Donald Trump is running for president

Pulling out signs are childish as hell, no matter who does it.

I'm a grown *** man, I got better stuff to do with my time :lol:

:D. It's really time for conservatives to use the left's tactics against them. Steal signs, protest their rallies, smear them, block roads, attempt to shut down the DNC like the BLM movement said they will do to the republican convention, etc.
:D. It's really time for conservatives to use the left's tactics against them. Steal signs, protest their rallies, smear them, block roads, attempt to shut down the DNC like the BLM movement said they will do to the republican convention, etc.

Double LOL

One for acting like conservatives don't already do those things

Two for acting like those are tactics created by the left
Double LOL

One for acting like conservatives don't already do those things

Two for acting like those are tactics created by the left

They don't. I wish they did.

The left did start it, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky was the genesis of it.
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If the GOP want BLM to not protest their convention, all they have to do is take criminal justice reform and racial justice seriously, and add to their national platform.


Protesting, even rioting, is the language of the unheard.

All the GOP has to show is that the lives of the black people matter to their party. And they hear the concerns of the black community

-But we all know the GOP won't do that.
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All the GOP has to show is that the lives of the black people matter to their party.

And where do you think those poor, poor, poor dixiecrats will go?

Sounds like you're constantly crying about democrats, left wingers and liberals and/or calling ppl on here that.

My mistake.

It's the Bill O'Reilly school of thought

Don't identify yourself as a Republican because it will trick people into thinking you're less biased

But we all know better than that
D deleted I'm sorry if the liberal brain can't understand the concept of what a conservative is. I don't mindlessly vote R like you guys do with D.
The GOP blanatnly ignores black people or issues that specifically impact blacks like the criminal justice system.

I've watched every GOP debate haven't heard a word about criminal justice reform, wealth inequality among minorities, or the struggling majority minority citites (like Flint).

Minorities (especially blacks) don't dislike the GOP for no reason. It's because they literally ignore us like we're not 30%+ of the population. They'll never win another presidential election until they realize they can't ignore minorities and make it to the white house.

Don't tell us to stop protesting them, tell the GOP to care about all of America's citizens, not just the old white ones.
These weak liberal jabs don't make sense to me. You're not born conservative or liberal.

It's not hard to understand conservatism. If we're just talking about that it has some reasonable and strong points for how to govern the nation.

Problem is all the other trash it comes with and the ppl that represent it. You don't help yourself or do yourself any favors by deflecting, playing semantics, or avoiding legitimate important issues and never making your stance clear. Same with being disingenuous when trying to make a point.
These weak liberal jabs don't make sense to me. You're not born conservative or liberal.

It's not hard to understand conservatism. If we're just talking about that it has some reasonable and strong points for how to govern the nation.

Problem is all the other trash it comes with and the ppl that represent it. You don't help yourself or do yourself any favors by deflecting, playing semantics, or avoiding legitimate important issues and never making your stance clear. Same with being disingenuous when trying to make a point.

Thanks, dad.
I thought Trump was the face of white hatred and racism, but I read the psychology today article and it made me now see him more as the face of white fear and insecurity.
Might I ask, how did you register as a conservative?

NC allows people to register their political/social philosophy?

Yes. And I know the state of NY does too, not sure about others.

Actually I lived in New York. They don't

They allow you to register with the Conservative Party of New York. Here is a LINK for the NY form. They are btw, a real political party. LINK.

However they don't send up any candidates for president.

You live in NC right? Well there form looks like this. LINK

No mention of the Conservative Party, registering with a Conservative ideology, heck the word "conservative" doesn't even appear on the form. But there is a state level conservative party of NC. But it is not affiliated with the one in New York.

Additionally, if you did register with the Conservative Party of NC, that would be different from registering and a philosophical conservative.

And if you were, that means you are member of another political party, and shouldn't really be concerning yourself on how the GOP picks its nominee.

So I'm a lil confused brah.

No shade, no insult. But how exactly again did you register as a philosophical conservative in your state? I ask because I may want to purse doing the same as a progressive in my state.

Any clarification on this matter would be deeply appreciated :D
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