Donald Trump is running for president

It's going to be great to have a president that's actually American!

He's no where near American. Giving speeches like Adolf Hitler is un-American. Adolf Hitler caused the deaths of nearly 70 million people, and he didn't have nuclear bombs. In a nuclear fight, there are no winners.
I was watching CNBC yesterday and this woman from West Virginia was thrilled about the Trump presidency and stated how excited she was about coal jobs returning. People get what they deserve. 
them backwoods ppl so dumb they really think the jobs that left long ago and basically don't exist in this country anymore are really coming back just cuz trump says so critical thinking at all with those folks, they been sitting around waiting on the return of their jobs for so long while not making any other moves...n just complain about everybody else :smh:

coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.
coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.

Shouldn't be about jobs, should be about innovation. We should be moving away from coal. Plus, its not like it creates a ton of jobs, those jobs are only a small piece. The problem is the US population isn't getting the skills needed for the new workforce. DJT wants to stop tech companies from getting foreign workers but the problem is there is a shortage of skills needed in the US which is why they bring everyone in on work visas, which he wants to stop.
coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.

Shouldn't be about jobs, should be about innovation. We should be moving away from coal..

why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.
why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.

Better to allocate those sources into something that isn't a fossil fuel. In the short term that would benefit, but not everything is about the interim.
why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.

How many more jobs are we talking? Nothing wrong with America. I'm making mad money and I don't even have a high school diploma. My father always said to me " America is the mother of all countries. If you don't have a job, or not making any money, then your doing something wrong ". I made money when the economy was good and bad. If a person can't find a job, then he's not looking hard enough, too picky, or just a lazy mofo.
By the way, my father never went passed the 7th grade and made millions off of real estate. I made lots of money and I dropped out of high school to peruse my boxing career that never even worked out. My father threw me out the house at the age of 20 and said to me " make your own money, cause your not getting any of mine ". He did teach me the basics and I did great and still doing great. If we Americans are waiting for a President to bring us jobs because we are too lazy to go and look for our own, then we are outright lazy people like world labels us. Coal mining is not gonna cut it. Technology took most of the jobs away, that's life, go look for new careers or get on welfare. Excuses don't pay the bills.
Look I hate Trump as much as the next man but you can't knock a group people that value being able to put food on the table.
Look I hate Trump as much as the next man but you can't knock a group people that value being able to put food on the table.

Absolutely not, putting their faith in a con-man though to deliver said jobs is another thing entirely though.
coal powers 33% of da electrical grid....and alot of coal is Also exported.. expect alot of those jobs to be returning once regulations are repealed.

Shouldn't be about jobs, should be about innovation. We should be moving away from coal..

why? we're da Saudi Arabia of coal...that means more jobs, and now that Texas just found a **** load of new oil & gas (da latest untapped reserve in US history) cheap energy under this administration will be guaranteed for eons to come.

Problem with that logic is the rest of the world is moving away from coal. France only operates 4 coal power plants part-time, and they will close them by 2023. Scotland has seen days where their wind generation apparatus has created enough energy to power the damn country; Germany has had the same experience. China is moving away from fossil fuels because they can't breathe. Who are you going to sell coal to when nobody but the US uses it? The idea is even worse when you consider that 16 years ago, 50% of electricity generation came from coal (compared to 33% today).
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