Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I'm not a fan of steak. Mad overrated.

Agree and disagree. Steak is one of those foods in which you have to pay for quality. Steak from joints like black angus are buns. You don't even have to go to a top knotch steakhouse to notice the difference in quality
I tried medium rare, not ready for that. The texture is a little too mushy for my liking.

I need a little bit of firmness.

No MeanGene
Depends on quality of meat. Some places you can order a small 6 oz steak with no fat but you can order 10 or 12 and a bulk of it would be alot of fat.
Sure, you are describing a VISUAL characteristic. Meaning a form of decoration.

Which makes it a display that has a potential audience in mind.

Again, not sure why you have a hard time admitting it

Exactly and the audience is me.

I'm not talking about a "Live, laugh, love" decoration.
Need to branch out my dude, there's some great authors across different races and nationalities. Different topics/subjects and styles of writing.

Been reading Fyodor Dostoevsky as of late. Picked up 4 books, working thru the second one right now
I mean I know that. That's just what I'm focused on right now at the moment. I love history and learning more about my people.
I mean I know that. That's just what I'm focused on right now at the moment. I love history and learning more about my people.

Peep "Devil on the Cross" - Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

He wrote that book in prison on toilet paper.
Malcom Gladwell is dope too. Finishing David and Goliath right now.

His perspective on things is crazy. Makes you look at the world differently.
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