Does NT Have a Race Problem?

Does NT have a race problem?

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Since this this is a public vote and I voted, I better clarify my "I don't see color" vote. Obviously I do, but I thought, that it was the most white thing, I could vote.
Repped Folk!!!
Lemme go back and rep all your posts while I'm at it.
We know how this will play out...feelings will get hurt, tears will be shed and Meth will have to give me a time out for doing so as usual.
Certain people in here need to stop playing like they want smoke... :lol:

Damn...I gotta quote myself the predictions were so accurate.:lol:
This thread has definitely served its purpose and flushed the gutters.
Sure enough look at all the sludge and debris that came out of the gutters, even all the way up to staff levels unfortunately.
Not surprising at the least, but atleast its a start toward peace and resolution.
To the mod that deleted my post, I guess Turbo Uno asked you to delete such? This guy attempts to control the narrative around race all the time......
That's how YOU took it? you're reading too much into it. This isn't about immigrants or Italians man so let's not add race to this thread, no need really.
Stop crying already, nobody wants to argue or hear you complain. You're getting hurt feeling over nothing, leave the thread if it bothers you so much...."I'll throw in race to add myself into a convo" crying ***

So TurboUno, what is your issue with Black people discussing the topic of racism, where ever they see it?

Edit: 1 year later we now know Khufu is really a long time troll who has been banned several times in the past. No need to take him serious anymore :rofl:

-Daddy Style
-Coach Hubie
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I totally understand how some threads warrant the discussion. Believe me, I do. However you seem to only discuss that topic on any and all threads when you begin to twist words around on the people you “suspect” are racist. How accurate have you been of me with your accusations of me being a racist? a thief? a trump supporter? a light skinned Latino?

Truth be told I don’t know what hobbies/threads you participate in because I never see you post about anything other than race/discrimination. I know nothing about you other than you hate racism, white supremacy, oppression. Guess what though? I do too and have faced it first hand I’m real life. I even used to rep you and agree with some of the replies you made in the past. It changed when I felt you were bullying people and began to lash out when others didn’t agree with you. I can’t disagree with because I’m not Black? I’m not “qualified” in your eyes? Your go-to response is to label me a racist because THAT must be the only option.

I treat everyone with respect regardless of their gender, race, sexual preference in the real world and the same here online.
You are a liar.
This thread has indeed brought things to the surface, this and the thread about the Jogger. The Sister, the EMT worker who was unjustly killed, is devastating as well. Those of us who are Black, SHOULD be sick and tired of this, tired of also normalizing the slights made here online by people that only tolerate BLACK people because they cannot kill us all.
:40 mark over everything!

This does not make me want to do good things. It’s our history, but hearing the voices of our ancestors should not make us comfortable. When I hear this, I know that I am jusified in my distrust.
I don't venture out of sneaker threads enough to know if NT has a race problem but I can safely say America sure as **** does. The last couple weeks have been depressing. Arbery, the lady yelling for Mike, Amy Cooper, now the cops in Minneapolis. **** is wrong with people? It's depressing to know that the guy in MN would have been another "He didn't cooperate. We had no choice!" or "He had a medical condition. idk he just fell out dead!" incident if not for the camera catching the truth. The scary thing is the cops didn't think twice even knowing they were being filmed. What do they do when there ISN'T a camera?

Anyways, seeing story after story made me think of this thread. It's been a sad dose of reality.
I do not know about any tension on NIkeTalk. I have no clue as to what that means for you. Are you feeling uncomfortable about something?
Racism exists, and that is because white people created it, then allow it to persist because you are in denial of the privilege that was created through white supremacy. Black people are not going to be the ones to clean up the mess that you create.

You want racism to end? Admit your privilege, and then encourage yourself and your other white friends to give it up.
the only way for racism to end for us is to have more kids and educate them

black people dont even make up 15% of the population and white people eclipse that 5 times over

either we start havin babies like crazy, or africans move over here in large numbers but we need to at the very least hit 45% of BLACK people for **** to start lookin like us

but mfs doin interracial **** heavy these days n now everybody dk wat a mixed person is when in the 80s n 90s they was black now they racially ambiguous foh
what he mean by western diaspora?

he mean india?

they consider theyself asian fr? i kno its in asia but do they really be like im asian

i had to reread that alot the wording was confusing

He's talking about East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) that have relocated in the west (Europe, north america)

Also I have heard of Indians refer to themselves as South Asian during my time in the UK
Touches on what I was speaking of.

A Thread

i see no lies told. the proximity light-skinned Asian folks have to Whiteness has afforded our people more economic privileges than Blacks and other communities of color, and by extension of that, an adoption of anti-black values.

what he mean by western diaspora?

he mean india?

they consider theyself asian fr? i kno its in asia but do they really be like im asian

he's referring to folks from Asia who immigrated to continents west of Asia: i.e. the Americas and Europe.
i see no lies told. the proximity light-skinned Asian folks have to Whiteness has afforded our people more economic privileges than Blacks and other communities of color, and by extension of that, an adoption of anti-black values.

he's referring to folks from Asia who immigrated to continents west of Asia: i.e. the Americas and Europe.
i wouldnt call that the western diaspora tho, theyre just slightly different but its not a huge culture shift from area to area as say a brazil to columbia to DR to PR to Trinidad to Jamaica to US with the african diaspora
the only way for racism to end for us is to have more kids and educate them

black people dont even make up 15% of the population and white people eclipse that 5 times over

either we start havin babies like crazy, or africans move over here in large numbers but we need to at the very least hit 45% of BLACK people for **** to start lookin like us

but mfs doin interracial **** heavy these days n now everybody dk wat a mixed person is when in the 80s n 90s they was black now they racially ambiguous foh

The supremacist movement doesn't want Hispanics and blacks to catch up in numbers They want to keep us outnumbered thru anti abortion .
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