Dressing Better Vol 2.0

good lookin out to whoever put up the Old Navy camo button up..

just copped at my local Old Navy on clearence for 11.99 :nthat:
I honestly thought you were shirtless when I initially scanned thru.
That jacket seems to make you look portly. Unless thats really you under there.

naw I`m thick but not that thick lol, its kind of bunched up and thats air in the sleeves cause there all side buckles on the side and out the box it was on the last loop, I can easily loosen it up
Bombers don't look good on everyone. Especially guys with bigge mid areas. I don't think it looks terrible though. Post a pic when you actually wear it.
Yeah, man. Like I predicted, the MMM stuff went on sale. Don't get me wrong, it's probably the best (in term of quality) collab H&M has done thus far, but the prices were just too high for the average H&M consumer.
You guys are stylin' at the gym
For gym, I'm in Under Armour head to socks, including gym bag. Shoes are Brooks for running.
Houston just got their two H&M's this year and neither got the the MMM stuff. I can see how the it is a lil expensive for their average consumer. Their regular stuff is pretty cheap. It was almost laughable. Peps were looking at me like I was crazy cause I had so much of the MMM stuff. The quality far surpassed those of regular stuff and Zara's stuff for sure.

It will be a new look for me and I saw it as a cheaper way to explore it.

If anyone wants to change their style and explore other options H&M may be the way to go.
stuff isn't on sale anywhere but houston?
I honestly thought you were shirtless when I initially scanned thru.
That jacket seems to make you look portly. Unless thats really you under there.

naw I`m thick but not that thick lol, its kind of bunched up and thats air in the sleeves cause there all side buckles on the side and out the box it was on the last loop, I can easily loosen it up

It looks like it fits pretty well on the shoulders and sleeves which is important. My advice would be that it might look better unzipped, that bunching in the stomach is unflattering. I think I'd read it's a synthetic exterior when you or someone else had posted the link but for $50 it seems good.

Damn bro, That is dope. 

I wouldn't mind having that one but I don't think UO carries it anymore, at least not on their site.

pretty sure this is it


At least with the navy jacket, the cheap polyurethane sleeves aren't as evident. :\
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stuff isn't on sale anywhere but houston?
Should be at all branches with the collab line.

RE: Losing weight...I wholeheartedly agree on getting to your target weight first before buying new stuff. If anything, it will serve as extra motivation to reach your ideal spot sooner than later. Losing weight is easy once you lay out the blueprint and actually follow it.
RE: Losing weight...I wholeheartedly agree on getting to your target weight first before buying new stuff. If anything, it will serve as extra motivation to reach your ideal spot sooner than later. Losing weight is easy once you lay out the blueprint and actually follow it.

This. I remember I was midway through my weight loss process and bought a few pairs of $250 jeans that I was only able to use for a month or two.

To all my gentlemen who wear pocket squares, where do you get them from? I've always purchased mine from designer brands. However, my father recently went to the fashion district in NYC and bought several pieces of fabric, took them to his tailor and got them cut and the edges rolled for about ~$6 each. The silk feels amazing and the patterns are elegant as well, I'm just curious if anyone else has experimented with something similar for their pocket squares.

Edit: Also, while we're on the topic, how do you guys store your pocket squares? I may have somewhere between 30-40 and I have two old jewelry boxes that I keep them in. I'm re-organizing my closet tomorrow and I'd like to do something where they could remain visible.
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I wanted to get those same Daltons but decided to hold off and save up for them. Ended up getting these from Banana Republic. If you plan to wear them a lot I don't think they'd hold up well but for casual use I really like them. If you can get them on sale Id go for them. Girl working there hooked me up with a 50% friends and family discount 

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm actually going to get the Dalton's as a Christmas gift!

So Stoked!
Should be at all branches with the collab line.

Naw I'm getting reports that Austin was the only one. From what I hear it was a 12th hour decision. That H&M literally opened this week and they need to move the stuff to make room for stuff that will.
Have you any of you guys tried thewatchery.com. I read some reviews on google but wanted to know if  any fellow NTers had experience with them before.
Naw I'm getting reports that Austin was the only one. From what I hear it was a 12th hour decision. That H&M literally opened this week and they need to move the stuff to make room for stuff that will.
The MMM x HM thread on SF says otherwise. Members from around the country are saying their branch has the stuff marked down.

RE: pocket squares. Mines are from Kent Wang (www.kentwang.com) and Banana Republic with deep discount.


Went to get food at friend's birthday dinner. $100 steak had me feeling very bloated and heavy, will visit the gym tomorrow morning and do double time.

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