Don't post in this thread. Find the official gta V thread. K thx

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I'll hold my excitement on this ones
I was hoping for a new setting (London or Japan)
and falling for the hype of IV left me disappointed

I'd have a nervous breakdown if they did this.
Im not impressed at all
I guess when you get to a certain age you stop caring about games...........smh at 30+ year olds avidly playing video games
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I'll hold my excitement on this ones
I was hoping for a new setting (London or Japan)
and falling for the hype of IV left me disappointed
You might as well set yourself up for disappointment with any future GTA games then.
Dan Houser in multiple recent interviews has said he things it would be to hard and doesn't see GTA going outside of the US anytime soon.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

To answer Retro's question:
That trailer was too much for current consoles to handle at a respectable frame-rate.
What you saw was running on a PC most likely. Did you see any console logos in the trailer? Exactly.

Console players probably won't miss too much, but those shadows on the mountain hikers and how the sun hits them is an example of what will be absent on console.

oh ok, i don't know about the 360 but i thought the ps3 would be able to handle graphics like that
welp still looking forward to this game
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

Im not impressed at all
I guess when you get to a certain age you stop caring about games...........smh at 30+ year olds avidly playing video games
No SMH at people like you who only think gaming is for kids and use video games as an excuse to baby sit kids and then cry outrage when a kid does something stupid that is crime related and then parent groups blame it on games like GTA.
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

Im not impressed at all
I guess when you get to a certain age you stop caring about games...........smh at 30+ year olds avidly playing video games
what do you even mean by this?  video games are no longer just for children sir.  30+ ? what wrong with that?  why can't a 30+ year old get excited for some virtual reality?  please explain why this causes you to shake your head....and you cared enough to watch a trailer within an hour of it dropping..
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Got this from GAF:

Fat, broke Nico? Haven't played GTA 4 So I don't know if he dies in it or anything.
@ the sign though.
Same thing I was thinking!
For those confused about the difference between the PC and the console version, this is what GTA4 looks like on PC with community mods.
@ 2:00
I'll definitely buy it, I need something to play.  It looks good like any other GTA game, nothing to go crazy over.
Any word on when we're going to get a release date or the next update?

Game looks amazing by the way, I'm glad it's back in Cali. The map is about to be a lot bigger and more detailed than the PS2 that's for sure. Very interested in finding out the storyline, main character, etc.

Rockstar is pretty brilliant at marketing for the GTA series. Didnt they have real life billboards and posters around NYC when IV was about to drop?
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