Do you like it when you see girl's wear jordans?

i stick with smaller white chicks who rock flip flops but thats just me. (live by the beach btw)
hot, but they don't match my wife's style. we ended up giving her V's to my mum.
Only if she's flat on her back with her legs akimbo and the soles of her Jordans pointed at the ceiling.
Originally Posted by jayxpeezy91

Only if they are pretty. But man theirs this girl in my calculus class, she's pretty but man she wore fake jays to class and I was like, I can't look that way anymore.
that is some of the dumbest @*%# i've heard in awhile.
not at all, maybe i said it wrong. I'm taken back when i see a cutey wear AJs, i admire a girl with some shoe game.
not really into jordans on a girl. It seems like the only girls around here with jordans are hoodrats.
But Stilettos and Uggs are a go.
Originally Posted by jayxpeezy91

Only if they are pretty. But man theirs this girl in my calculus class, she's pretty but man she wore fake jays to class and I was like, I can't look that way anymore.
So what? Whats the big deal? She's not a sneakerhead anyway, so she dont have an idea if shes wearing legit or fakes...
Originally Posted by aphexacid

I like my women to dress like women.

My sentiments exactly.

I guess i date women of a different echelon.

Cuz ain't no woman with a corporate job even considering on owning a pair of j's.

It may be suitable for a particular age bracket, so no hate...

But it's tacky for women my age (who don't hoop professionally or recreationally)
to don a pair of J's.

For the younger cats, i understand the fondness...

(But i didn't even like them wearing it in highschool... it's type tomboyish, in a faux pas
kind of sense. - Mind you, i went to school in a primarily colored pupil populace)

Different folks... different strokes.
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