Dressing better

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by novaflight

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by novaflight

Aceofjays info on the denim and do you get them tailored?

I haven't gotten any denim tailored, yet. I think I may take a pair after the festivities tomorrow matter of fact. 
The jeans I'm wearing in both pics are actually from 21MEN(Forever 21).
thanks and the blog is

No problem man and thanks! I'm still trying to get the hang of tumblr, need more followers Acquired Attire 

 @ MECKS. Thanks man! and Minnetonka Driving Mocs are the $#!%

V - Day


Long & Eventful Day


On an unexpected-amazing-thread related note. On my girls way out of the gym, she stops by a little area where they have local advertisements and while looking over them, she sees some Banana Republic coupons. You know the surprise ones that are either 25, 30 or 50%(usually 30% 
) they hand out in store. So she goes through them and realizes 

1. They are current and 2. There are some 50% off coups for your entire purchase!


On March 5th & 12th , all 3 B. Repubs in my area will be hit 
Yo any word on those BR coupons? Where can I get some of those? 
I just got to ask, whats up with the weird pic angles Ace?
It looks like you have someone taking your pic but most of your pic are overhead or shoe level.
Just weird I guess since your fits looks solid but it's hard to appreciate it in facebook-angle-esque type pics.
Bballkingsrule: I don't know where you can get the coups early, like I said, my girl just stumbled across 'em. My guess is that on those days they'll be handing them out in store.

my girl actually takes my pics, I need a tripod. The reason 90% of my shots are at angles is just because I like 'em. I hate standard straight on pics, because I think they're too plain, unless you have a fish eye lens like ksteezy, where the pics look amazing. Or, you have just a DSLR, which naturally takes great pics. But I do get your point that they don't necessarily show what I'm wearing. I'm working on getting some "semi-angeled shots", that'll work better overall, especially for my tumblr.

What up: All you have to do is roll with the cuff. Roll the cuff, then roll it one more time and your set. If the height isn't where you like it, simply push the sleeves up. That's all I do.
Originally Posted by AC4Three

Originally Posted by MECKS

lol ace, i hope you know no hate intended, but i had to take a shot at those shoes, id never wear those, ever 

your style tho, i really like all of it, ill be lurking in this thread like damn this dude sexy no red ranger tho. ahhaha

and ksteezy i like your style too, but not into NB, too me those are for old(er) people.
How old are you?
19, sir

since we pulling out sperry's..lol
btw ace vie been eye'ing those browns ones for a while nd you just convinced me to pull the trigger

I'm looking for a cool leather, preferably a bomber, anyone got any good suggestions?. I still have a good bit of cold weather left here in OH so I know now would be a good time to cop one.
Looked at this joint from Wilsons


 (yea I know its not a bomber but it looks good and can be worn in the night life)

may pull the trigger this week but I would like to see some bomber options first if NT has any
@ the sleeve rolling technique video.

He also had a brochure,

1) Sleeves were still sloppy
at those Ed Hardy inspired shirts.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by Murray497

how do heutchy shoes run? looking at some nice ones on gilt right now.
I'd like to know as well.
Also does anyone have any shoes by Vanishing Elephant?


I need these in the worst way


i need these. Where and how much?
Retail is 230 I think. I have yet to find them
Originally Posted by Marvel Man

Originally Posted by YuraS718


Fell in love with the pants when I first went through the issue. Can anyone point me into the direction of something very similar? Absolutely love these, but I'm not dropping $300 on them.
what are those pants

Originally Posted by YuraS718

Fell in love with the pants when I first went through the issue. Can anyone point me into the direction of something very similar? Absolutely love these, but I'm not dropping $300 on them.

Check Macy's. They have a lot of similar pants in that style right now.
Just got some new gray cords....Taking them to the tailor this week. I'll take about an inch off the bottom. 

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