Donald Trump is running for president

if you think crappy service jobs replacing good paying middle class jobs makes Obama look good then u more lost than even i realize :lol:

But but but the unemployment rate has dropped! :lol:

While they fail to have any comprehension about the unemployment rate number that this administration puts out. All they can do is regurgitate Obama talking points like parrots. We have a record low workforce participation rate in this country-94 million out of work :x Millions have dropped out of the workforce and have stopped looking for work, that's the reason the rate has dropped. They look like deer in headlights when you bring up the U6 vs the U3 number :lol:

You can't fix stupid.


and Rusty's response? "well...well...ummm Let Obama ssspend mmmmooore money for hiiis programs that!"

meanwhile we 20 trillion in da crapper...

:lol: :smh:

Obama at this point is being restrained from hurting da US economy any further...his administration will go down as one of da worst in US history...

remember when deficit spending was "unpatriotic?" :lol:

Dude you support Trump, who plans to blow up the deficit. That alone makes you a hypocrite

Tax cuts are not free

And I'm just pointing out how nonsense your argument. You blame Obama's policies, yet ignore that the stuff he proposed to increase growth and get us closer to full employment has been knocked down.

If the GOP is holding back Obama from causing damage, the how can he be blame for every piece of bad news. You argument, at its core is flawed

You should not be shading Obama for this jobs report then, you should be congratulating the GOP.

That is what I'm pointing out. The assumptions of your argument are flawed.
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cutting taxes allows for businesses to coffers got record profits at da time Reagan cut tax rates for businesses...

u keep talking flawed like Ronald aint get 2 landslide elections for his execution of saving da economy from Jimmy Carter..

da economy NOW sucks ***...

Barry needs to go sit somewhere, cuz he got egg on his face today with da jobs report today :lol:
cutting taxes allows for businesses to coffers got record profits at da time Reagan cut tax rates for businesses...

u keep talking flawed like Ronald aint get 2 landslide elections for his execution of saving da economy from Jimmy Carter..

da economy NOW sucks ***...

Barry needs to go sit somewhere, cuz he got egg on his face today with da jobs report today
Not sure if your comprehending the reports correctly sir
cutting taxes allows for businesses to coffers got record profits at da time Reagan cut tax rates for businesses...

u keep talking flawed like Ronald aint get 2 landslide elections for his execution of saving da economy from Jimmy Carter..

da economy NOW sucks ***...

Barry needs to go sit somewhere, cuz he got egg on his face today with da jobs report today :lol:

Yes or no, did Reagan not run massive deficits and blow up the National debt.

You keep wanting to use this point to shade Obama, yet you ignore Reagan.

We have no idea how an American with universal healthcare, tax reform favoring the lower class, a minimum wage tied to inflation, a jobs program, criminal justice reform, immigration reforms, Student Loan relief, and affordable career training. Obama's every suggestion at anything close to these have been met with vitriol

Yet, everything bad is Obama's doing.

Everytime we try this supply side steps the same thing happens. The rich get richer off the backs of the middle class, and inequality expands.

The middle class of America was built on demand side policies. Yet, consveratives want to act like they are economic poison

And it is rsad that I have to explain that to someone like yourself, that has benefited from the welfare state so much
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and yet inequality has further expanded under Obama...

yo, Obama had 7 & 1/2 years...he's done crappy job economy wise, and history won't hide it.

da economy has roared when conservatives take it over..look at da states, hell look at what 20 years of Republican mayors did to NYC.

at this point Trump can sprout horns, and breathe fire and if that mud slinger fixes da economy he'll be a national hero.

jesus.. November can't come fast enuff.
and yet inequality has further expanded under Obama...

yo, Obama had 7 & 1/2 years...he's done crappy job economy wise, and history won't hide it.

da economy has roared when conservatives take it over..look at da states, hell look at what 20 years of Republican mayors did to NYC.

at this point Trump can sprout horns, and breathe fire and if that mud slinger fixes da economy he'll be a national hero.

jesus.. November can't come fast enuff.

Answer the question about the deficits

The economy roared and so did deficits. You keep dodging that fact. And what would be funny is if I bring up Clinton, and you magically realize that other factors, not just the president, affect the economy

And once again, you know all of Obama's policies to fight inequality were dead on arrival.

So why isn't the GOP getting the congrats for that.

Right now you're struggling to make piece with your hypocrisy
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obama was da idiot that removed da public option... speaking of Obamacare failures...

what a crappy economy, :smh: :lol:

You never read the shot you post do you

Congressional Democrats have also pointed out that Congress cut the funding for the co-op program by more than half from the original $6 billion.

Congratulations once again, you posted an article discussing the GOP sabotaging Obama's policies for political again.

-And which members of the GOP were calling for the public option to stay? I don't remember it having such widespread support within that camp
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obama was da idiot that removed da public option... speaking of Obamacare failures...

what a crappy economy, :smh: :lol:

You never read the shot you post do you

Congressional Democrats have also pointed out that Congress cut the funding for the co-op program by more than half from the original $6 billion.

