Dressing Better Vol 2.0

What brand are these

Any help?
HBD Steezy. I think I am the oldest active poster at 31, I'll be 32 on Sept 20. Crazy. Yall keep me young though.


Baseball and bomber jackets are in this season. lol (Sarcasm, you already knew that)

This one is dope!



You might be. I'll be 30 in February.

HBD Steezy!!

Interesting about that Alpha line. I need to check that out.
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This may have been discussed, but what does everyone think of the changes to Dockers Alpha line. The original fit has been popular here and I am interested how the slimmer stuff fits. has anyone had a chance to try anything out? Interesting also they have expanded into sweaters and other items as well. - http://us.dockers.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=13252134&ab=home_ASpotAlpha_08132013

One of the first pair of Alphas I got were in the Alpha Standard fit and I returned them immediately. They didn't have any taper and overall fit pretty poorly compared to the Alpha Slim fit. I was confused when I got them because I thought all Alphas were the same slim fit.
Im assuming the OG slim fit is what I have and I love the two pairs I have. If it wasn't for my last surviving pair of 521's (Black), I would rock Alpha's exclusively. I was Levi's guy but getting frustrated with their new fits, 514's need too much tailoring and 508's give me major crotch issues (too dam tight :rolleyes #nohumblebrag). Might go designer denim because of that, never thought I'd make the leap.

I hope the OG slim fit stays the same, perfect off the rack for me, if anything only slight hemming required. I can already tell that I'm not interested in the Skinny or Standard fits.
Lmao!!...is alright bros, we just seasoned and well done :pimp: I'm afraid to reach 40 though...my 20's flew man...lol
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