Dressing Better Vol 2.0

To the person that posted the etsy guy with the cargos..... Thanks.

They are great, dude did a great job. Will post pics later.
I don't know about that. I think dressing similar to Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love or Lebron on Sports Illustrated will break more necks than dressing like Jay Z at a Nets game.

the difference between those is one you are breaking female's necks, the other one you are breaking post highschool boy's necks.

dudes fail to realize that, guess they feel more comfortable attracting men :rolleyes

Tell 'em Steezy. They don't wanna hear you, though.

Dress shoes don't really break necks like sneakers do, but I love dress shoes
Understatement is the best kind of statement, my friend.

This. Plus I feel like dress better is a much less smaller crowd and also has a bit more layers to it so it's not like the average person will be able to tell the difference between Kenneth Cole from John Lobb. That may have been an extreme example but I think you're getting my drift :lol:

Anyone suit up to go out to bars/clubs?

I'm never really putting on a full suit and tie unless I'm going to a dinner before, it's a special event or I'm coming straight from work on a Friday. However, I often wear a sport coat or blazer with a dress shirt. It's really just because I am more accustomed to that than anything else so I feel comfortable while still looking good. It feels more normal to me than not :lol:
Anyone suit up to go out to bars/clubs?

I do lately, feels great too.


Don't mind my boy :lol:

I usually skip the tie though...lol
Steezy that suit looks great fam, casual enough with the buttons undone at the top too :smokin

And I definitely agree about women taking more notice of subtle changes and nice dress clothing more often than men which is nice. Case and point, we had a business casual event during alumni weekend and I came in a blazer, oxford and some navy chinos with Stafford wingtips....my boys tried to clown me and called me grandpa :lol: but several female friends, girls who graduated last yr complimented me on what I was wearing (and best part is none of the pieces cost me more than 50$ aside from the pants)
Hey, hey, hey... There's nothing wrong with the occasional ratchet. :lol:

girls who are 50% ratchet, 50% classy>>>>> :lol: I don't like boring, uptight looking girls

As for the sneaker thing...it definitely is possible to wear sneakers and still dress well. Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing them with a pair of slim jeans and plain v-neck.

Even then, I only do that when I know there are gonna be good looking girls....otherwise I'm in sweatpants and soccer jerseys:lol: There's no way in hell I'm walking around in dress clothes and suits 24/7, I already have to wear all that for work. The only exception is when I hit up high end clubs/ formal parties/Vegas.

KSteezy weren't you afraid of spilling drinks all over your suit though? I leave all my good quality clothes at home and wear Express+Aldos to the club, because I know how clumsy I get :lol:
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^ I don't wear sneakers much anymore outside of cheap vans and the occasional nike from my childhood. With dress shoes you don't (for some) have to buy them as often, so the price can even out or be less than what I might have spent for some Jordans or Nikes a few years ago. 

I'm on the same boat as you, sneakers I hardly wear them now and when I do since I'm so used to wearing dress shoes with leather soles, sneakers start to hurt my feet lol.


Females necks are the ones I'm aiming for.

But let's think about it for a minute. The are still a majority of people that equate dressing nicely (suits, ties, sweaters, chinos, wing tips, etc) to being homosexual or metro. Steezy you know it all too well from the hate you catch on NT. It makes me wonder if the stigma will ever be broken.

Another thing I wonder is this. Do you guys get approached by gay dudes when you go out because believe you're gay as well? How do you respond if so? I had a friend who would always put on a shirt, tie, and vest when we went to clubs. More times than none, he'd get hit on. He used to get upset but I told him it was to be expected because society still tells us that a man that puts a little more effort into his appearance is either gay or unmanly. Told him all you have to do is brush it off and say you're not interested. Same thing you do when you get approached by a female you find to be unattractive.

You have to just let it go. Dudes are the biggest haters on how you dress. I remember last year when I started changing the way I dressed a couple of the guys at work would just on a daily basis have something smart to say. A big part of it is the fact that women are going to notice you and not them. Once I got that feature on TSB they shut the f**k up quickly and not to mention the fact that they noticed this is how he dresses period, and that I wore it with confidence they could say nothing. One of my co-workers is trying to change up his wardrobe too and they're giving him a hard time too.

