Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Bama: great gifts! Jim Thompson is very popular in Thailand and makes high quality ties. I bought a few for my doctors the last time I went home.
A: you can definitely make a few bucks but the pair itself won't make bank. After shipping fees and such I think you'll sit on 30 to 50 bucks profit assuming the shoes are in good condition. Imagine if you do this times 10 in a week. This is how those thrifters make profit. Nice find, nonetheless!
A: you can definitely make a few bucks but the pair itself won't make bank. After shipping fees and such I think you'll sit on 30 to 50 bucks profit assuming the shoes are in good condition. Imagine if you do this times 10 in a week. This is how those thrifters make profit. Nice find, nonetheless!

I do this. At first my wife hated it. She would always complain about how much time I spent in the stores. Now I have a plan. I take different routes to and from work and hit different places. I also have figured out where to look and what fabrics should feel like.

Common mistakes:

Not buying it when you see it. It will be gone next time.
Thinking popular brands sell well. Polo blue label does not sell well.
Taking too much time in a store.
Buying an item without looking it up first.

Check my sig. I just purchased a portable Epson photo printer for $15, its going for $194 right now.
any of you guys on pinterest? Thanks for the blogs posted btw :smile:

I am. @enceetwin

I'm still getting the hang of it.

Neckwear entry. Trying different knots:

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I just ordered my first pair of beeswax db's and the consensus on SF seems to be to treat them before wear....i was just curious what you guys were thinking. sorry, im fairly new to the whole concept of "dressing better"

Any info on this? Should I treat them first or do they need anything done to them prior to wear? They'll be here today.
The Eldridge Knot. It's really not hard to do, but it takes some practice. I'm still sharpening my skills, but I really like it.
idk about that whole concept

might try that at work today though

btw... if anyone is interested, not sure if its been posted yet, theres a extra 50% off sale + free shipping over $100 at the french connection website
:lol: those knots are aggresive as hell. i like it though

rocked my $17 jacket from jcp. works well for layering to thin to wear on its own.

There is really no reason for that knot...:x

People would have to buy extra long ties in order to do that and that knot alone.
There is really no reason for that knot...:x

People would have to buy extra long ties in order to do that and that knot alone.

You don't actually. It's the same regular length tie that I wear any other day. You do all of the tying with the back end, so you set the front end where you would usually wear it and start there.
Some people like stacks. Dude above is right too, people get their raw denim hemmed before a wash or soak and they end up being too short
I like GAGJR's style and how he rolls his pants, doesn't really look bad at all and shows his personal style...I only see him do that with denim anyways.
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