Do You Wash Your Face & Brush Your Teeth BEFORE Going To Bed?

i don't wash my face before going to sleep unless it's one of those days i take a shower before sleeping. why wash my face before sleeping?
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

so lemme get this straight...

you guys eat all day....microscopic food particles building up in between your the bacterial in your mouth more food for it to grow and multiply... go to sleep without brushing it... letting the bacteria eat away at your teeth all night...and only brush your teeth once a day in the morning?

It all depends on what you eat, and when you eat it.

All bacteria are not harmful to the body.
Most actually work as complex ecosystems that actually cleanses and protects the body from harm.

But once again it all depends on what you eat, and when you eat it.

And it always important to floss and drink plenty of water.
Many dentists leave out the later part which is the most important because
water itself flushes out the harmful bacteria and produces saliva to assure the rest.

The body is a self-cleanser, but it will only react as so if you treat it correctly.
Get out of here with that holistic BS

Not brushing your teeth before going to bed is foul.  Period.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious please give me an example of a diet and when you eat said foods... that can justify you only brushing once a day in the morning.

Fruits, vegs, nuts, grains, juices, and water.....
*Organic, no preservatives,artificial flavoring or coloring.

Another good point is to how much does one eat.

Some may choose to show moderation between fruits because of their high
volume in "sugar".

I believe that a heavy dependency upon a tube of fluoride and other acids
is a excuse for the savagery upon your body.

You are what you consume.

Simple as that.
Always. It is disgusting and repulsive if you do not. I guess I'm in the minority especially since any dentist/dental hygienist, etc... with even half a brain would always recommend to brush at the very least twice a day (morning and night). I also floss and rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
To be very clear, I think it is a good practice to brush your teeth before bed every night. I just don't think as many people as this thread would indicate actually do it.
What kind of question is this? Who doesn't do this?

I can understand young kids not doing this consistently but as they get older if they have parents with common sense this will be a part of their routine. Only other time is if you staying up all night, drunk and pass out, and stuff like that for those specific situations.

I shower and brush my teeth before I go to sleep every night(Washing your face isn't even a question). The fact this had to be asked make me think yall *!%+%% living in squalor.

Somebody post those Ghostface vids and audio about hygiene. "Wash the back of your neck!", "When you brush your teeth brush your tongue too you dirty *!%+%%!", "Wash your face THEN wash your balls not the other way around STOOPID!"
i brush my teeth and wash my face everynight.

shower only if i got really sweaty or dirty during the day.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious please give me an example of a diet and when you eat said foods... that can justify you only brushing once a day in the morning.

Fruits, vegs, nuts, grains, juices, and water.....
*Organic, no preservatives,artificial flavoring or coloring.

Another good point is to how much does one eat.

Some may choose to show moderation between fruits because of their high
volume in "sugar".

I believe that a heavy dependency upon a tube of fluoride and other acids
is a excuse for the savagery upon your body.

You are what you consume.

Simple as that.
Eating all of that still does not preclude that fact the food particles build up in your mouth. Bacteria in your mouth feed on those food particles. Said bacteria decay your teeth which eventually lead to gum disease.  And yes, there are good bacteria in your mouth...but they compete with the "bad" bacteria as well.


ps. regarding the flouride.
there are plenty of natural toothpastes out there that do not contain any flouride.
wait not everyone brushes their teeth at night?
stank breath dudes
i usually do it 3 times a day. morning, right when i get home from school, and before bed.
i eat healthy and do both of these every night so there's no excuse for any of that. girls always tell me i'm weird for doing that though so i guess most don't.

edit: also, i wash my face and brush my teeth before i leave the house. like for instance, brush my teeth and wash my face and then stay home til late afternoon.. i'll wash my face and brush my teeth again before heading out.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious please give me an example of a diet and when you eat said foods... that can justify you only brushing once a day in the morning.

Fruits, vegs, nuts, grains, juices, and water.....
*Organic, no preservatives,artificial flavoring or coloring.

Another good point is to how much does one eat.

Some may choose to show moderation between fruits because of their high
volume in "sugar".

I believe that a heavy dependency upon a tube of fluoride and other acids
is a excuse for the savagery upon your body.

You are what you consume.

Simple as that.
You know that many fruits have a lot of natural sugars, right? And bacteria causing cavities feed off of those sugars.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious please give me an example of a diet and when you eat said foods... that can justify you only brushing once a day in the morning.

Fruits, vegs, nuts, grains, juices, and water.....
*Organic, no preservatives,artificial flavoring or coloring.

Another good point is to how much does one eat.

Some may choose to show moderation between fruits because of their high
volume in "sugar".

I believe that a heavy dependency upon a tube of fluoride and other acids
is a excuse for the savagery upon your body.

You are what you consume.

Simple as that.
Eating all of that still does not preclude that fact the food particles build up in your mouth. Bacteria in your mouth feed on those food particles. Said bacteria decay your teeth which eventually lead to gum disease.  And yes, there are good bacteria in your mouth...but they compete with the "bad" bacteria as well.


ps. regarding the flouride.
there are plenty of natural toothpastes out there that do not contain any flouride.
I am fully aware.
Tom's is a personal fave.
I think my point has been undermined here.
I am not against brushing your teeth, but it's simply a case of what your brushing your teeth with
and how well you take care of the other aspects of oral hygiene.
I feel I need to make it very clear that although I do not brush before I go to bed.
I do floss and rinse thoroughly night and morning and sometimes directly after I eat.
There more to taking care of your oral area instead of just dousing it with fluoride on the regular.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by GTEK

Fruits, vegs, nuts, grains, juices, and water.....
*Organic, no preservatives,artificial flavoring or coloring.

Another good point is to how much does one eat.

Some may choose to show moderation between fruits because of their high
volume in "sugar".

I believe that a heavy dependency upon a tube of fluoride and other acids
is a excuse for the savagery upon your body.

You are what you consume.

Simple as that.
You know that many fruits have a lot of natural sugars, right? And bacteria causing cavities feed off of those sugars.
I could be blackout and I'm still brushing my teeth and washing my face. Shower every morning too...
every night..even if i knock out early..i usually wake up and do it no matter what time it is..
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