Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Outside of the pics of a few pieces, this occurrence is exactly why I'd never post pictures of myself on the internet. You never know who is watching you, and you never know who'd try and front, while using your images. I asked that exact same question on here a few weeks ago, and then got flack from the regulars.

It's cool though, but funny as all hell.
I just wanted to apologize one more time guys. As I've said I'm not done posting and I never will be. I've been on here far too long.

I'm sorry guys, I love all of you and OUR thread.

Ya'll are my fam, I'm sorry.

Sorry for what? And when did you apologize before now?

You keep avoiding most of the questions and then immediately try to change the subject with multiple posts.

Even if you are both a stylist & photographer, what does that have to do with you posting multiple pictures that you passed off as you and responded regarding where you got the items from, etc?

What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question. :rolleyes
I worked on that JT shoot. (Whether or not you believe me is a different story, but it was an amazing experience)
Like I've said SEVERAL times I wasn't trying to pass as Justin Timberlake in a damn GQ spread. :lol:
I apologized. We're moving on now.
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What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question. I apologized. We're moving on now.

Just because you apologized does not mean your image will change. Time will only forgive.

This is like finding out Santa is all make believe. LoL
i am personally not trippin, but could you at least post a real fit?

Last reply to you quoted weird for some reason. Here's a few recent things

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I just wanted to apologize one more time guys. As I've said I'm not done posting and I never will be. I've been on here far too long.

I'm sorry guys, I love all of you and OUR thread.

Ya'll are my fam, I'm sorry.

Sorry for what? And when did you apologize before now?

You keep avoiding most of the questions and then immediately try to change the subject with multiple posts.

Even if you are both a stylist & photographer, what does that have to do with you posting multiple pictures that you passed off as you and responded regarding where you got the items from, etc?

What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question. :rolleyes
I worked on that JT shoot. (Whether or not you believe me is a different story, but it was an amazing experience)
Like I've said SEVERAL times I wasn't trying to pass as Justin Timberlake in a damn GQ spread. :lol:
I apologized. We're moving on now.

What were you apologizing for? Aside from working on the JT shoot, what about the suit pic, what about the bracelets your sister made or the other pic that was from someone else's Tumblr? Were those pics actually you? You're not answering whether you tried to pass those pics off as you but I guess by saying sorry that's your way of admitting it without actually saying anything.
What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question.

I worked on that JT shoot. (Whether or not you believe me is a different story, but it was an amazing experience)
Like I've said SEVERAL times I wasn't trying to pass as Justin Timberlake in a damn GQ spread.

I apologized. We're moving on now.
When someone gave you props on the Justin Timberlake fit you thanked them and answered a question regarding

one of the articles being worn. Is that not trying to pass off as somebody else?

We're not moving on. We're staying stagnant homie. We won't forget this sh. WTF? 

It's my birthday dawg, and because of your pseudo-bullcrap nobody has acknowledged that it's my birthday.

Got me refreshing the page every 5 sec to see if anybody wished me a HB but no, it's about you!


LOL fishing for compliments and fishing for love is on the same wavelength though, right?

HHAHAHAHA jk breh...happy birthday.
What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question. :rolleyes

I worked on that JT shoot. (Whether or not you believe me is a different story, but it was an amazing experience)

Like I've said SEVERAL times I wasn't trying to pass as Justin Timberlake in a damn GQ spread. :lol:

I apologized. We're moving on now.

It's my birthday dawg, and because of your pseudo-bullcrap nobody has acknowledged that it's my birthday.

Got me refreshing the page every 5 sec to see if anybody wished me a HB but no, it's about you!



:lol: :lol: hbd bro. start a birthday thread :smokin
When someone gave you props on the Justin Timberlake fit you thanked them and answered a question regarding
one of the articles being worn. Is that not trying to pass off as somebody else?

We're not moving on. We're staying stagnant homie. We won't forget this sh. WTF? 

It's my birthday dawg, and because of your pseudo-bullcrap nobody has acknowledged that it's my birthday.

