Do you regret not voting?

living in a southern state my one vote is not going to stop us from being red

but i also realize that hundreds and thousands of my peers think like me and thats what makes things the way they are to begin with

maybe when the right candidate comes along but im glad trump got the racists feeling bold enough to expose themselves

super predator hillary isnt gonna win my vote for using hot sauce, looking at a few dance tutorials and not being trump
super predator hillary isnt gonna win my vote for using hot sauce, looking at a few dance tutorials and not being trump

Someone que the pic of Hilary dab with Obama ghosted crying in the background, lol
HIllary. Trump. Different puppet, same strings.


To y'all saying you didn't vote, you didn't vote for President or just abstained from the entire process (state and local elections) as well?
If you have the chance, why not voice your opinion. If you are really about it, do it with the funds (only way to matter really :lol)
Those local elections are important too. Made sure I was hip to alot of those officials during that time
Whether you think your vote matters or not, you should still vote. Just because their are two main parties, it doesn't mean those are the only people on the ballot.

It's so easy to send in your vote for most states that it's sad people don't exercise they right.

That's if you believe in democracy. But criticizing the political system is like talking negatively about someone's religion, people get emotional.
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So many hot takes in here :lol:

I am a big advocate of voting. But I am not really bothered about non-voters because most of them I talk too and misinformed about something. Policy, the political system, civics, you name it.

Like you believe in voting locally yet skipped this election because you thought the presidential race was a joke, then you just contradicted yourself big time. If you're mad that your vote doesn't matter in a blue or red state, then you need to learn about primaries, and Congressional races. If you think all voters, especially liberals, like the current voting rules, you are severely misinformed.

But it is whatever. Most people will just do more and more mental gymnastics to defend their stance.

-One last thing, all the "they were both the same" dudes. I suggest you read Clinton's and Trump's campaign policy proposal before they get taken down. Also the Dems and GOP party platforms. Before making the false equivalency, at least do that
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despite living in a deep blue state that always votes dem, i went out and voted for hillary because of how much i was opposed to trump. i cast my vote against him and his horrible stance on environmental issues. i cast my vote against him because to stay at home would be equivalent to standing with him. i can lay my head on the pillow at night knowing i wasn't complicit in this dumpster fire of a presidency.


Voted for H due to the same reasoning.

It takes absolutely no effort at all to cast your vote via mail-in ballot. No excuses.
This is just gonna turn into a: Hillary Clinton shadefest, a strawmanfest of claiming voters are emotional and think politicians care about them, hot take fest about how our political system "actually" works, and diet conspiracy theories .

-BTW, I hope some of you dudes have a change of heart, especially if you lean left or care about Civil Rights. The GOP is two state houses away from being able to call a Constitutional Convention. In that, they would be able to pass amendments that could void out Civil Rights legislation. Article II is definitely gonna be in the cross-hairs
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Hell nah, to the nah nah nah, talkin bout hell to the nah.

Her crooked self won the popular vote anyway. Got more votes than any losing candidate ever got and still lost cuz the Electorial College (the dudes really in power) selected the piece of **** Trump. So no, I do not regret playing along with the game. But if you did, do you pleighboi.
Not one bit.

Trump is to the Republicans is what the Joker is was to the mob in the The Dark Knight.

They thought they found someone to win the war and he's going to pull down their empire.

Just got to ride out the carnage and pray not too many people get hurt
One side-note because having read back I see people mention the Electoral College. Blaming it by itself for Trump. It is responsible in some ways (it is way overblown because we all knew the rules going in), and I hate it because it disenfranchises citizens. Also, their are better systems like ranked voting, and a France style two round voting method.

However, this idea that they are ones ones with all the control is not true. Electors are just regular folk chosen to do one thing, cast their vote in accordance with the results of the statewide election. Yes there is a check in that if an elector feels the election was dishonest of the incoming president is truly a danger to the country they can vote against the will of the people, but it is a generally agreed precedent that electors vote in accordance with state results.

The system is developed a) to protect smaller states, by dividing them disproportionately more power and for b) logistical reasons having to do with the times.

A huge problem was created in I believe the 1910s when we capped the number of House Reps at 438. Republicans did this to lock in their power. It was intended that the House of Reps would grow with the size of the population. So truly we should have over 1000 House Reps right now, way smaller Congressional districts, and way more electors which would mean less importance on swing states.

With more electors, the Electoral College becomes much more representative. Votes from state to state would count more of the same. With Florida and maybe Ohio would be the only swing states.

Now add gerrymandering and voter suppression into the mix the it makes the situation worst. Not only that, self suppression as in not voting makes the situation even more worst. Because the only way really now for election to be really representative is if turn out is very high. Like above 2008 high

I say all this to drive home the point that the Electoral College is not some nefarious system just invented to steal elections and suppress votes. But other things work systematically with other things for that result to happen. There are proposal from progressives in many states to move to alternative voting methods. But if you don't like things are done now, your no vote just makes it worst. Staying home allows dark money to influence elections more. Demand voter reform, vote for voter reform, because it might take an amendment to get it done. There are meansto change the system, if enough people push for it.
This **** is a joke period. Whether you believe how much power the Electorial College has can go on all day. At the end Presidents are selected and it ain't by the "people".

Dude please. You have simplistic belief, I have an understanding of how the system works. Electors vote according to the votes of the people within their state (except of a few rare cases, that never swung an election).

To claim or imply that 538 people just chose the president without the influence of people's votes is patently false. Period

The Electoral College could be reformed to be nearly perfectly representative.
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Are there any examples in recorded human history of an oppressed people gaining their independence/sovereignty through the political system of it's oppressors?

In the recorded history of mankind an oppressed group has never gained independence unless they were the majority or they took it by force
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So many hot takes in here :lol:

I am a big advocate of voting. But I am not really bothered about non-voters because most of them I talk too and misinformed about something. Policy, the political system, civics, you name it.

Like you believe in voting locally yet skipped this election because you thought the presidential race was a joke, then you just contradicted yourself big time. If you're mad that your vote doesn't matter in a blue or red state, then you need to learn about primaries, and Congressional. If you think all voters, especially liberals, like the current voting rules, you are severely misinformed.

But it is whatever. Most people will just do more and more mental gymnastics to defend their stance.

-One last thing, all the "they were both the same" dudes. I suggest you read Clinton's and Trump's campaign policy proposal before they get taken down. Also the Dems and GOP party platforms. Before making the false equivalency, at least do that

The "they were the same ppl" are deplorable and dont deserve a response lol

Trump just might be a a third level demon.
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