dogs are only okay.

Despite what I think, there's no way to prove either one of our opinions until we tap into our pets' minds.
Despite what I think, there's no way to prove either one of our opinions until we tap into our pets' minds.

Sure, if that is how you want to take it.

I am just saying, nobody gives a damn about YOURS. The just click like out of common courtesy.

Back to dogs, I love dogs. One of my chill out spots is a dog park. I just sit and watch them interact with eachother, I do this for a while, whenever I go.

But I HATE tonsee people have dogs around public food spots. I saw someone put their dirty *** dog on an outside table at a bat.

Look man, nobody wants your dog around there food. Hair floating around, that is nasty as HELL. ( Very cultural )

This why office pot lucks always been real sketchy to me
****** really in here declaring their wild *** and stupidly incorrect assumptions about human-dog relationships lol

Also: science suggests that humans and domesticated dogs share a unique and entwined evolutionary history

Y'all need to read more.
This crazy b I work with call herself a husky mom.... really b? Really? She disrespecting her real kids claiming a damn animal

Feed me, give me shelter, massage me, clean up my **** and bath me I’ll love u forever too

:lol: husky mom

I'm just picturing a really hefty woman
Wtf can a dog do for me ?

Your relationships must be utter joy
Much easier to boil it down to "dogs just like food"

****** talmbout "of course a dog will love you; you feed it and give it shelter"

I encourage yall dudes to start feeding and sheltering coyotes, Bengal tigers, bald eagles, and cicadas if y'all really believe that that's how it works :lol:

Talmbout what can a dog do for me :rofl:
Your relationships must be utter joy

*****s talmbout "of course a dog will love you; you feed it and give it shelter"

I encourage yall dudes to stats feeding and sheltering coyotes, Bengal tigers, bald eagles, and cicadas if y'all really believe that that's how it w orks :lol:

Talmbout what can a dog do for me :rofl:

my relationship is great 2 year 3 months. Thanks for asking

Relationship with friends and fam great as well.
Wow those tiger must be like family.... also I had dogs growing up and it was cool but made me realize I would never own a dog in my adult life.
This crazy b I work with call herself a husky mom.... really b? Really? She disrespecting her real kids claiming a damn animal

Feed me, give me shelter, massage me, clean up my **** and bath me I’ll love u forever too
Husky Mom, that is wild. She lets the dog sleep in the bed with her too, I bet
I mean, they're cool I squirrels and birds are cool.

there is nothing inherently "wrong" with's just that all my best friends are human beings.

I guess, like, as long as they're in YOUR house, but what's with just bringing one to mine like I included your dog in the group text?

this is a Sapes-only space, Linda.

this is a restaurant, this is a plane, this is a pharmacy, this is where I buy clothes, please take it back home and keep it there.

don't get me wrong, they can be very useful. guard dogs, sheep dogs, seeing eye dogs, therapy dogs...a model helper species.

...but you know, while I'm at it, it's kind of annoying to have your companion dog hover around the table while we're eating.

no, it is not going to get a single taste of my delicious human food. not even a little bit. that begging face isn't even cute, it's annoying.

oh god here we go..."I hate dogs, I must be an actual no-bull**** BTK serial murderer, I eat blended babies with tortilla chips, blahblah."

not at all...I DO NOT hate your dog, or your cat, or your snake, or your gerbil, or your pet chicken. I would never think of harming them.

just like I would never think of harming YOUR PS4, because it belongs to you and you care about it.

I wouldn't even eat it in an emergency, the PS4 at least.

yeah tho I REALLY don't want to see pictures of your dog. you know what your dog looks like? the other dog, and the other one like it.

oh it has different color eyes? oh it has a white foot? holy **** there are spots of different color fur WOWOW!!!

it's kinda like breaking down the difference between Nike Air and Jumpman Jordan IIIs to some random on the street.

nobody but you and other dogheads care, and honestly I find it insufferably arrogant that you expect everyone to.

also, please stop telling me about the power struggle between you and your dog. it's almost never funny, it's usually always kinda sad.

if you can't consistently outsmart a dog with your big juicy primate brain and a set of opposable thumbs, that's YOUR PROBLEM.

oh you don't trust people who don't worship dogs? well I don't trust people who can't trust people, so we're even.

"unconditional love" anyone else who started feeding your dog bacon and kissing it on the mouth couldn't earn its' undying loyalty.

what kind of narcissist needs constant outside affirmation from a dependent anyway? seems unhealthy.

...but what really grinds my gears is when people say things like "I don't care when people die in movies BUT A DOG OMG"

you know what, if you care more about fictional dogs than actual people, you're a traitor to your ****ing species.

oh, and before I forget...if your dog ever bites me, I will **** it so far up it will never come down.

I also understand I will have to fight you, and that's fine too. I will do what I must.

in closing, I hope people who say "doggo" and "pupper" feel the sensation of a mild papercut in the webbing of their fingers each time.

...other than that yeah, dogs are okay I guess.

Bruh! Bravo. Amazing random rant. I love dogs. But you made my feelings of not taking bullet to the dog park much stronger.
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