Donald Trump is running for president

Barrack Obama is a self made millionaire,

umm he he owed student loans till he became president... :lol:

and don't need Lil trinkets to make me feel special,









like i said, Trump Already lives like da super soon as Barry turn in his Lease, Trump can downgrade his living for a couple of years and get us Americans up to speed. :smokin
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umm he he owed student loans till he became president...









like i said, Trump Already lives like da super soon as Barry turn in his Lease, Trump can downgrade his living for a couple of years and get us Americans up to speed.
He lives nothing like the president sir...
Makes you wonder, if a guy that rich and lives that type of life already. Why would want to become President? He'll be taking a pay cut and his life would be a lot more stressful.
Makes you wonder, if a guy that rich and lives that type of life already. Why would want to become President? He'll be taking a pay cut and his life would be a lot more stressful.

because he's a patriot and wants to better da United States for da many, its one of da reasons he's sincere in getting us back on da right track, because he had no incentive to do it in da first place.

I am going to play basketball today, based on that logic I live like the President too

you're just missing da private plane & sprawling estate...

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"And then we'll all be rich and we'll all drive race cars and big trucks and everyone will think we're really cool!"

Like the fantasies of a 13 year old hillbilly
My 4 year old nephew has political views that are very much in line with ninjahood's.

What's funny is that he wants to see everyone driving big SUVs and sports cars, but the unfortunate reality is that he won't be one of those people.  He'll still be living in his mom's apartment and vicariously enjoying the success of others that are smarter and more motivated than he is.
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Barrack Obama is a self made millionaire,

umm he he owed student loans till he became president... :lol:

Why do you refuse to Google the **** you say, and continue to make yourself look stupid and uninformed

The Obamas had large amount of student debt becuase they went to law school. They didn't have a rich daddy to pay the bill for them

And the paid it off in 2004, over 4 years before he became president. 2 mins on Google could have proven that to you.

Plus the Obamas were millionaires when Barrack became president, and donated over 1 million dollars to charity in 2009. They have always given their time, money, or careers to charitable work.

and don't need Lil trinkets to make me feel special,









like i said, Trump Already lives like da super soon as Barry turn in his Lease, Trump can downgrade his living for a couple of years and get us Americans up to speed. :smokin

I was actually referring to you, not Trump. I don't parade my personal life around the internet looking for e-props. i don't brag about being on welfare and blowing my money on jewelry, clothes, shoes, and going out.

I already live well below my means in order to save for retirement, put aside money to help my mother, and send money back to the islands so my sister can put into her side businesses. Even if I had Trump's money I doubt I would send it on all that ****, just to flaunt it off to make be look special. I can see why that is appealing to you, I'm saying it is not appealing to me.

Obama has a much more appealing life in my eyes, all things considered. I'm not thirsty for the **** has Trump right now, I doubt I would be that if I was a milliionaire like Obama
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im glad Anton in this thread, his overzealous self to take shots at me gonna get himself run outta here

you keep tee'in off there sir :lol:


November cant come soon enough.
If we're going by wealth, shouldn't we just get it over with and make Bill Gates or Warren Buffet president. You know, the real big dogs when it comes to $$$. Plus I believe they truly are self made, without "small loans of a million dollars" from their daddies.
Bankruptcy courts stopped the free hand of the market, on multiple occasions, from ruining him financially too.

Trump and Reagan have one thing in common. Their legacies, in the eyes of their supporters, are built on ignorance, misinformation, and cherry picking.
Besides the Japan and nukes issue, here some other Trump flip-flops

And a nice break down of his nonsensical, over promising when it comes to energy:

This dude make be rich, and has a ton of stuff that Ninja can drool at, but is showing himself to be unable to understand the most simple of issues. I don't want someone that incompetent in the White House
If we're going by wealth, shouldn't we just get it over with and make Bill Gates or Warren Buffet president. You know, the real big dogs when it comes to $$$. Plus I believe they truly are self made, without "small loans of a million dollars" from their daddies.

No, those guys are whiney liberal scum who feel that should be tax more, and don't want to make America great again[emoji]8482[/emoji].
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Ninjahood must think Drumpf is going to write him a personal check and hand him the keys to a new car for his vote :smh: :rofl:
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