Don't post in this thread. Find the official gta V thread. K thx

Why did I move here?
I guess it was the weather,
Or the, I don't know that thing, that magic,
You see it in the movies,
I wanted to retire from what I was doing,
You know, from that, that line of work,
Be a good guy for once, a family man,
So, I bought a big house, came here, put my feet up,
Thought I'd be a dad like all the other dad's,
My kids, will be like the kids on TV, we play ball and sit in the sun,
But, well, you know how it is.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Ray Liotta not being brought back to voice over work for GTA V if Tommy Vercetti is in GTA V wouldn't be an issue.

They can hire another actor to do the voice over work and people wouldn't really notice since this is set in modern day San Andreas and Tommy would be a lot older and would be in his 50's and close to 60 years old.

word. why the hell would i want to play as a old *%$ tommy vercetti anyway??? that as bad as us having to play as a old Max Payne now lol.  i cant wait to see the modern touches on the city though.  i hope they have some laker %%%# loll kobe>>>>

that R8 Spider was raw!!!

lmaooo @ song that said he looks like Frank West!!!  dead rising swag
Those graphics look AMAZING. I don't know if the Xbox 360 and PS3 can churn out that level of fidelity (the draw distance was incredible in those mountain scenes an. If they can then I will pre order on day one.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Just so you know, console versions won't be looking like that. Be warned.
Hopefully it comes out on PC on release day 

My PC is ready..and Skyrim comes out next week 
Got this from GAF:

Fat, broke Nico? Haven't played GTA 4 So I don't know if he dies in it or anything.
@ the sign though.
Originally Posted by Airupthere301

Those graphics look AMAZING. I don't know if the Xbox 360 and PS3 can churn out that level of fidelity (the draw distance was incredible in those mountain scenes an. If they can then I will pre order on day one.
There's gonna be a lot of pop up. I remember back in the ps2 days, driving so fast and crashing into poles that didn't appear for a good min later.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Just so you know, console versions won't be looking like that. Be warned.

what do u mean? (srs question)
SuprDuperFly wrote:
Just so you know, console versions won't be looking like that. Be warned.
Non-issue, gameplay and story is more important.
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

If it is Tommy, and if it is set 2012 He'd be 61.
The man did say he wanted to retire.
Depends of if Rockstar develops it from the PS3 or 360 will determine the graphic level or how close we get to that level of detail. PS3 has the capability, UC3 is maybe the best looking game ever.
pretty sure Niko/CJ will be making cameos in the game. as far as playable i doubt it, unless they put it as DLC for side missions. just my prediction
Hopefully the PC version is better than GTA IV. The mods made that game tolerable but playing straight out of the box was no beuno
To answer Retro's question:
That trailer was too much for current consoles to handle at a respectable frame-rate.
What you saw was running on a PC most likely. Did you see any console logos in the trailer? Exactly.

Console players probably won't miss too much, but those shadows on the mountain hikers and how the sun hits them is an example of what will be absent on console.
I'll hold my excitement on this ones
I was hoping for a new setting (London or Japan)
and falling for the hype of IV left me disappointed
It looks great, don't get me wrong, but if that's PC footage, than I'm shocked... it needs work. Games like Crysis, Battlefiled 3, The Witcher, Skyrim are gonna blow GTA V in terms of graphic prowess. My guess is the trailer is early console footage, Uncharted 3 looks way better than the trailer and it's 100% real time graphic.
anyone else notice that the freeway's are numbered with actual freeways this time

him mentioning his kids? what about the ability to have kids this time around

finally get a dog?

^^What didn't you like about GTA IV?
That was my favorite one and it got really good scores. I didn't hear too many negative things about the game before coming to NT
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