Does anyone in the NBA want it with Jerry Stackhouse?

I'm I the only one that thinks Garnett would probably hurt a dude. He just look like one of those DMX type dudes. I haven't seen to many go at him. Iknow Anthony Peeler did but if It wasn't a playoff game Garnett probably would have hurt dude.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Looking at someone is tough? So you're telling me that Shaq thought, oh snap crackle pop, I better not even have eye contact with Jerry Stackhouse or he'll whoop my butt right here on National Television. Do you honestly think that was going through his mind? So everytime someone walks away from a confrontation in the NBA he's a punk? Just take the L man and live to fight another battle.
If you don't understand the difference between walking away like a man and walking away like a punk then I don't know what to say to you....

In that situation, Shaq got punked...end of story.
He could have said or did something within reason to let Stackhouse know that he didn't appreciate that hard foul...but he did nothing.
Antoine Walker of all people had to come to his defense...

It all comes down to being a man and standing up for yourself.....but perhaps you're a girl and just don't understand
No he couldn't, it was a finals game, he already had a technical foul, and he would've easily gotten ejected if he started something or even said anything.
There's no way to say that he would have "easily" gotten ejected....if anything, there's a MAJOR difference between getting that1st and 2nd technical.
An official would have to have a lot of courage to throw out a star play who had a few harsh words for another played after that player was basically shovedinto the 1st row...
He wanted to do something you can see he did, but he didn't because he knew the situation was bigger than making sure he looked hard.
I didn't see him wanting to do anything but hurry up and get to the line....and it's not about "looking hard" either.

You have REALLY got to be kidding yourself if you think Shaq didn't say anything because he doesn't want it with Stackhouse and got punked.
NBA Finals, regular season or exhibition....Shaq only chooses to get tough with players who are non-threatening, so to say he didn't ordoesn't want any part of Stackhouse is not that far-fetched
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Looking at someone is tough? So you're telling me that Shaq thought, oh snap crackle pop, I better not even have eye contact with Jerry Stackhouse or he'll whoop my butt right here on National Television. Do you honestly think that was going through his mind? So everytime someone walks away from a confrontation in the NBA he's a punk? Just take the L man and live to fight another battle.
If you don't understand the difference between walking away like a man and walking away like a punk then I don't know what to say to you....

In that situation, Shaq got punked...end of story.
He could have said or did something within reason to let Stackhouse know that he didn't appreciate that hard foul...but he did nothing.
Antoine Walker of all people had to come to his defense...
- actually he didnt walk away like a punk. if you think about it why would you fight or even do something that can get you a second tech whenyou're about to win a championship? if you ask me thats walking away like a man and laughing at the competition for their childish tactics. i mean justbecause Antoine was the only Heat player not afraid to say something doesnt make the one that walked away a punk.....

- like people have already stated i think its more a case of the people they pick on really.

It all comes down to being a man and standing up for yourself.....but perhaps you're a girl and just don't understand

- like i said, 'childish tactics'. similar to your aim with this statement. yeah he stood up, stood up and walked away with a championship like a man.

* still looking for that Honecek Stackhouse footage *
if you think about it why would you fight or even do something that can get you a second tech when you're about to win a championship?
Like I said before, no one ever said he had to go and rush Stackhouse or anything like that...I said he could have looked at him or even yelledout something to show his displeasure with the hard foul...would an official have tossed Shaq out for either reaction? Probably not
- like people have already stated i think its more a case of the people they pick on really.
Which is exactly what I'm saying about Shaq...dude only gets tough with some of the softest players in the league

- like i said, 'childish tactics'. similar to your aim with this statement. yeah he stood up, stood up and walked away with a championship like a man.
Nope...if you go back and re-read the thread, you'll see dude try to make a slick comment towards me.
Instead of me going nutso and saying something that would get me banned, I posted a comment within the rules of conduct and kept it moving.....very similar towhat Shaq could have done in that situation.