Got me refreshing the page every 5 sec to see if anybody wished me a HB but no, it's about you!



Happy Bday bro. Mine is on Dec. 25th...
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What? Bro I've been answering nearly every single question. :rolleyes

I worked on that JT shoot. (Whether or not you believe me is a different story, but it was an amazing experience)

Like I've said SEVERAL times I wasn't trying to pass as Justin Timberlake in a damn GQ spread. :lol:

I apologized. We're moving on now.

When someone gave you props on the Justin Timberlake fit you thanked them and answered a question regarding
one of the articles being worn. Is that not trying to pass off as somebody else?

We're not moving on. We're staying stagnant homie. We won't forget this sh. WTF? 

It's my birthday dawg, and because of your pseudo-bullcrap nobody has acknowledged that it's my birthday.

Got me refreshing the page every 5 sec to see if anybody wished me a HB but no, it's about you!



:lol: Happy birthday fam. I don't think anyone knew it was your birthday :rolleyes

For tomorrow I'd like to propose a one day "Blackout" outfit challenge for the tragedy in my home state to pay our respects.
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:lol: :lol: hbd bro. start a birthday thread :smokin

It doesn't work like that. Someone has to start it for me. :smh:



Pharrell though. Let's get this thread back on track, because we all know that for most of us,
this thread is the only reason we visit NT.

Let's get back on track ya'll. I'm sorry for everything, ya'll know that.

And you're right about that man, it's the only reason I'm on here anymore :lol:
and by "everything" you mean what exactly?

For claiming a few of the pics were me, man. I'm sorry.

I just posted recent pictures of me in a spoiler so you know whats real. Again, I wasn't claiming to be Justin Timberlake :lol: I REALLY had a hand in that. It was an amazing experience. I actually got to meet the man.

Yes, I am a stylist. Yes, I am a photographer. Yes, I work at an agency. There would be no reason for me to lie about that.

It's complicated, but when I originally posted the pictures I didn't even mean to claim they were me, They didn't have a WDYWT tag, people just wrongly assumed and it felt awkward saying they weren't me because I felt like I'd betray their trust, and I just wanted to leave it at that. They were either fits I HAVE done, or something I just liked. I do a lot of private photoshoots with friends, many of which work with me, and sometimes when I'm just digging through my hard drive and find something, I'd throw it up.

However, for the many fits I have put in here that are ME, it's been made obvious with a 'today' or "wdywt" tag

I am sorry, to each and every one of you. I will continue to post on NT as I normally do. I will continue to put MY wdywt's in here. I love ya'll and this thread and I'm sorry. If anyone felt as though I was trying to clown, I'm not. THIS is my hobby and my work, and I love it.

Let's get back to dressing better :pimp:
and by "everything" you mean what exactly?

For claiming a few of the pics were me, man. I'm sorry.

I just posted recent pictures of me in a spoiler so you know whats real. Again, I wasn't claiming to be Justin Timberlake :lol: I REALLY had a hand in that. It was an amazing experience. I actually got to meet the man.

Yes, I am a stylist. Yes, I am a photographer. Yes, I work at an agency. There would be no reason for me to lie about that.

It's complicated, but when I originally posted the pictures I didn't even mean to claim they were me, They didn't have a WDYWT tag, people just wrongly assumed and it felt awkward saying they weren't me because I felt like I'd betray their trust, and I just wanted to leave it at that. They were either fits I HAVE done, or something I just liked. I do a lot of private photoshoots with friends, many of which work with me, and sometimes when I'm just digging through my hard drive and find something, I'd throw it up.

However, for the many fits I have put in here that are ME, it's been made obvious with a 'today' or "wdywt" tag

I am sorry, to each and every one of you. I will continue to post on NT as I normally do. I will continue to put MY wdywt's in here. I love ya'll and this thread and I'm sorry. If anyone felt as though I was trying to clown, I'm not. THIS is my hobby and my work, and I love it.

Let's get back to dressing better :pimp:
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