Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Do you really think it's a good idea dressing in a suit and a tie if you're a new hire in a shirt and slacks environment?

One day a week I would say yes but everyday can be potential problems. Employers may see it as an employee that wants to buck the trend. Fellow employees may resent it and feel the same.

On the other hand employers may welcome it.

As a new hire I would just as what everyone else is doing until I could survey the land and then find my lane.
I don't know how it could hurt me..?
There are a few others who wear suits, but majority is ill-fitting shirts and just as horribly fitting trousers. No one seems to care. However, my managers/supervisors seem to enjoy that I actually "dress up" versus the rest of my team, so I think I'll be alright. At the end of the day, what I am doing is not "inappropriate" so I'll just continue to do me fam.

Side note: I wore this kinda crap to class. Why wouldn't y'all think I'd do it when the setting called for it?
Office politics could say your all show. Kinda like the guy who rocks a swag shirt. He could be really cool, but that swag shirt makes you think hes a douche. Sometimes ppl can deem you being yourself as being a douche when you really aren't. Your prob a better judge since its your job and you'll learn office life. Good luck bruh
when I interned for MWAA I wore a suit everyday the employees there embraced it but the other interns didn't like it so much..just don't try to make it a fashion show and you will be fine imo
colors not to wear at a wedding? i wanna go grey and pink..
edit.. never mind groomsmen are wearing lavender and grey...
i wanna wear a pink tie... any suggestions?
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Your job performance should be number one and dressing the part two. Like someone said you dress for the job you want without going overboard. Senior members and higher ups will notice you as you stand out. If you are a good representation for the company that only helps you. Especially in financial services where appearance is key.
Your job performance should be number one and dressing the part two. Like someone said you dress for the job you want without going overboard. Senior members and higher ups will notice you as you stand out. If you are a good representation for the company that only helps you. Especially in financial services where appearance is key.
based on past experience on the dude who is over dressed, you get lots of compliments or stares. Just work hard.

I was that guy lol
I understand where you guys are coming from entirely. At the end of the day, my performance in the job is what's my top priority. Dressing up is a bonus since it is something that I thoroughly enjoy but I also keep it appropriate for the office. That being said, I have only been there a week and my quotas have been met/exceeded daily. I find myself asking for more work by the hour. I understand your guys' concerns but so far, I think I am doing pretty well. Managers seem to like my progress, so we'll just have to take it one day at a time and see where this road leads me. Thanks for the support NT fambz.
IMO a newcomer cannot afford the risk of negative attention. Broad appeal should be a top priority. Standing out can be negative, perception is key, esp among peers. Really comes down to a judgement call that only the individual can make
I understand where you guys are coming from entirely. At the end of the day, my performance in the job is what's my top priority. Dressing up is a bonus since it is something that I thoroughly enjoy but I also keep it appropriate for the office. That being said, I have only been there a week and my quotas have been met/exceeded daily. I find myself asking for more work by the hour. I understand your guys' concerns but so far, I think I am doing pretty well. Managers seem to like my progress, so we'll just have to take it one day at a time and see where this road leads me. Thanks for the support NT fambz.
you making 40k or more right?
Bro you're over here way too dressed up for your setting AND taking pictures for NT in the office...? That's real tacky. Focus on your work.

Dressing appropriately and well = perfect. Dressing extreme = fail.
Bro you're over here way too dressed up for your setting AND taking pictures for NT in the office...? That's real tacky. Focus on your work.

Dressing appropriately and well = perfect. Dressing extreme = fail.
False. Not like there's no high ranking individuals on SF taking pictures of their outfits, right? Some of you guys are too serious in a bad way. You're going to be working for most of your lives, you need to do something fun to break up the mundane tasks. You truly don't really believe that someone goes to work 9-5 in a professional setting and only takes a break for 10 mins every 2 hours like it's a mall job, right? This is something that A happens to do. I do the same before I go to work, and so do the other numerous folks that are on other boards and have their own blogs.

Do you really think it's a good idea dressing in a suit and a tie if you're a new hire in a shirt and slacks environment?
This is a tricky one depending on your field. Being that it's a world class firm like 'berg, I doubt it'll be a problem though. I have friends who work for smaller firms where they are told to dress nice, but not too nice because the clients may think they're overpaying. The rigidness of the those firms eventually shoo'd my friends away to better paying jobs.

It's funny that "dress for the job you want, not for the job you have" line came into play. I have a manager whose office is 15 feet from me. I don't report into her, but when I come into work like what I wore this week...sport shirt and chinos, she would use that line on me, but it's still a lot better than what the top dogs clocking in half a million wear. Business casual is a very loose term, it can range from a polo and chinos to a suit without a tie. When I first started my job, I wore a suit and a shirt and no tie to play it safe. I eventually got to what I wear now with my pictures after I learned about the company's culture.