But seriously, that's my opinion...and no one is going to come close to making me change my mind. Maybe I'm just built differently, Jack Johnson, SonnyListon...I'm from their cloth
I'd still take an aging Michael Jordan over Stack. Stack probably still has nightmares of that game in '96 where Jordan dropped a cold 48 on him in 3quarters. Stackhouse on the Wizards was painful to watch.
Haha alright man you win. Thanks for telling me what being a man is. I appreciate it homie, good luck in the real world. Stackhouse > Godzilla
IMO, Stackhouse is that dude at your school/group of friends whose an average sized guy, but you've seen him throw his hands like a giant, so you just mindyour business.

Trust me, the NBA players know more about each other than we do. It MIGHT be an known thing that Stack has hands. AND if that IS THE CASE, you better believeShaq wouldn't want it.

1) it was the finals.

2) how are you going to shake off getting busted by a guy 100 pounds lighter and 6 inches shorter, on NATIONAL TV. This ain't the WWE, if a 6'6 220pound guy beats a 7'2 350 pound guys ***, that's gonna be a big deal
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Did you notice in that HEAT video that damn near no one even dared get in his face?

Even Shaq just walked towards the bench cause he really wanted no parts of that

Well Shaq had a tech already, so he didn't wanna get a second one. And Toine Walker got in Stack's face a little.
Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't that during the finals?? If so, why would anyone take the risk of getting suspended by provoking a fightwith stackhouse.
Everyone in the league is non-threatening to Shaq?
Guess you're basing that off of his size alone....but that doesn't tell how well a person uses his hands. We've all seen how well Shaq throws apunch

And Shaq only went after Barkley AFTER Charles threw the ball at him. What else was he supposed to do? Not to mention it wasn't like Shaq came out on top

As far as circumstances....heck even Steve Nash stepped up to Horry after that hard foul last year, and I respect him for that.
Was Nash trying to start a fight like most of you guys are suggesting would happen after a hard But he was at least standing up for himself

It's very normal to have a reaction to a hard foul, no matter what type of game is being played...but to have no reaction? Hmmm, seems suspect
Screw everybody mentioned.

My dude Pig Miller when he was on the Rockets, would come into garbage time and play with a toothpick in his mouth.

Now that's gully.

Originally Posted by UpYoGame

Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Did you notice in that HEAT video that damn near no one even dared get in his face?

Even Shaq just walked towards the bench cause he really wanted no parts of that

Well Shaq had a tech already, so he didn't wanna get a second one. And Toine Walker got in Stack's face a little.
Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't that during the finals?? If so, why would anyone take the risk of getting suspended by provoking a fight with stackhouse.

To keep up their street cred...which is obviously more important than winning.
Nash reacting cost him the series, if he didn't flop or had he just gotten up and walked away like Shaq did Amare and friend wouldn't havegotten suspended. Who's to say that if Shaq would've traded words Toine wouldn't have elevated the situation as well. No one knows for sure but bywalking away he guarantees nothing will happen.

I wouldn't expect some of ya'll to understand, sometimes you have to swallow your pride for the better of the team.
On the subject of fighting (or lack there of) funny was Rondo when he got mad at Rafer Alston last week? Homie looked like my cousin in 4th grade withthe fists clenched down low, and biting the lower lip...

Rondo = Bunz
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

I'd still take an aging Michael Jordan over Stack. Stack probably still has nightmares of that game in '96 where Jordan dropped a cold 48 on him in 3 quarters. Stackhouse on the Wizards was painful to watch.

stack will murk jordan. jordan is the best player ever but that does not mean he can fight.
Originally Posted by mj234eva

i too have been looking for that stack/hornacek video but can't find it anywhere.
- people talk about how crazy this fight is, funny how it never shows up in any NBA fight mixes you see on Youtube or TV

- and when i say ive been looking for this footage, im talking YEARS. i remember a homeboy told me about this fight 12 years ago, ive been looking ever since.i just knew once youtube got popular someone was bound to upload it
I remember that ++$% vividly, up under the basket, Stack had lil Hornacek pinned to the Stansion, left hand to the neck, throwin WildRights

it was funny but
at the same time, such a mismatch not physically but mentality and temprement wise.
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