Donald Trump is running for president

BLM is expressing hatred to the absurd number of poice killings that are, overwhelmingly, of black males.

Pretty sure hating the fact people, often unarmed, are being killed by PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS, is a good thing.

But, ya know, to hell with logic.
But there aren't only white cops, so the core of the movement isn't targeting white cops like you've claimed. It's targeting police and the institution that causes them to not have any accountability. The Freddy Gray case included black cops as well. You're not making any sense.

The Freddie Gray case protests died out when BLM found out the main suspect was Black....if the main suspect was White, BLM would still be protesting about it.

Check this out: no protest because the officer who killed the unarmed, unclothed 17 year old victim was Black. Pretty sure you've never heard of this.

Also this: black officer hits and assaults teenager. Officer was only placed on leave, no call for firing.

Again, is Black Lives Matter really fighting for Black Lives? Or is it only when it's White on Black crime? Seems racist to me. I've already posted a link that showed that Whites are more killed by Cops than Blacks killed by Cops. BLM would be more credible and more supported worldwide if they also protested or ignited a message across Black communities to stop killing each other. But Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit still seems to have high Black on Black crime rates.

Another example of a BLM activist displaying racism and threats:
View media item 1939879
Even Stephen A Smith is wondering why like I am:
View media item 1939881
So this is why BLM to me is racist. And I condemn BLM or KKK.
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BLM is expressing hatred to the absurd number of police killings that are, overwhelming, of black males.

Please provide stats on this.

Of course any killings are sad and I'm not condoning it. But the last numbers I saw said that in 2012, the latest stats available, showed whites were killed three times as much as blacks by cops. 326 whites killed to 123 blacks killed.
BLM is expressing hatred to the absurd number of police killings that are, overwhelming, of black males.

Please provide stats on this.

Of course any killings are sad and I'm not condoning it. But the last numbers I saw said that in 2012, the latest stats available, showed whites were killed three times as much as blacks by cops. 326 whites killed to 123 blacks killed.

You have to adjust the numbers based on population.

Blacks get killed by police at a higher rate. LINK
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that ucf rally today was so cringeworthy. this joke about trump has run long enough man. whenever he speaks, its like he has no idea what hes going to say. im 90% sure he really is up there freestyling (okay?) its just like that kid in the class who forgets TODAY is the day everyone has to do their presentation, so hes up there BSing the whole time hoping nobody notices.
Well, BLM have held signs with "Kill White Cops" and even Social Media death threats. I've already posted an image of a person who represent BLM who threatened to kill whites in his town. It really helps if you just read the past pages man, no offense. This is a common mistake of people on forums. They just come in, read the last page, and judge based off the last post, without taking the other posts into consideration.

This has been the story so far here:

Me: I think BLM and the KKK are racist groups
Responses: You're comparing KKK and BLM? Do you know the KKK murdered many Blacks, BLM is only doing it for justice
New Person (checks in and only reads the last page and judges based off that): Wow did this dude just compare BLM to KKK? Wow, let me troll this guy and post a funny gif.
Me: I wasn't talking about their history or their actions nor causes, both express hatred towards a different group, so they are racists

Still, no one can answer this question I asked a few times already; "how does Bernie Sanders proposed Amnesty to 11+ Million illegal aliens, plus their families, then increasing taxes, increasing minimum wage to $15, how is all this going to help the Black Community?"

Then someone said it's a troll question, Jesus Christ :smh:
You really dont understand the difference between a RACE and a MULTIRACIAL GROUP of people.
As far as your "evidence", i addressed that too. Just because someone says they support BLM doesnt means theri views are the views of the collective group.
have you seen a BLM rally target a white person and everyone at the rally helped to murder that person? That would be evidence.
But all you can do is post screenshots of a few idiots out of the whole movement and then label the whole movement racist.

That's like saying Mr. Highness posts stupid opinions so the opinions of NT as a whole are stupid. No, it's just yours.

Secondly, i stated why I said you are trolling but it is obvious that you dont even read the responses of the questions that you ask.
Trump just openly admitting his master trolling

McCain was a stand up dude, he dug his own grave when Palin came into the equation.
agreed. i liked mccain alot.  

after him the republican party just got worse and worse  mccain > palin > romney > ryan >trump 

republican party could've turned their party around this election but trump is burning it to the ground lmao
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his run has been unremarkable , regardless of how you feel about him he's really out here winning these states , you gotta respect his troll game .
his run has been unremarkable , regardless of how you feel about him he's really out here winning these states , you gotta respect his troll game .
i don't have to respect anything. 

all that tells me is how stupid some people are.
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