I absolutely see nothing wrong with what Adrian is doing. It's not like he's slacking off at work posting pictures all day. Everyone I know in the workplace, regardless of position, does something to break up the day...be it doing P90X at lunch, playing Xbox on break, etc.

This thread has come lightyears from where it was in volume 1, where someone asked if I was gay because I posted a picture of myself in a tie with a tie bar. The members in this thread participate because they obviously care about the field and want to dress up in suits and such, not because they are required to.

A: just focus on yourself and push on, man. You're 21, got a great internship, about to start the master's program. Like I've said, the next few years will be great for you. You will learn a lot, most by making mistakes, but that's part of the learning curve. You'll be making major money soon (and will be spending a lot on clothes and spending $500-800 on a pair of shoes will be a normal routine).

This is my 2 cents and I'll end it here.
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Bro you're over here way too dressed up for your setting AND taking pictures for NT in the office...? That's real tacky. Focus on your work.

Dressing appropriately and well = perfect. Dressing extreme = fail.

How is he dressing extreme? Nothing about Adrian's fit is extreme, if anything it's pretty business conservative. What because it fits well it's him overdressing or dressing extreme? If he's doing his job and doing it well, it doesn't matter what he wears but I can tell you that at a place like Bloomberg that his supervisors notice him, not only because of his work ethic but they'll remember him as the young guy in a suit and that's not a bad thing. I remember my nephew went to take his Police Department Cadet entry exam in a suit not because he was required too but because as he said, "everyone else wears jeans and a t-shirt to these things, I want to show them that I'm serious about this and that I take it seriously and so that when they grade my exam and see I killed it they remember oh yea he was the one professionally dressed." He killed the exam and they remembered him.
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Living in a day of age where men wearing suits to a job in an office is over doing it :smh:

Take me back to the era when suits were expected by men, and we all wore hats.
How is he dressing extreme? Nothing about Adrian's fit is extreme, if anything it's pretty business conservative. What because it fits well it's him overdressing or dressing extreme?"
Here's how - "Even got one of my boys to suit up with me 
 (everyone there is ju[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]st shirt/slacks)" [/color]

I'd consider suits in a "shirt & slacks" environment extreme. Nothing to do with fit... obv. fit is number one when it comes to dressing well. C'mon dude. 

And as far as wj4 comment about "high ranking style forum members taking pics." Yeah - Agreed. The difference is high ranking vs. first week intern.
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Here's how - 
Even got one of my boys to suit up with me 
 (everyone there is ju
st shirt/slacks)" 

I'd consider suits in a "shirt & slacks" environment extreme. Maybe that's just me. 

And as far as wj4 comment about "high ranking style forum members taking pics." Yeah - Agreed. The difference is high ranking vs. first week intern.

His boy chose to wear a suit, he didn't force him to wear a suit. His boy saw him wearings suits and took that as inspiration to 1. start "dressing better" himself 2. asked him to help him with dressing better and 3. to wear a suit to work as well. I wished the men at my job would instead of making snide comments about me "dressing up" would just dress better themselves.
For you guys looking for nice wool trousers, I'm going to recommend Zanella.
These seem to fit great, just got my pair in today that I got from ebay, can find crazy steep discounts on new pairs on ebay. They just need to be hemmed, but other than that they're money. I'll post pictures after I get them altered
His boy chose to wear a suit, he didn't force him to wear a suit. His boy saw him wearings suits and took that as inspiration to 1. start "dressing better" himself 2. asked him to help him with dressing better and 3. to wear a suit to work as well. I wished the men at my job would instead of making snide comments about me "dressing up" would just dress better themselves.
You asked what was extreme... I responded that a suit in a shirt & slacks environment is extreme. Not referring to him helping his buddy learn how to dress. 
Thanks for the support NT fambz.

Bro, I'm always admiring your fits in this thread and on IG. I assume you around 5"6-5"10? (no creep status lol)

Anyway, I just got a tailor out here in Jersey and he hooked my blazer up pretty good. Where do you get your suits? Or more specifically, the midnight navy one that you posted recently?

I have a couple AC trips this summer and I'm trying to get these fits on point.
Make a post in the CM corner, man. That's how I got some good tips on L.A. area tailors about 2 years ago.

Mind linking to this? I need a good tailor in Long Island, NY.

Also, anyone know when the Nordstrom sale was starting?
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