Does NT Have a Race Problem?

Does NT have a race problem?

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"I bUy MiChaEl jOrDaN sNeAkErS, i cAn'T bE rACist"

You face racism? Of course. From who?

Are you serious? :lol:
I’m Latino and you see who’s in office? Remember what he promised if elected? Come on man. Then to top it off I’ve had you call me a “dirty food truck eating bottom feeder”. Please spare me the whole “oh that’s because you ate from a food truck during a pandemic” excuse. That “bottom feeder” part says a lot. Besides, Southern California is not doing number like NY where you are. I’d say you need to be more careful than I do.

You are attempting to get one Black man to argue for you, since you cannot. Keep encouraging him. Watch what happens. It may backfire on you.
I’m not encouraging him to do anything. I’m pointing what you usually do when people disagree with you. You do that, not me.
They don’t know how to fight. A racist never does. He walks in thinking that he has the advantage, and racists like TurboUno tag along, getting waxed right along with his template.
Getting waxed? By who? Look, you can think you KNOW how we all think and believe, but your incorrect. Review all the posts over and over again all you want. But it still shows that YOU will not accept trying to make anything better at all. You have proven you dont want that.
Getting waxed? By who? Look, you can think you KNOW how we all think and believe, but your incorrect. Review all the posts over and over again all you want. But it still shows that YOU will not accept trying to make anything better at all. You have proven you dont want that.

I think I’m going to retire from this thread for the night. I can’t take anymore “waxing” :lol:

I’m Latino Besides, Southern California is not doing number like NY where you are. I’d say you need to be more careful than I do.

This is THE worst pandemic related advice you could give anyone.

Wash your hands and face for that matter. Wear a mask. And PLEASE don't act like because you are located in CA and not NY your chances of contracting the virus are therefore lessened. At a minimum you need to be equally as careful.

I just want to know who granted JRepp23 JRepp23 the authority to moderate when people of the African diaspora in America should disregard the atrocities committed by people that look like him?

We need answers immediately!
No I am not. This pertains to Kouhfu ... You know it to. Do not twist my words.
Are you serious? :lol:
I’m Latino and you see who’s in office? Remember what he promised if elected? Come on man. Then to top it off I’ve had you call me a “dirty food truck eating bottom feeder”. Please spare me the whole “oh that’s because you ate from a food truck during a pandemic” excuse. That “bottom feeder” part says a lot. Besides, Southern California is not doing number like NY where you are. I’d say you need to be more careful than I do.

I’m not encouraging him to do anything. I’m pointing what you usually do when people disagree with you. You do that, not me.
Why do you take such issue with Black people speaking in Black issues in threads where you feel that the discussion does not belong? What’s your beef?
Why do you take such issue with Black people speaking in Black issues in threads where you feel that the discussion does not belong? What’s your beef?
Zero beef with anyone but you. And you know why.
Getting waxed? By who? Look, you can think you KNOW how we all think and believe, but your incorrect. Review all the posts over and over again all you want. But it still shows that YOU will not accept trying to make anything better at all. You have proven you dont want that.
Better would mean that you would not think the discussion of race, is racist. Why do you feel that the discussion of race, is racist? You don’t think that white supremacy is wrong?
JRepp23 JRepp23 please inform all of the Black men posting in here when we as a people should forget the atrocities committed by people that look like yourself? We are waiting.
Are you for real? You want me to answer for something I was not involved or believe in? So you can still try to blame me? Why the hell wou;d I do that? There is nothing I will say that would make you feel better at all. I was not a part of that period of time but yet you want to think I was. Amazing man. I do not represent and or support what happened back then. So to throw that in my face is weak.
I’ll say it again for the other racists in the back. Since you feel that you were granted the authority over the collective memories of Blacks, please inform us again on when it is ok that we forget events such as black youths being hung from trees and mutilated by folks with your complexion? JRepp23 JRepp23
You need to read through this thread. And understand some things. See ya tomorrow.
$tatus $ymbol $tatus $ymbol you don't need to read through anything. And there's definitely nothing that he said that you need to "understand".

He is ridiculous.

Just report that comment that he made and wait for a reasonable mod to handle it.
the cognitive dissonance/contradictions in this post is strong...if not comical.
One of most complex individuals on here. It’s like he has a lot of sense, but then he don’t. Pretty interesting. :lol:

I know the history. You cannot seem to learn from it. You can keep throwing your sexy phrase at me all you want. But it still dont change the FACT that YOU are the one bitter about a period of time that YOU were not involved in. NOT me.
I can’t believe u typed this.
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