Does anyone in the NBA want it with Jerry Stackhouse?

Mario Elie is another

Danny Ainge rifled a 90 mph basketball in his face from 2 feet away and he did nothing.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Steve Jax talks a good game but outside of dropping a haymaker on a fan (of all people) I can't think of any incident where he really has stepped to another player in the league

its cause nobody wants it with stephen
its cause nobody wants it with stephen
And this is based on what? Smack dvd's with him throwing up gang signs..

Funny how he was quick to run and help out Artest fight the fans, but where was he when Ben Wallace was instigating the situation?

I don't know about his character that much, but the "image" that he portrays doesn't convince me that he's built like that (no laney)
jackson, it doesnt look like ron artest actually knows how to fight.....he seems like one of those ppl that talk alot of *@## and try to fight everyone but gets it handed to them.

Stop it.

Ron's dad was a GG boxer, and he taught his son(s) the ropes....Ron is a nice dude, but he is insane...he was in therapy at 8 years old....a few years backat SJU, Ron dropped by the weightroom unannounced...dude jumped out of a livery cab that had NO JOKE 8 heads in it...looked like a hood clown car...anyways, hestepped out in some mandals, short shorts, and a plaid button down short sleeve shirt....did dude bring a bag to change clothes? Nope...dude went about hisworkout in the gear he had on...gully

Ron is one of the FEW guys in the NBA that people would think twice about stepping to...

Whoever said K-Mart picks and chooses who he beefs with is right....

-Going after Maggette
-Going after T-Mac
-Gettin at Zo' with one kidney during a practice...
-Callin TT Fugazi

he had that ridiculous streak of getting T'd up in his rookie was about every game he'd do something stupid and get the tech. He played theintimidation part more than anything...I remember him always dunking and ripping half his jersey off to show the tat above his titty that said "Bad A**Yellow Boy"
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Mario Elie is another

Danny Ainge rifled a 90 mph basketball in his face from 2 feet away and he did nothing.

I know your smarter than that yo. Not doing anything at a particular moment and using discretion does not make you un-tough. Elie is no joke. But anywaynobody you mentioned is trying to see DC.
Stack and Stephen Jackson would be the the ultimate battle.

Ron Artest didn't want it with Ben Wallace at all.
wow, i had never seen all those angles of the Pistons-Pacers brawl

what the hell was that fan doing at the end? why the hell would you confront a man literally twice your size, with the gleam of a wild animal in his eyes? duderightfully got stole on
This thread brings back some memories. Can we please get some more CHARLES OAKLEY stories. I swear this is the one guy in the HISTORY of the nba you dont wantto mess with.
Yea, Jerry's tough, did you see the way he committed a stupid tech that lead to his coach getting ejected and them losing the game? I'd much ratherhave him on my team that Manu a player who continually sacrifices his body to do all the can to win. Ironically the Poppovich always says Manu is the toughestplayer on the team. (Say what you want about the toughness of the team) Two offseasons ago they had a Jesse James Leja (sp) come and do boxing workouts withthem and they say without a doubt Manu is the best boxer. Jesse James was going on and on about how well of a boxer Manu was.
Stackhouse is a bully. Punking players that dont like to fight. Hornacek wow. Ginobli wow. He need to go at it with another cat his caliber.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Yea, Jerry's tough, did you see the way he committed a stupid tech that lead to his coach getting ejected and them losing the game? I'd much rather have him on my tethat Manu a player who continually sacrifices his body to do all the can to win. Ironically the Poppovich always says Manu is the toughest player on the team. (Say what you want about the toughness of the team) Two offseasons ago they had a Jesse James Leja (sp) come and do boxing workouts with them and they say without a doubt Manu is the best boxer. Jesse James was going on and on about how well of a boxer Manu was.

And who cares about the outcome of the game? Go post in the official game thread because this discussion isn't even about that...

Punking players that dont like to fight

I posted the video of him punking Shaq...what else can the man do?
^It was on the local news in SA, I'm not an internet guru with finding vids, feel free to search for it though.
I simply just stated my opinion that I'd rather have a smart player than a tough player and what he did was stupid. Is that really that off topic homie?Seriously? I guess people shouldn't respond to what happened in vids from now on so they don't get a double stone face from you.

Edit: Nvm please dont' even respond, if you think Shaq not trying to fight Stackhouse after already one technical during THE FINALS is being punked then I honestly can't argue with that. It's like arguing with a ******ed kid.
Ron Artest is like a !*$*%+! OX forreal. Dude could handle anybody in the L IMO.....

People who believe Shaq is scared of Stack are straight fools... He already had one tech AND he is playing for the championship. It was obviously a smart decision for Shaq to not go after Stack given the circumstances and Stack hurt his team in the long run. Shaq for the *****!
I agree with this, and Shaq usually calm, he ain't that violent really to begin with but yea with the chip on the line, is why he tried toavoid everything all together
Edit: Nvm please dont' even respond, if you think Shaq not trying to fight Stackhouse after already one technical during THE FINALS is being punked then I honestly can't argue with that. It's like arguing with a ******ed kid
What's even more ******ed is if that's what how you thought I interpreted the Shaq situation....

No one said that Shaq should have gotten up and attempted to fight Jerry, but not to even look in his direction after it took place is just weak.

IMO, Shaq is really another one of those fugazi type players who pick and choose who they want to get tough with. In the clip where he throws the crazy wildhaymaker at Brad Miller notice that Oakley is actually the dude that clocked him but yet Shaq opts to face off with Brad instead. Same thing in this situation,I bet if it was Erick Dampier or Diop who had hit him, Shaq would have at least had a few words for them to say the least
Looking at someone is tough? So you're telling me that Shaq thought, oh snap crackle pop, I better not even have eye contact with Jerry Stackhouse orhe'll whoop my butt right here on National Television. Do you honestly think that was going through his mind? So everytime someone walks away from aconfrontation in the NBA he's a punk? Just take the L man and live to fight another battle.
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