Congratulations once again, you posted an article discussing the GOP sabotaging Obama's policies for political again.

-And which members of the GOP were calling for the public option to stay? I don't remember it having such widespread support within that camp

CUZ They're NO MONEY :lol: :rofl:
Rusty's fallen into da classic liberal trap..keep spending other people's money..**** go bad? keep spending other people's money...worse? keep spending other ppl's money..keep borrowin...keep taxing...wash, rinse, repeat.
obama was da idiot that removed da public option... speaking of Obamacare failures...

what a crappy economy, :smh: :lol:

You never read the shot you post do you

Congressional Democrats have also pointed out that Congress cut the funding for the co-op program by more than half from the original $6 billion.

Congratulations once again, you posted an article discussing the GOP sabotaging Obama's policies for political again.

-And which members of the GOP were calling for the public option to stay? I don't remember it having such widespread support within that camp

CUZ They're NO MONEY :lol: :rofl:

Do you even know what you're saying

The federal government could not give the co-op enough money because they couldn't come up with 3 billion dollars.

The Unites States Federal government....3 billion dollars

Your ignorance know no boundaries
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ill let senator Obama son President Barry :smh: :lol:

That remark was in regards to the debt ceiling debate, and Obama was wrong for opposing that

He even admitted he was wrong on that, 5 years ago

And again you're bringing up the deficit, yet you won't admit conservative presidents failings in that area. And you know Trump will wreck havoc
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he had no choice...he jacked up da debt to 20 trillion... talking bout Bush & his measly 5 [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]

ill take Trump over Hillary on da economy... besides, she's "putting her husband in charge of that" :lol:

lets go November already jeez...
:lol: :rofl: @ run the country like his real estate empire.

All this talking and cats do not know how the executive branch works.

Obama just blew that up with dem executive orders.... :lol:
Bruh like I said you talking like you don't know how the executive branch works. Its like Obama's term is the first one you paid attention to in your life.

Did Obama create executive orders on his own, special for him when he knew the GOP would block and deny everything he tried to do to the point of shutting down the government? :lol:

Is he the only President that has used them? :lol: Has he used them the most in the history of the presidency? :lol:

You sound painfully uninformed.

Talking about executive orders after saying Donald running the country like his real estate business is what you want.

Somebody calls out a dumb idea you make while you support Donald and you immediately deflect to Obama or Clinton.
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ill let senator Obama son President Barry :smh: :lol:

That remark was in regards to the debt ceiling debate, and Obama was wrong for opposing that

He even admitted he was wrong on that, 5 years ago

And again you're bringing up the deficit, yet you won't admit conservative presidents failings in that area. And you know Trump will wreck havoc

Bushes tax cuts and wars are a major reason it expanded so much under Obama. But of course, this fact must be ignored.
and yet inequality has further expanded under Obama...

yo, Obama had 7 & 1/2 years...he's done crappy job economy wise, and history won't hide it.

da economy has roared when conservatives take it over..look at da states, hell look at what 20 years of Republican mayors did to NYC.

at this point Trump can sprout horns, and breathe fire and if that mud slinger fixes da economy he'll be a national hero.

jesus.. November can't come fast enuff.

It's the trump thread so this is for discussing all things trump. Also, I'm sure lots of you would never see the truth so I have to inform you. For instance, if you read Gawker you would think the trump supporters instigated things. 100% false.

Would you ever say anything critical about trump?

I feel like people who are objective are willing to call out thei shortcomings of the person they plan to vote on

I like objective people.
He always demands for the left to condemn their own but he's not willing to do the same

It's part of his charm
Would you ever say anything critical about trump?

I feel like people who are objective are willing to call out thei shortcomings of the person they plan to vote on

I like objective people.

Yes I would. And I will. He needs to stop "going off the reservation" so much with statements that cause distractions. He should be focusing on Crooked Hillary, not republican governor Susanna Martinez or whoever else he brings up next.
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Michelle Obama spoke at my alma mater today for the CCNY class of 2016 graduation, friends told me first hand how powerful of an orator she is, just great

An intelligent, independent, and strong first lady...unfortunately we can't say the same for mrs trump 
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now we're comparing 1st ladies? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

November cant come fast enough...jeez.
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who cares? Trump is a multi Billionaire.

so all those prestigious degrees and yet still fall below da earthy Ranking of Trump and his Bombastic personality :lol:

Obama got about 6 months of relevancy left before he's relegated to da dust bin of history.

enjoy his stuttering *cough* i mean "intellectual stammering" while u still can.
who cares? Trump is a multi Billionaire.

so all those prestigious degrees and yet still fall below da earthy Ranking of Trump and his Bombastic personality

Obama got about 6 months of relevancy left before he's relegated to da dust bin of history.

enjoy his stuttering *cough* i mean "intellectual stammering" while u still can.
Wow. Whats with your hate man?
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