Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I'm surprised this thread still open due to the race war talk :lol:

If it's a street level war, black folk winning easily. Large scale, it's obvious who's winning. And yeah of course, Asians will stay to the side.
I thought this  fictional race war was strictly a black/white race war. If it's just a race war period, then sure of course they'll jump in. 
Lol what?

So the rest of us are on the sidelines eating popcorn and watching the battle?
I thought this  fictional race war was strictly a black/white race war. If it's just a race war period, then sure of course they'll jump in. 

i made it a choose your own adventure race war.

i definitely plan on standing to the side watching, defending myself and others on a case to case basis.
Oh if its only black and white, whites will win in a fictional war.

But you underestimate how embarrassed white people in this country are against the undesirable type of white people.  If it were a real race war it would be those whites against everyone else and that won't end well for Jim Bob and his Neo-Nazi militia. 

We would have engineers, doctors, scientists, the strongest, the fastest, most diverse army...and they would have Joe who works at Walmart.

Damn man not Joe
As an Asian dude,

I would be fighting with Blacks.


and i hope they fight with us
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What have I created? 

But to be clear, a race war is every race. Why would some races sit out? this aint a seeded tournament. aint no brackets. this is real time strategy.

as for asians, latinos, and arabs, they would likely leave for their country of origin. most of them are recent immigrants. even those who have been here much longer would still try to dip imo. i suspect the same is true for many africans and west indians. everybody wanna be american but nobody wanna be american.

prepping culture i think has valuable lessons for first world people. its an acknowledgement that the default state of life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" and without preparation and hard work it will always remain that way.

i too am surprised this hasn't been locked but the conversation has remained 100% respectful and debating the possible strategies of such a scenario i think would still be ok. its not like anyone is advocating for it.
I don't think you'd just be able to hop on a plane or boat in the middle of a war, especially a race one with people getting checked. Ain't nobody going nowhere except maybe a few who can escape to Mexico, the new world super power.
In this race war I dont think any of the minority races would team up, maybe in small pockets but we all will be fighting the Caucasians, mixed people gonna have to make some business decisions.
I think there will be alliances. Mixed folks will have to be initiated in a blood in, blood out scenario. If you aren't known, you'll have to put in work to earn trust. I'm GTA'ing my way to the middle of the food chain. The top and bottom are both too dangerous.
I've been thinking about this way too much but I see a multiple foreign powers looking to help the non White races in America if for nothing else but a come up.

We wouldn't care about being the most powerful country in the world at that point just survival.

So Russia, the Middle East and everyone else would be on some "we have to help stop the genocide in America"while they take Americas spot after the carnage.

They would back the minorities. Only thing is if the minorities came close to winning I think the Whites would just launch the nukes and end the world.
i agree
kendrick is trash
all the voice changing wack stuff he be doing
dude be sounding like a gremlin
and with his fake deep songs

Preach !!!!! Tthis post makes me happy.

Fake deep songs :lol: my exact thoughts.

His flow is garbage. My boys say it's raw but his tracks hurt my ears. If I want some raw I'll throw in some beans.

Kendrick is so overrated .

He is not the answer.

Carry on.
I respect Kendrick's lyricism and always give his albums one good listen when they drop, but do I ever just casually bump his music? Nope.

Judge me.
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