DONE DEAL: Shaq to Cleveland for Sasha Pavlovic and Ben Wallace/ EDIT: Villanueva next???

The Cavs still have Z's expiring deal ($11.5M) and as an article posted already stated, they can trade Shaq (or Z) before the trade deadline if thingsaren't working out as well as expected.

ska, Kidd's an unrestricted free agent so he can sign for anything (LLE, MLE, partial LLE/MLE, minimum). Cleveland (and the Lakers
) have the money.

...And lose again. The Cavs aren't getting any other veterans unless they sign to the MLE. Aren't they close to the luxury tax threshold?
They were way over the luxury tax last year and they'll be over it again this year after signing Verajao (I believe he stated he's goingto opt out). I believe the owner stated that the luxury tax isn't an issue.
I hope this backfires because it motivates Howard to humiliate the cavs even more since shaq dissed him.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

The Cavs still have Z's expiring deal ($11.5M) and as an article posted already stated, they can trade Shaq (or Z) before the trade deadline if things aren't working out as well as expected.

ska, Kidd's an unrestricted free agent so he can sign for anything (LLE, MLE, partial LLE/MLE, minimum). Cleveland (and the Lakers
) have the money.

...And lose again. The Cavs aren't getting any other veterans unless they sign to the MLE. Aren't they close to the luxury tax threshold?
They were way over the luxury tax last year and they'll be over it again this year after signing Verajao (I believe he stated he's going to opt out). I believe the owner stated that the luxury tax isn't an issue.

Oh yeah, I forgot he was an unrestricted free agent. Who knows, he's still looking for that ring that Shaq and Kobe took from him.
I guess were gonna start hearing the " Lebron needsShaq" to win titles talk now huh. I really don't know what to say about this move, i mean the team that they had was good enough for 66 wins,they were just a terrible match up for Orlando. Shaq might be able to slow down Howard a lil bit, but i still dont see this deal putting them over Orlando,Turk, Lewis and Pietrus murdered them from the perimeter. Now if the Cavs Pick up Sheed ( which i have a feeling they may do) then they're most likelygonna be the favorites to win it all.
so if lebron wins a ring.. is it gonna be" lebron couldnt win without shaq"? first kobe, then wade, now lebron..... shaq putting in work
when heretires he gonna say something about it.. "all 3 of them couldnt win their first rings without me " type stuff
I can just see it now, at the press conference when he's introduced as a Cav: " Lebron is one of the greatest players ever","i can help him take his game to the next level" , " I'm gonna bring a championship to the city of Cleveland, thatswhat i do when I'm motivated, i win rings"
Originally Posted by HANNIBEL SMITH

I can just see it now, at the press conference when he's introduced as a Cav: " Lebron is one of the greatest players ever", "i can help him take his game to the next level" , " I'm gonna bring a championship to the city of Cleveland, thats what i do when I'm motivated, i win rings"

good trade in terms of getting rid of big ben and sasha but this still keeps the Cavs as the 3rd best team in the East. I have a feeling Charlie V will signthere, which would be a good fit
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I wonder how many other veteran players will try to whorify themselves onto the Cavs now.
I have this weird feeling (based on absolutely nothing
) that Kidd will try to et in CLE.

Though the Cavs can't afford him, or even come close to affording him, right (those of you that know all the contract stuff)?
I doubt it.

Cuban can throw millions at Kidd, he's one of the only teams that can offer him that, and Kidd/Cuban have a love-affair, that's already established.

Is it possible? Definitely.

Do I see it happening? Nope. Maybe a rumor or two, but I see Kidd retiring in Dallas.

if kidd wants a ring he will go some where cheap that he has a shot to win next year
Originally Posted by HANNIBEL SMITH

I can just see it now, at the press conference when he's introduced as a Cav: " Lebron is one of the greatest players ever", "i can help him take his game to the next level" , " I'm gonna bring a championship to the city of Cleveland, thats what i do when I'm motivated, i win rings"


and then years down the road he'll be like, "the 3 best players of a generation all got rings WITH me, im not saying im the best but im just saying (raises his eye brows and smiles)"
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by JsindaA

I'm interested in how Bron will play this season more than anything. His rebounding numbers are going to drop and with a still(although a bit improved) suspect jumper I can't see him scoring the same either. Definitely won't be able to drive like he has his whole career. Although it did work in Miami.........

Consider that defenses can't cheat off Shaq like they did Ben Wallace...

BINGO...leaves things wide open.

The Cavs (on paper) IMO are one player away from th finals AT LEAST.
Lebron and Shaq ?
Damn those Chinese owners def don't play around
. Kobe! and Lakers nation we have a problem
So the only PF the Cavs on the roster as of now is J.J. Hickson
laugh.gif to find someonethat can stay in front of Rashard Lewis.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Lebron and Shaq ?
Damn those Chinese owners def don't play around
. Kobe! and Lakers nation we have a problem
stop that

kobe,lamar,gasol,bynum,ariza at full strength > cavs
now what's going to happen to amare and steve nash??

oh and mark it down. Grant Hill will be in a Cavs jersey soon too
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Lebron and Shaq ?
Damn those Chinese owners def don't play around
. Kobe! and Lakers nation we have a problem
Um how bout no, as long as we get Trev and LO back, we're STILL the team to beat next year. And *#% is Kobe nation

This move alone doesn't even make CLE better than ORL or BOS in my opinion
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