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pass on chicago,

i need to be able to drive around and know where im at :HAT

well see if that dude was right in less than 24 hours
Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

The trailer will show how far they are in development.

Early 2012 isn't enough time for them to market IMO, but you never know.

gta markets itself now.  it's like jordan brand. its an entity.  all it has to do is drop, and the industry stands still. 2 hrs gtav was a trending topic. lol.

it dropping early 2012 is not far fetched.  heck, they could just push MP3 back.  I mean we are getting a gtav trailer before we're even seeing recent max payne screenshots.  i'm just saying, i wouldnt put anything past rockstar lol
A max Payne trailer dropped last week, rock star puts giant posters on buildings to market the game 
Some people don't even know its been announced yet, I'm still going with fall 2012.
That'd be dope if they went back to London or if they did Dubai and you started off as a worker
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

The trailer will show how far they are in development.

Early 2012 isn't enough time for them to market IMO, but you never know.

gta markets itself now.  it's like jordan brand. its an entity.  all it has to do is drop, and the industry stands still. 2 hrs gtav was a trending topic. lol.

it dropping early 2012 is not far fetched.  heck, they could just push MP3 back.  I mean we are getting a gtav trailer before we're even seeing recent max payne screenshots.  i'm just saying, i wouldnt put anything past rockstar lol
A max Payne trailer dropped last week, rock star puts giant posters on buildings to market the game 
Some people don't even know its been announced yet, I'm still going with fall 2012.

oh good looks fam I was completely unaware.  jsut watched least the OG music is right...-_- lol.

i concur.  I believe R* will probably go with a fall RD, but I wouldn't put it past them to drop whenever.  just use the trailer for example..oct 11th in ana interview Sam Houser said he had no gta news to report on any future game.  said they're not focused on anything other than MP3...2 weeks later, trailer is announced loll.  they're playing chess man
gta5 is all about pirates. you're a lone pirate tryin to come up, doin work for pirate lords, robbin merchants, raiding villages/towns, straight goonin. earn a ship and a crew, cannons upgradable....need to replenish health? go to TORTUGA and faceplant a wench. fight off random attacks on the sea from other pirates, naval forces, as well as mythical creatures like kraken, mermaids, and idk....a giant whale. secret side missions with extra come up....hidden boss fight? Davy jones.

a man can dream
Originally Posted by sreggie101

gta5 is all about pirates. you're a lone pirate tryin to come up, doin work for pirate lords, robbin merchants, raiding villages/towns, straight goonin. earn a ship and a crew, cannons upgradable....need to replenish health? go to TORTUGA and faceplant a wench. fight off random attacks on the sea from other pirates, naval forces, as well as mythical creatures like kraken, mermaids, and idk....a giant whale. secret side missions with extra come up....hidden boss fight? Davy jones.

a man can dream
    A while back when they had a Gtaiv game wit developers event, people were telling them to make a pirate or feudal japan based game. 
    One of them seemed some what interested.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I hope it's something completely unexpected that blows peoples minds.

Same here. I really don't want it to be in San Andreas, Liberty City, or Vice City.
I want a completely different location
What's going to blow people's minds? If they come out with San Andreas, Liberty City, and Vice City all in one. They gotta do the Chi though. One time for me R*
Originally Posted by Hyper

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Uncharted 3 kills any XBOX 360 exclusive game including Halo & Gears Of War.

Uncharted is the one truly great PS3 exclusive. What about the fact that Gears, Halo and Forza all three kill any PS3 exclusive OTHER than Uncharted? All three have 91 on Metacritic while GT5 and Killzone 3 have 84 and Resistance 3 and Infamous have 83.

Good thing MGS4 has a 94, God of War 3 has a 92, LBP has a 95 and LBP2 has a 92, or else you might actually be correct for once.

Dude, you're just mentioning ancient exclusives from pretty much the entire lifespan of PS3, with the possible exception of Little Big Planet 2. I could've also mentioned Gears 1 (94), Gears 2 (93), Halo 3 (94), Mass Effect (91), Forza 2 (90), Forza 3 (92), Left 4 Dead (89), Left 4 Dead 2 (89), Call Of Duty 2 (89). I was talking about the newer exclusives.

The point is that this claim that the PS3 is capable of so much more than the 360 is B.S. The only thing that PS3 really has on 360 is the fact that it has more storage space on its disc. Recently, several game developing companies have stated that the 360 and PS3 are BOTH maxed out when compared to the games you can make for the most modern PCs. And they really have been for some time. And if Rockstar make GTA V as good as it can be for the PC, it will demolish the console versions, even more than Battlefield 3. That is if they make it for the current consoles. Therefore, IMO it would be best if they save V for the next generation of consoles and make it REALLY good. GTA IV was released all the way back in the first half of 2008 and its frame rate is somewhat choppy. They should just have it for the next consoles with a 60 fps frame rate. And it would be really nice to have a proper, high quality title for the launch of the next gen consoles, because the games they usually release at the birth of a console are mediocre.
this dudes could drop the game with no marketing, word of mouth will handle it. needs to be dropped by december tho
Originally Posted by sifupooh

this dudes could drop the game with no marketing, word of mouth will handle it. needs to be dropped by december tho
Not happening.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Hyper

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Uncharted is the one truly great PS3 exclusive. What about the fact that Gears, Halo and Forza all three kill any PS3 exclusive OTHER than Uncharted? All three have 91 on Metacritic while GT5 and Killzone 3 have 84 and Resistance 3 and Infamous have 83.

Good thing MGS4 has a 94, God of War 3 has a 92, LBP has a 95 and LBP2 has a 92, or else you might actually be correct for once.

The point is that this claim that the PS3 is capable of so much more than the 360 is B.S.

It only does everything, bro.
Originally Posted by alcstarheel

What's going to blow people's minds? If they come out with San Andreas, Liberty City, and Vice City all in one. They gotta do the Chi though. One time for me R*

I second the motion on chicago, especially over DC. I mean, I love this area and all but I really don't care to play a game about a place I know like the back of my hand, don't see why people get so geeked over it.

VC and SA were great because they were something new, hopefully rockstar does the right thing.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by alcstarheel

What's going to blow people's minds? If they come out with San Andreas, Liberty City, and Vice City all in one. They gotta do the Chi though. One time for me R*

I second the motion on chicago, especially over DC. I mean, I love this area and all but I really don't care to play a game about a place I know like the back of my hand, don't see why people get so geeked over it.

VC and SA were great because they were something new, hopefully rockstar does the right thing.
Wrong !
GTA Vice City & GTA San Andreas were not new. The main gameplay elements were the same they just added more things you could in each game.

What made those 2 games so great was that R* nailed it by setting the game in the right time periods, those game soundtracks, game settings, the main characters and supporting characters  in those were near perfect also.

GTA IV what turned so many people off with it was that the game took on more of a serious tone with the main story, the modern day Liberty City (NYC) was just to dark & gritty, the satire comedy was dark also, and you just didn't have the crazy things to around the city like what we had in the PS2 era GTA games.
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