Donald Trump is running for president

Look I hate Trump as much as the next man but you can't knock a group people that value being able to put food on the table.

There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.
There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

This. It's a base level of human decency that these supporters either openly did not embrace and supported toys intolerance stance or were indifferent to it. Both don't get any respect and is why you see much of the protests and objections.
If You Did Not Vote For Donald Please Exit This Post - You Had A Chance To Support. You Are More Prone To Spew Nonsense Similar To A Drake Fan In Meek Mill Forum. Any Views After Election Deems You A HATER. Sometimes In Life You Can Only Be One Thing ie, A LeBron Or Curry Fan (During The Finals), A Cop Or A Dealer, Hillary Or Team Trump. You Have Chosen - No Need To Jump On The Bandwagon (Stay On The Sideline For This One Til You're Emotions Have Subsided) The Election Has Proven There Are Plenty Of Us!

Now I Will Acknowledge And Read All The POSITIVE CRITIQUES Of Our President Elect.
Here's as positive as I can get about Trump: he's a horrible human being and we're better off without him. **** him for engaging in the big lie theory and for his racist birther attack and for his support of white supremacists and misogyny.
Look I hate Trump as much as the next man but you can't knock a group people that value being able to put food on the table.

There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

Them folks didn't turn a blind eye to it they straight up agreed with it.

We have to realize million of people believe in that ****.
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There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

This. It's a base level of human decency that these supporters either openly did not embrace and supported toys intolerance stance or were indifferent to it. Both don't get any respect and is why you see much of the protests and objections.
See this is not true unfortunately.

The truth is that many of his supporters are racists and do look down on anyone who's not a white male protestant.

Ideas such as bringing back jobs and making America great again and securing our borders and not being PC anymore are all code for what Trump was intentionally appealing to: racism, misogyny, and hate.

Let's call a spade a spade and not keep giving people a pass for voting in an election where we knew exactly who the hell Trump was.
Them folks didn't turn a blind eye to it they straight up agreed with it.

We have to realize million of people believe in that ****.

No I agree. I was referring to the sentiment that "Not all Trump supporters are racist" and that if they aren't, they turned a blind eye to it
D deleted Don't Ever Play Yourself.

I Have A Lot Of Views And Opinions On This Election But I Think What Really Happened Was Simple. Hillary Tried To Run A Play Action And Baited Alot Of The Democrats With The Negative Trump Slander But Her Real Motive Was The Long Ball. To Me She Is Selfish. She Only Tried To Better Her Own Agenda (Which I Think Was Strictly Women's Equal Rights/New Day Feminism And Getting Into The White House) But More Observant Voters Made A Decision That Ultimately Favored Donald. He Ran A Good Campaign - He Got More Of My Respect. Want To See Him Remain Positive And Sturdy These Next Four Years.
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There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

This. It's a base level of human decency that these supporters either openly did not embrace and supported toys intolerance stance or were indifferent to it. Both don't get any respect and is why you see much of the protests and objections.
See this is not true unfortunately.

The truth is that many of his supporters are racists and do look down on anyone who's not a white male protestant.

Ideas such as bringing back jobs and making America great again and securing our borders and not being PC anymore are all code for what Trump was intentionally appealing to: racism, misogyny, and hate.

Oh look, it's these moralizing, sanctimonious labels again. :rolleyes
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There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

This. It's a base level of human decency that these supporters either openly did not embrace and supported toys intolerance stance or were indifferent to it. Both don't get any respect and is why you see much of the protests and objections.
See this is not true unfortunately.

The truth is that many of his supporters are racists and do look down on anyone who's not a white male protestant.

Ideas such as bringing back jobs and making America great again and securing our borders and not being PC anymore are all code for what Trump was intentionally appealing to: racism, misogyny, and hate.

