dogs are only okay.

If you die alone with a dog in your room he will eat you after several days

A cat will wait 1 day.

oh you wanna debate "indoor scavenging?" because that pretty little term was invented for dogs and they are the league leaders.

The 2015 study found that in 24% of all the cases they examined, dogs had begun eating their masters in under 24 hours — and some of them even chose to do so in spite of having normal dog food available.

Some dogs may not even wait until you’re dead — passed-out drunk may be good enough. Rando describes a 1994 study to Buzzfeed: “The case involves a middle-aged woman who got too drunk and passed out. Her dog, a red setter, had started biting her face while she was unconscious. She later died, but the dog couldn't even wait a whole day to munch on his owner — and started chewing on her face within 16 hours of the woman last being seen alive.”

But Surely My Snugglebug Wouldn’t Eat Me.
Oh, yes, he would. Researchers have found no connection between an animal’s reported closeness to its owner and its likelihood of consuming his or her body. Instinct — or hunger — apparently trumps love, according to Rando. Whatever that really means to a pet.

further reading:

Cats get a bad rap for being the most eager to eat their owners, and anecdotally, some emergency responders say it’s pretty common. When it happens, cats tend to go for the face, especially soft parts such as the nose and lips, says forensic anthropologist Carolyn Rando of University College London.

“It doesn’t surprise me, as a cat owner,” she says. “If you’re sleeping, they tend to swat your face to wake you up.” (See more about pet personalities in “Surprising Things You Never Knew About Your Cat.”)

Then again, in one case reported in 2010 in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, a woman died of an aneurysm and was found the next morning on the bathroom floor. Forensic testing revealed that her dog had consumed much of her face, while her two cats hadn’t touched her.

Among the cases reported in forensic journals, most animal scavenging involves dogs, although that’s perhaps in part because forensic scientists are more surprised by the behavior when they see it.

In 24 percent of the cases in the 2015 review, which all involved dogs, less than a day had passed before the partially eaten body was found. What’s more, some of the dogs had access to normal food they hadn’t eaten.

The pattern of scavenging also didn’t match the feeding behavior of canines in the wild. When dogs scavenged dead owners indoors, 73 percent of cases involved bites to the face, and just 15 percent had bites to the abdomen.

Yes. Dogs are perfectly willing to eat human corpses, and there's no evidence that they treat their masters differently than any other dead body. Many cultures consider dogs unclean precisely because of their tendency to scavenge our remains.

we are not going to pretend these are not carnivorous creatures.

please believe I read every word of what I posted. debate me.

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Can someone of the, "I bring my dog to sit under the tables at outside eateries" population please stand up and defend your actions!!!
If you die alone with a dog in your room he will eat you after several days

A cat will wait 1 day.
My dad was a property manager for a senior apartment building and this one woman was found dead for 4-5 days while her dog was found starving to death on the couch by her and they think her dipped because the emergency stairway window was found open. My dad never found her cat for the relatives that wanted to bring it in.
When I say, "What can you do..." I am saying a fogs relationship with a human is based on the human being the servant of the dog. Not some, "unconditional love" BS

So then a dog should be willing to “catch a slug” for the “servant” that provides for it, right?
So then a dog should be willing to “catch a slug” for the “servant” that provides for it, right?
A dog ain't catching no slugs for someone that ain't slaving for them.

And I still believe only a small percentage of dogs are even catching slugs for humans. That is Disney nonsense yall keep trying to normalize
Well then, ultimately, what determines if a dog is willing to “catch a slug” for you then?

your ability to maintain its standard of living and provide a source of interaction and affection. it's why foster dogs can be fostered, they can learn to love anybody.

A dog ain't catching no slugs for someone that ain't slaving for them.

And I still believe only a small percentage of dogs are even catching slugs for humans. That is Disney nonsense yall keep trying to normalize

these two things.

...and again, this does not make your personal attachment to your pet--or anything else you enjoy--any less valid. enjoy your ride.
Dogs fight EVERYDAY. Dogs die and/or get injured from fights EVERYDAY.

So why is it, that when a dog YOU know, gets into a fight and dies/gets hurt, he is dying FOR YOU?

That literally makes ZERO sense
And how do you know this?
What else would we call whether or not a dog understands when he is physically mismatched by another animal?

Irrational Confidence

Call it what you want.

What you WONT call it is "loyalty" to an arrogant human
We've obeserved wolves and Coyotes take actions to benefit a pack so I'm sure some carry this mindset for their owners.
We've obeserved wolves and Coyotes take actions to benefit a pack so I'm sure some carry this mindset for their owners.
Can't compare.

One group doesn't know when their next meal is

One group can snap their fingers and dumb humans come a runnin.

Too far removed from the wild
Didn't read the op but obviously you've never owned one.

When I was 16 I remember seeing a sign for a lost dog. At the bottom it said 'he was a very important part of our family' and I was like 'what? It's just a dog.' like it was just a couch or something. Then when you own one you realize how special they are. They're like humans but minus all the bad stuff. They have their own personality. You'll have to get one to understand.
What else would we call whether or not a dog understands when he is physically mismatched by another animal?

Irrational Confidence

Call it what you want.

What you WONT call it is "loyalty" to an arrogant human

The way my dog goes to me when I get home and lays by my side without me doing anything for him is enough for me see he has some sort of connection with me. I don't know if he'd fight another dog for me, but our bond is enough.
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