Do You Give Homeless People Money?

usually i try and give them food or something like that. i give change sometimes depending on how i feel
Originally Posted by lee the turntablist

I've actually seen this sign the other day when i wasin Virginia for a wedding.
to all the people saying you dont give homeless people change when they ask for it.....are you voting for Obama??? Because basically you are saying thatredistributing YOUR money is not OK, but if someone else is wealthier than you then they should give you money????

sounds kind of strange to for change people and mean it!!!

and i dont give homeless people anything but food....most of the time they dont want it......its so sad....
why would i go and give someone my money that i work hard for? to answer the i dont.the tiime and effort the homeless people use to make thesigns and stand or sit there holding them, is a chance for them to be finding work.
I dont usually give them change but this one time dude had no legs and his face was burnt off
gave him 5 bucks.
Gave a bum money once cuz his sign was dope..

somethin to the effect: " Family kidnapped, need money for ninja lessons"
I prefer to give food, or even to buy food if I'm on my way to a fast-food place. I used to give change but some homeless guy in a ratty McGahee jerseyshook me down the other week and I've stopped since.
Not after my girl had these two experiences: This lady was standing outside the Addison L stop in Chicago saying she was pregnant and asking for money. My girloffered to buy her some food and she refused. Four months later, same lady, same place, same thing. My girl called her out for lying about being pregnant andthe lady just walked away. Another time my girl and some friends went and got food and took the leftovers and were gonna give them to someone and this guyasked for money and they gave him the food...he just walked over to a trash can and threw it away and said "I don't want that".
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]no[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)], cats around my university aremad disrespectful. they don't take anything but dollars.[/color]
No. But has anybody ever actually seen a homeless person that wuz THAT raw??? Like the pic OP posted?
Only if they work for it. Like the ones that sing, or at least make a speech on the train. They have to make more than an effort of begging, for me at least.Even if its reading a scripture from the Bible or humming a Jay-z song.
I do not,
especially being that I saw my neighbor (and his brother) both 40+
who have a roof over their head, sitting on the freeway offramp with homeless signs SMH meth junkies

I usually give homeless people something of the food variety, one time I had just gone to eat pizza and had 4 slices left over and said here take this, hegladly ablidged
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