The change I've noticed too is that people are asking me more and more about advice and the ironic part to me is how the same dudes who would hate on me, have started to change the way they dress. For example, they've started slimming down their overly baggy pants and stuff that just fits better. I personally have never been hit on by a gay guy because of the way I dress. I have a couple of gay friends who don't necessarily fit the mold of "dressing well" I honestly think it's just a stereotype attached. Frankly, I find it funny (if you have ever seen the yahoo vid from TSB, the comments pretty call every guy in the vid, including myself, gay) that that is the assumption and more than anything I take it as a complement.



BTW I wouldnt mind if suiting up, dressing more formal became more of a popularly acceptable trend, people will look more presentable and some dudes will actually dress their age, but thats just me

I agree and I think most men would actually rise to the occasion and dress like this. For those that don't know I'm a 12th grade teacher and I mentioned this in one of my classes, how men use to dress in suits every day. A lot of the students, especially the males, responded with "that'd be great" or "people looked better then" or "I would" and when I asked why not just do it, the answers were all mostly that they didn't want to be the ones starting it and be the ones standing out.
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girls who are 50% ratchet, 50% classy>>>>> :lol: I don't like boring, uptight looking girls

As for the sneaker thing...it definitely is possible to wear sneakers and still dress well. Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing them with a pair of slim jeans and plain v-neck.

Even then, I only do that when I know there are gonna be good looking girls....otherwise I'm in sweatpants and soccer jerseys:lol: There's no way in hell I'm walking around in dress clothes and suits 24/7, I already have to wear all that for work. The only exception is when I hit up high end clubs/ formal parties/Vegas.

KSteezy weren't you afraid of spilling drinks all over your suit though? I leave all my good quality clothes at home and wear Express+Aldos to the club, because I know how clumsy I get :lol:

bruh this is me 80% of the time, tee, kicks and jeans.....i live by that dress code :lol:


Females necks are the ones I'm aiming for.

But let's think about it for a minute. The are still a majority of people that equate dressing nicely (suits, ties, sweaters, chinos, wing tips, etc) to being homosexual or metro. Steezy you know it all too well from the hate you catch on NT. It makes me wonder if the stigma will ever be broken.

Another thing I wonder is this. Do you guys get approached by gay dudes when you go out because believe you're gay as well? How do you respond if so? I had a friend who would always put on a shirt, tie, and vest when we went to clubs. More times than none, he'd get hit on. He used to get upset but I told him it was to be expected because society still tells us that a man that puts a little more effort into his appearance is either gay or unmanly. Told him all you have to do is brush it off and say you're not interested. Same thing you do when you get approached by a female you find to be unattractive.

Oh man.

It must be a cultural thing or something... Perceived homosexuality because you're wearing a suit, tie, sweater??? I could name a bunch of NTers that easily fit the mold but those are the types that are so close-minded and in a bubble, not even getting into the skirt/jeggings thing which isn't even part of this thread but it still gets tied to it.

I mean, metrosexual (such an old, lame term) maybe but that doesn't have an implication of being gay but that you're straight and well put together, maybe too much so in some people's eyes but that's still ridiculous. I think now, with metrosexuality it has more to do with skin care, manscaping type stuff but even that's more widely accepted...depending on culture, I guess. If a female thinks it, maybe she's not your type and if a male thinks it, who cares if you're straight?

To me, it says way more about the person doing the judging if they're questioning sexuality strictly based on "dressing nicely" and no other factors. If a dude is twirling his scarf around and dancing with an appletini in their hand, even though it's still not right to assume, it's a little more understandable.

I'd say the overwhelmingly majority of people I socialize with and places I go, despite being far from uptight, stuffy, conservative, look at someone dressed up as mature, successful and smart. If it's in a dive bar, it's out of place for sure but that's a different story.
I wear sneakers all the time. I honestly think its a time and place for everything. I just scooped these for the lowski.
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