Oh look, it's these moralizing, sanctimonious labels again. :rolleyes

In Donald Trump's America we call a Spade a Spade :wink:
When people give a pass to Trump for the racist birther agenda among other things, it is pretty clear that they are on board the racist Trump train as ninja called it. Or perhaps you can link me to all the posts by Trump supporters expressing outrage at Trump's attempts to discredit Obama's presidency?
ah yes, equal rights for women was an incredibly selfish goal. Sneaky Hillary :smh:

To Me She Is Selfish. She Only Tried To Better Her Own Agenda (Which I Think Was Strictly Women's Equal Rights/New Day Feminism And Getting Into The White House)
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D deleted Don't Ever Play Yourself.

I Have A Lot Of Views And Opinions On This Election But I Think What Really Happened Was Simple. Hillary Tried To Run A Play Action And Baited Alot Of The Democrats With The Negative Trump Slander But Her Real Motive Was The Long Ball. To Me She Is Selfish. She Only Tried To Better Her Own Agenda (Which I Think Was Strictly Women's Equal Rights/New Day Feminism And Getting Into The White House) But More Observant Voters Made A Decision That Ultimately Favored Donald. He Ran A Good Campaign - He Got More Of My Respect. Want To See Him Remain Positive And Sturdy These Next Four Years.

I would enjoy hearing more of your views and opinions
ah yes, equal rights for women was an incredibly selfish goal. Sneaky Hillary :smh:
Her Campaign Was Wages And Jobs For The Middle Class (Hard Not To Expect). Raising Taxes On The Wealthy (Whose Businesses And Money Create Domestic Jobs And Income That Have Been Sent Overseas). Equal Rights For Minorities (To Get The Votes - Which She Solidified By Bringing Jay-Z, Beyonce And LeBron James To Her Rally, SMH - A That Moment She Lost Me Completely, She Does Not Get It) Pro-Abortion (Which During The Debate Seemed Reasonable But Most Physicians Will Tell You Late Term Abortions For Medical Reasons Are Rare And Hillary Sold It Like It's The Rule). And Then To Bash Donald And His Taxes, ETC Everytime She Had A Chance. These Are The Major Issues She Ran On - IMO, I Think She Really Just Wanted To Be The First Female President Of The United States. D deleted What Is Your Take?

I Would've Been Fine With Her Socialist Views And Gender Equality Because Those Issues Allow All Races And Creeds To Push Their Issues To The Forefront As Well But She Campaigned To Get Votes And Not What Was Truly In Her Mind Which Is Why I Think She Is Selfish whywesteppin whywesteppin .
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coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.

Shouldn't be about jobs, should be about innovation. We should be moving away from coal..

why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.

Problem with that logic is the rest of the world is moving away from coal. France only operates 4 coal power plants part-time, and they will close them by 2023. Scotland has seen days where their wind generation apparatus has created enough energy to power the damn country; Germany has had the same experience. China is moving away from fossil fuels because they can't breathe. Who are you going to sell coal to when nobody but the US uses it? The idea is even worse when you consider that 16 years ago, 50% of electricity generation came from coal (compared to 33% today).

much of that erosion came from da fracking natural gas boom.

make no mistake about it, coal is still used in China heavily and new power plants are going up, Germany still uses coal. its not going anywhere because part of making steel uses coal in da process.
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Here's as positive as I can get about Trump: he's a horrible human being and we're better off without him. **** him for engaging in the big lie theory and for his racist birther attack and for his support of white supremacists and misogyny.

aka congratulations on being our 45th president of da United States :lol:
There's certain things you shouldn't support, like sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Folks turned a blind eye to these things to get this man elected. In no way would I ever rock with that or respect it. But I understand it.

This. It's a base level of human decency that these supporters either openly did not embrace and supported toys intolerance stance or were indifferent to it. Both don't get any respect and is why you see much of the protests and objections.

