Don't post in this thread. Find the official gta V thread. K thx

More than excited. Loved every GTA before this. This will be day 1 preorder. I'm hoping it comes out sooner than later though. They can't have me waiting that long.
A year away sounds about right. You guys are killing me with the speculations. Most of them are so dumb.

It's not Tommy.. They wouldn't use him without Ray Liotta. This dude looks like he's in his 40's.
some thoughts...

Dude you forgot to mention JETS!!!!!!!!!! (private and military) Why would we need jets if there is just one airport to land at? Heres hoping its not just LS.

5/24/12 seems to be the expected release date. at :55 seconds we see a number on the curb that reads 2405.
Sort of mad, was busy during lunch and couldn't watch.

Can't watch on my phone either.

Can't wait til I get home...
....idk man, its cool i guess. i look forward to playing it but some of these responses are OD
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by MR J 858

You guys missed it CJ is back also !

Dude was running from the cops in the trailer.

Re watch the trailer.
San Andreas was in the early 90s.
so close to two decades later

I don't see it.

I know im reachin but Jay-Z was the first dude that came to mind lol
Think it's Tommy Vercetti, older, wiser, moved to Los Santos to get away from crime, then the recession hits and he goes back to crime!
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Why did I move here?
I guess it was the weather,

Or the, I don't know that thing, that magic,
You see it in the movies,
I wanted to retire from what I was doing,
You know, from that, that line of work,
Be a good guy for once, a family man,
So, I bought a big house, came here, put my feet up,
Thought I'd be a dad like all the other dad's,
My kids, will be like the kids on TV, we play ball and sit in the sun,
But, well, you know how it is.
This is why I don't think the guy is Tommy. The Weather in VC was nice. Wasn't it based off Miami?
It's gotta be some new character or some lesser known character or something. All the mains from III-IV will make cameos, but maybe they all wanted to retire too? Wasn't Niko playing golf and And Claude climbing mountains? Maybe it's some place all the old mobsters go or something? 
I'm convinced Tommy Vercetti is back...

But he's not the main character you play as. I think he's probably one of the crime bosses in the main story that you eventually take down.

"Or the, ah, I don't know that thing, that magic", he continues, "you see it in the movies, I wanted to retire, from what I was doing, you know."

That right there said in the trailer. Remember Tommy in Vice City was just getting in porn movie making business towards the end of the game. 
Okay, let's take this all in and consider what we learn about the game from this trailer:

  • Will be set at least in Los Santos, possibly all of San Andreas
    (edit: It is San Andreas, you see it on the license plates. And the bug exterminator's van says "Los Santos" on is, meaning that there's a very good chance we will get all 3 cities)
  • Dogs/animals are in game
  • A MASSIVE looking mountain
  • Biplanes/jets
  • Jet skis? (name of the Jetski? Speeophile 2000)
  • At least one area of town will be "Little Seoul" :smile:32)
  • Ok, at different points in the trailer there are what looks like different people driving cars. At first I thought it was a sign that the ability to control your whole appearance is back, but when I look closer it almost seems like you would be controlling a different character
  • If the main character winds up being Tommy Vercetti 25 years after the events of Vice City (VO sounds a hell of a lot like Ray Liotta, guy at :40 looks like Tommy) I am pre-ordering this game tomorrow, holy *%*@

Just to keep in mind, next October does happen to be the 10 year anniversary of Vice City...

Found this on Reddit...
kind of want a Fast and Furious story incorporated in this. Modding whips in San Andreas was so dope.
Hope they have in depth customization for vehicles like Midnight Club. That would be
I really think the game is about done the trailer has so much stuff and detail. I think they are gonna surprise us with the release date I say within the next 6 month's gta v will be released.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

GTA V: That's Not Ray Liotta in the Trailer

Hopefully this will stop NT and the internet with the ******ed speculations.
Reading comprehension is at an all time low I guess. 
It states that Ray Liotta wasn't the voice in the trailer. That doesn't mean that Tommy V isn't the character in the trailer. It could very well be a elderly Tommy V who was recasted with another actors voice. Not far fetched by any means. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

GTA V: That's Not Ray Liotta in the Trailer

Hopefully this will stop NT and the internet with the ******ed speculations.
Reading comprehension is at an all time low I guess. 
It states that Ray Liotta wasn't the voice in the trailer. That doesn't mean that Tommy V isn't the character in the trailer. It could very well be a elderly Tommy V who was recasted with another actors voice. Not far fetched by any means. 
(face palm) I guess it won't stop...
It's not Tommy.
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