Donald Trump is running for president

Michelle Obama spoke at my alma mater today for the CCNY class of 2016 graduation, friends told me first hand how powerful of an orator she is, just great

An intelligent, independent, and strong first lady...unfortunately we can't say the same for mrs trump 

I was actually there yesterday as my sister was in this graduating class.
Michelle definitely did her thing.

What will never get discussed was the powerful speech made by the Salutatorian of this graduating class which was a Muslim girl from Yemen.
She started off her speech by saying something in Arabic to the effect of assalamualaikum and you could tell nobody in the crowd was expecting that, especially with tensions as high as they are in this country.

She went on to talk about how women in her country aren't really allowed to get an education. Discussed the arguments she had with her father for her to be allowed to pursue her education. At one point she even said some words in Arabic for her mother who does not speak English, except that by this point in her speech she had won the crowd over that they applauded her for whatever it is she said.
Overall a very powerful speech that damn near brought me to tears.

Michelle acknowledged that following up home girls speech was not going to be easy at all and with all due respect to our First Lady, she was right.

Sorry for sidetracking from the usual back and forth between you dudes but I thought I'd share since you brought the first lady's speech.

For what it's worth I'm still undecided as to who I'm going to vote for.
Trump has many many flaws in terms of all the salacious comments he makes but I firmly believe he would not be the presidential nominee if he didn't say the outlandish **** he's been saying from day one.
There is a certain element of "by any means necessary" that he brings to the table which appeals to me.
Its a dog eat dog world out there that we all accept in many facets of life, we might have to accept that the presidential election is not an exception to that.

Hillary on the other hand is a snake.
I simply don't trust her. I don't **** with her.
With Trump we more or less know what we are getting, he's going to be who he is no matter who likes it.
Hillary is the one that nobody will see coming. She's the one that will stab people in the back and that's the worse kind of stabbing there is.

The day I get stabbed, I want to get stabbed from the front.
Hillary has stayed most consistent with her policy proposal most of this election.

A year ago you could go to here site and read most of them. Trump is still to this day flip flopping on ****, and put out policy proposals that read most like rants about Obama. Many of which will experts say would be downright disastrous. (I have posted links like you requested about this too)

But Trump is the one "we know what we're getting"

And Trump is being sued because he was running a for profit scam called Trump University, and he threw a fit recently saying the judge on the case shouldn't remove himself because he has Mexican roots.

But he is not the snake

Posters have provided tons of evidence correcting the BS talking point of Trump being the self made success, showing his failed business ventures, his lack of understanding on the most basic issues, and his slick racist past.

Yet, these things must are somehow positives, because again "we know what we're getting"

-Brah, miss me with that, and stop talking to me like I'm an idiot that is not paying attention.
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Wassup wit you, pa?
When did I speak to you like you're an idiot?
I ain't never come at you with anything other than respect unless it's a troll thread.
You on the list of people I **** with.

If we can't have a discussion about this type of thing without getting in our feelings then it's a lost cause.
Frankly that's part of the problem. Too much feelings involved in all this ****.

I agree with all the negative you said about Trump.
Him talking bout that Hispanic judge was uncalled for. A lot of the **** he's said has been uncalled for. You don't think it bothers me that his rise during this election all started by going against Hispanics?

But when I look at **** objectively, there is a certain amount of truth that comes with some of the **** he says - He just puts it in a way that appeals to bigots. He lit the oil that brought the snakes out.
I been on record from my first posts in this thread that has shown an appreciation for bringing the snakes out.

It's a cold world, b.
Wassup wit you, pa?
When did I speak to you like you're an idiot?
I ain't never come at you with anything other than respect unless it's a troll thread.
You on the list of people I **** with.

If we can't have a discussion about this type of thing without getting in our feelings then it's a lost cause.
Frankly that's part of the problem. Too much feelings involved in all this ****.

I agree with all the negative you said about Trump.
Him talking bout that Hispanic judge was uncalled for. A lot of the **** he's said has been uncalled for. You don't think it bothers me that his rise during this election all started by going against Hispanics?

But when I look at **** objectively, there is a certain amount of truth that comes with some of the **** he says - He just puts it in a way that appeals to bigots. He lit the oil that brought the snakes out.
I been on record from my first posts in this thread that has shown an appreciation for bringing the snakes out.

It's a cold world, b.

This is something I appreciate as well. From all the high school facebook friends I have, now I know the ones who are truly racists with some of the rants and posts they make. It gave them all a voice and confidence that they never had before.
Wassup wit you, pa?
When did I speak to you like you're an idiot?
I ain't never come at you with anything other than respect unless it's a troll thread.
You on the list of people I **** with.

If we can't have a discussion about this type of thing without getting in our feelings then it's a lost cause.
Frankly that's part of the problem. Too much feelings involved in all this ****.

I agree with all the negative you said about Trump.
Him talking bout that Hispanic judge was uncalled for. A lot of the **** he's said has been uncalled for. You don't think it bothers me that his rise during this election all started by going against Hispanics?

But when I look at **** objectively, there is a certain amount of truth that comes with some of the **** he says - He just puts it in a way that appeals to bigots. He lit the oil that brought the snakes out.
I been on record from my first posts in this thread that has shown an appreciation for bringing the snakes out.

It's a cold world, b.

