends
I gave a crack head money once...I went to Walmart at like 1AM...because I was bored as hell, why not grocery shop?

Dudes asks me for money for some weird #%@ reason I dont even remember....but !%@$ it...I had a couple dollars.....than I see dude walk across the parkinglot....get in a Dodge Charger....and then they drove to a secluded Car Wash.....

Stupid move on the part of the dealer though...he shoulda just stayed in the walmart parking lot....if a cop happened to see them back there he couldainvestigated it.
This bum in the city asked me for money for popcorn, cotton candy and a soda once. Needless to say, he got a laugh and a stiff arm instead.
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