Ideas such as bringing back jobs and making America great again and securing our borders and not being PC anymore are all code for what Trump was intentionally appealing to: racism, misogyny, and hate.

guess Democrats are gonna enjoy being a regional coastal party with a attitude like that. :lol:

Trump is already having a effect and he ain't even prez yet...

iPhones might soon be made in the U.S., a result of Donald Trump’s win on Election Day, according to Nikkei Asian Review report.

Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxconn Technology Group, a main Apple assembler, has allegedly been looking into the possibility of making iPhones in the United States, sources revealed to Nikkei.

"Apple asked both Foxconn and Pegatron, the two iPhone assemblers, in June to look into making iPhones in the U.S.," a source told Nikkei.
coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.

Shouldn't be about jobs, should be about innovation. We should be moving away from coal..

why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.

Problem with that logic is the rest of the world is moving away from coal. France only operates 4 coal power plants part-time, and they will close them by 2023. Scotland has seen days where their wind generation apparatus has created enough energy to power the damn country; Germany has had the same experience. China is moving away from fossil fuels because they can't breathe. Who are you going to sell coal to when nobody but the US uses it? The idea is even worse when you consider that 16 years ago, 50% of electricity generation came from coal (compared to 33% today).

much of that erosion came from da fracking natural gas boom.

make no mistake about it, coal is still used in China heavily and new power plants are going up, Germany still uses coal. its not going anywhere because part of making steel uses coal in da process.

New coal power plant projects are not going up as much as renewable farms / natural gas plants for a few reasons: other types of plants are less expensive (whammy 1), more efficient (whammy 2), and less toxic (whammy 3).

Efficiency is very important in power engineering: fuel is an expense, and increasing efficiency means more profits. Increasing efficiency implies getting rid of wasteful processes and adopting more efficient sources of energy. Compared to natural gases, coal sucks. The best efficiency you can get from it is 40% compared to 60% max efficiency with the best gas plant.

If we're talking about efficiency, we have to talk about cost: if renewables can produce electricity with the same efficiency as coal or better, but cost nothing to get other than the initial installation and maintenance costs, which setup will be less expensive to own over time?
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D deleted Don't Ever Play Yourself.

I Have A Lot Of Views And Opinions On This Election But I Think What Really Happened Was Simple. Hillary Tried To Run A Play Action And Baited Alot Of The Democrats With The Negative Trump Slander But Her Real Motive Was The Long Ball. To Me She Is Selfish. She Only Tried To Better Her Own Agenda (Which I Think Was Strictly Women's Equal Rights/New Day Feminism And Getting Into The White House) But More Observant Voters Made A Decision That Ultimately Favored Donald. He Ran A Good Campaign - He Got More Of My Respect. Want To See Him Remain Positive And Sturdy These Next Four Years.

The negative Trump slander was the only way she could draw the cameras in her direction because the media decided to focus on drama and not policy (ratings). The fact is that Trump couldn't articulate how any of his ideas would make sense for middle America unlike her, but people chose to side with the man who told them sweet nothings even though the evidence available during the campaign showed that he isn't the best at keeping promises.

We have cats in here posting tweets from someone who has been proven to spread lies and claim phantom endorsements, because "if he said it, it must be true." Same cats who post craigslist ads as "proof" [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Both plans include a rate cut for individual income tax and cuts for business income, analysts say.

Kansas faces a nearly $350 million budget gap for the current fiscal year, which runs through June. The budget gap has forced the state to make cuts to most state agencies, the state pension system, highway projects and universities.

In September, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia ranked Kansas 50th in the nation for employment growth, manufacturing hours worked, unemployment rate and wage growth. An economist with the Washington-based, low-tax advocate Tax Foundation told Mississippi lawmakers evaluating planned tax cuts that Kansas is "an example of what not to do in tax reform."

Meanwhile, some legislators say they will push for the state to roll back the tax cuts next year, and the state budget director said last week that raising taxes is not out of the question.

Brownback has stood by his tax plan and said he is happy Trump plans to implement a similar strategy at the national level.

When are Americans going to stop falling for the oki doke?
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