I seen you using some of Steezy and DC's rustling tactics in other threads brah

I'm pulling out some of Nomad's old tricks to get you on tilt. I was about to plug into the Matrix, and pull up your baby pics next

It's a cold world, b

-I was thinking of slandering you off the jump, word to Lucky, but you famb. That would be too much


But real talk, my bad. I just hate that even when you put all the social issues, racist ****, and foreign policy aside, folk still can't give a reason why I shouldn't be scared of a Trump presidency.

Like more and more he is proving his incompetence, and folk seem to not really care.

Part of my job is preparing an Economic Outlook for the state, so I have to read the candidates policy proposals because those have to be taken into consideration. Trump's **** is borderline nonsensical to me.

If Hillary and Donald were two identical clones, with identical backgrounds, and it was just a policy debate, I would still feel strongly about Trump should not being president.

You, and many other Trump fans are always asking to put aside all the flagrant ****, and consider what Trump is saying. If you want me to to such a thing, I need a compelling argument in favor of Trump. Not one I can disprove within seconds. Or common common sayings

There is little he says that "has some truth in it" when you really think about things in context, and consider the systemic forces driving our economy and society. That is where that talking to me like an idiot comments came from. You're making an argument in favor of Trump, but not making an solid points in his favor. Think I have research and read enough about Trump and his proposals to make my decision, so I can't dismiss my concern because "it is a cole world". Asking me too upsets me.

I respect you enough to know that you ain't considering Trump because you on some bigot steez or that you're delusional about what he will do, so respect me enough to know I don't dislike Trump just for some trivial reason

And the main point about the judge thing should be the Mexican part. It is the fact Trump was running a for profit university to scam people. That is the important part
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It is the fact Trump was running a for profit university to scam people. That is the important part


NEW YORK – Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.

While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.

Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized
I'm confused when you say we know what we're getting with Drumpf. He literally says whatever is convenient at the time. He rarely if ever takes a stance and sticks by it. That doesn't bother you? I mean amongst all the other outlandish stuff he does it would say thats probably what scares me the most we don't know what he'll do at all.
I'm confused when you say we know what we're getting with Drumpf. He literally says whatever is convenient at the time. He rarely if ever takes a stance and sticks by it. That doesn't bother you? I mean amongst all the other outlandish stuff he does it would say thats probably what scares me the most we don't know what he'll do at all.

vs this?

straight liar :smh:
It is the fact Trump was running a for profit university to scam people. That is the important part


NEW YORK – Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.

While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.

Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized

That is not even on the same level.

Bill Clinton, who is not running for president, getting an endorsement deal

Trump, who IS running for president, setting up a business (with this name on it ) that ripped people off
Aww look at the liberals who are "scared" by Trump. You aren't scared and you know it. We have a separation of powers in this country, Trump isn't gonna be able to do something "scary" without pushback and if worse comes to worse, impeachment.

Just like liberals and establishment republicans were scared of Reagan and would start WW3, he did just the opposite.
It is the fact Trump was running a for profit university to scam people. That is the important part


NEW YORK – Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.

While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.

Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized

That is not even on the same level.

Bill Clinton, who is not running for president, getting an endorsement deal

Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc.

you keep glossing over :lol:
It is the fact Trump was running a for profit university to scam people. That is the important part


NEW YORK – Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.

While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.

Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized

That is not even on the same level.

Bill Clinton, who is not running for president, getting an endorsement deal

Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc.

you keep glossing over :lol:

Oh that part, the part that links to another crazy right wing website, which admits while they're making that accusation that Laureate was receiving funds from the State Department before Hillary even got there. So Bush was in on the scheme too? And that links to a Bloomberg article discussing the issue.

Suggesting quid pro quo doesn't prove it, especially if the trend was happening before Hillary was even appointed.
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How's Bernie looking these days? Cause I'd be totally embarrassed if I voted for the walking breathing Yahoo/YT comment section known as Trump, and I simply don't care for Hilary's face nor fake smile
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Was that ninjahood in the audience when Trump said "There's my African American over there"
Honestly that's a 9\10. It's overplayed, but it'll always get a laugh. 

How's Bernie looking these days? Cause I'd be totally embarrassed if I voted for the walking breathing Yahoo/YT comment section known as Trump, and I simply don't care for Hilary's face nor fake smile

he's got a chance to take California...which would basically slice Hillary at da knees before she stumbles for da nomination...

Philly is gonna get hijacked by Bernie supporters :lol:
all that matters is da mother **** ing money and how much is gonna come back to da american citizen...

hopefully we'll be back with disposal funds out da wazooo driving big *** SUV's & sports cars/muscle cars not over regulated by da stupid cafe laws, with DIRT CHEAP gas with a policy that supports fracking 100% & exploration drilling.

waiting to back to being smug practitioners of american Exceptionalism bein **** ing great again like i know we can :smokin
Yes, I can't wait until insecure overcompensating dudes start driving huge SUVs to transport their scrawny lonely *** to their low-skilled job. And then they'll of course dodge every ******* speed bump or crack in the road. And then they'll scratch up everyone else's car because they can't park their oversized vehicle. And add more pollution to the air and guzzle more gasoline.


What else...

Oh, fracking. Yes, I love earthquakes.

And it's good you ended with the "smokin" emoticon. Let's bring smoking back too. Damn government with their overregulation of the American citizen. We need to roll back all these BS government regulations and taxes on cigarettes.

Since you were the one posting sensational pics to argue against abortion, here's one for you:


Let's make America Great Again!

So it's ok for the government to push for more fracking but wrong for them to incentivize fuel-efficient vehicles?
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