Do you still stay with your parents?

Yeah I’m not clowning people for living at home. Look around **** is expensive as hell. I get it.

I just can’t do it.

I’d let my daughter stay at home idc. She’s low key like me. My mom is so abrasive. :lol:
When I graduated law school during the great recession of 08 and 09 I was saddled with student loan debt and with firms delaying start dates left and right, my parents let me stay with them when I was studying for the bar in the summer of 09. I got hired at a firm in November of 2009. My parents never charged me anything during my stay even though I offered. We just really enjoyed being together and my relationship with my parents changed in that we became best friends. I learned more about being an adult and decent human being during that time. I ended up staying with them through my first three years as an associate not for financial reasons but for support reasons and I wouldn't have made it without living with them. This is long way of saying that if you can stay with your parents take advantage of the opportunity. You guys know about my mom but my dad and I are still strong and if it weren't for those years living together I don't think we would've made it.
Wait yall living with your parents and dont contribute anything? Like dont chip in with rent or bills or groceries?

Thats a bit weird to me. I know a lot of multigenerational households, some of it is cultural as well as things being so expensive, but being 30+ and not paying any bills is wild to me.
Wait yall living with your parents and dont contribute anything? Like dont chip in with rent or bills or groceries?

Thats a bit weird to me. I know a lot of multigenerational households, some of it is cultural as well as things being so expensive, but being 30+ and not paying any bills is wild to me.
Varies by households. Here in the DMV a lot of parents are well off and house is probably paid off too. They’re not looking at you sideways for not paying the internet bill. In my early 20s when I was at home my parents wouldn’t even let me pay a bill. But I was respectful of the situation. Kept my room and bathroom clean but I did spend a lot on hotels for chicks :smh:.
I stacked up almost 200k the Past 2 years . Save you rent money and food when going back home. I got 3 years till 30 . Till then, I might take life seriously but for now, I’m going overseas to smash a few baddies treat myself and go crazy 🤷🏽‍♂️
I have a homeboy that has a child, he and his brother both have 1 child each, and they both live with their parents..

Personally, I couldnt do it.... I need to have my own space as a grown man
Varies by households. Here in the DMV a lot of parents are well off and house is probably paid off too. They’re not looking at you sideways for not paying the internet bill. In my early 20s when I was at home my parents wouldn’t even let me pay a bill. But I was respectful of the situation. Kept my room and bathroom clean but I did spend a lot on hotels for chicks :smh:.

While Some Parents Might Not Need The Money It's Not Necessarily In The Best Interest Of Any Adult To Live Without Being Liable For Some Expenses.

Parents Aint Going Be Here Forever, And Aint Nowhere On Earth Rent/Bill Free.
I moved out almost 10 years ago but I'd move back in with my parents to save bread. Especially since the cost of living has gone up crazy 'round my way over the past 5 years.
My co worker lived with his mom and dad until he was like 27.

He got 20 acres and built and brand new house and paid straight cash. I personally think it was dumb to pay cash but at the same time he’s free as **** now with no debt and under 30 with a dope crib on the river with land. Wouldn’t surprise me if he quit his job soon. He busted his ***.

He def helped his parents with money though and around the house.
Props to him but paying cash was dumb

Could've made money off of that money and came out ahead

I agree but at the same time I can’t fault the dude for not wanting to be in debt and having a nice house that’s paid off.

He could go work the most trash job ever and have no worries since he has no bills.

Not what I’d do but the freedom is nice.
My daughter and I lived with my dad until I was 26. It was great. I paid rent but also helped him out around the house. It worked for me and us. Then my now fiancé and I decided to move in together. I have the best relationship with my dad still but part of growing up and starting a family is being on your own. I love my own space and couldn’t imagine going back to live with my parents.
Moved out like 3 years ago with my now fiancée. Love my parents but I can’t do it anymore. No matter how old you are, it’s still NOT your property and you gotta respect their rules. Just need a crib now at this point.
This really depends on how your parents are/treat you when living under their roof. Moved out at 24 and cant fathom moving back in.
If you're parents let you, it's a good idea to stay home and stack. I stayed at home after college for a year and saved up for a duplex. Lived in one, rented out the other until I got a new job in the bay area. That duplex has nearly doubled in value, renters pay the mortgage and add additional cash flow today.
When I graduated law school during the great recession of 08 and 09 I was saddled with student loan debt and with firms delaying start dates left and right, my parents let me stay with them when I was studying for the bar in the summer of 09.

That was a tough time, man. Same time I graduated. Didn't have a real job until a year later and it wasn't even all that.

Now everyone is quitting their job.

That was a tough time, man. Same time I graduated. Didn't have a real job until a year later and it wasn't even all that.

Now everyone is quitting their job.


Times were incredibly tough fam. I'll never forget how smug people with judicial clerkships were 😆 🤣 😂 (scumbags). I had my firm cut my salary three times between the offer going into my 3L year and the end of my 3L year. l'll never forget the call I got from the Denver office head essentially telling me that they fired most of the associates and that they didn't know if they would still hire me but they would still pay for bar prep 😆 🤣 😂 (I left that firm after 3 years and secretly searched for a new job the second I started). My parents were so cool and they kept me from financial ruin and encouraged me to keep going. Not surprised most people are leaving the job because it can wear you out if you don't have the right perspective.
Yea i stayed with my folks after i graduated undergrad in 2010 but didnt move on my own til like 30. I wonder what my yamb life woulda been like if I moved out around 25-27 but what can i do about that now?
i live in the same building as my mom, just 12 floors away. it works out well because i can take her to dr appointments or do heavy lifting and my wife can head up there if my mom is having trouble with spotify or netflix etc. every sunday and the occasional weekday, she cooks food for all of us. if my wife has something important (she works from home) and the kid(s) are home, my mom takes over so i don’t have to leave work. it all works out really well. we get the perks of living together without the living together.
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