Driving Under the Influence

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by gnarmyroly

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

What I don't understand is why they don't just put a Patrol car in front of every bar in America? I mean 90% of the time the people leaving those bars are above the limit.

entrapment? sorta? kinda?

no one would go to those bars if that happened
I think it's more about the cost. There are always cops downtown as is, to have one in front of every bar would take resources from the other areas of the city. It's not cost effective. And by cost I don't only mean money.

Not my city...they now have parking cops that patrol the suburbs writing up people who park on the side walk
"sidewalks must be wheel chair accesible". If law enforcement got the funds to do that they can enforce bars its not like they'd have to do much just give a breathilizer to drivers coming out the parking garage
those are civilians though..they're only traffic control...they are not LEOs
Nick Adenhart ring a bell?

You are not only endangering your life, but you are endangering an innocent man, woman, or child's life. Don't risk it. You have got to be smarter thanthat. I have no sympathy to people who are caught with DUI's.

When I was doing my clinical rotation at San Francisco General Hospital, our city's trauma hospital, I've encountered many upon many patients whodidn't have to be in the hospital fighting for their lives. These were preventable, but weren't, caused by an idiot drunk driver. I saw a freakin'12 year old boy in the ICU on a ventilator. His head was deformed, the left side of the skull was flattened and the right side of the skull had a concave shapeto it. The docs took out a portion of the skull because the intercrainial pressures were too high and pushing on the child's brain, they had to relieve thepressure so they drained fluid from the skull and took a portion of the skull so the brain wouldn't be enclosed and the excess fluid had somewhere to go.12 years old! In the end, the boy didn't make it. I mean, c'mon. This 12 year old boy did not deserve this fate. It could have been preventable.
im a dude thats always in control, no matter how drunk i am

and also when you drive drunk you stay mad focused, incase of cops or other things on the road
Originally Posted by f3DJam

im a dude thats always in control, no matter how drunk i am

and also when you drive drunk you stay mad focused, incase of cops or other things on the road
You serious?

In 2007, an estimated 12,998 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater).
So I'm assuming the people that caused the 12,998 deaths were "mad focused," huh?
cbass625 wrote:
unfortunately i fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed into a fence. when the cops gave me the test i blew a .18 which is double the legal limit here in jersey. what blew my mind was that ive gone out plenty of times and drank 10 times more than what i did that night and ive driven home with no problem.
Maybe after a few drinks we aren't the best judges of how "fine" we actually are.

Fanatic15 wrote:
It only takes one time to ruin yours and someone else's life.

What do you loose by not driving yourself home? $25 for a cab ride? You call a friend to come get you?
Compare that with the body bags you see on the local news every weekend.

Oh, by the way, while you were reading this a drunk driver hit and killed your mom. The police said they knew you'd understand since you play roulettewith other peoples' lives, too.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

f3DJam wrote:
im a dude thats always in control, no matter how drunk i am

and also when you drive drunk you stay mad focused, incase of cops or other things on the road
You serious?

In 2007, an estimated 12,998 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater).
So I'm assuming the people that caused the 12,998 deaths were "mad focused," huh?

As said before, everybody cant do it, I drove beside police cars after a night of drinking...I know its not right but I be trying toget home and I know I'm not going to hurt anyone

I know my limits and when I should stay put and when I can get home/wherever I am going.

(Glad I wasn't apart of those 12,998 ppl RIP
I know I'm not going to hurt anyone
that's what everyone says.
you're ALL fooling yourself if you don't think you're not playing russian roulette every time you drive drunk.

lets hope the day you get into an accident...the only soul you take is your own.

and get it straight... you may not kill someone...
http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/Y5-bz3GVNtc&hl=en&fs=1&


ps. I gotta wonder...will your tune change if a drunk driver killed one of your family members?
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by 3miyasaki3

One time i thought i'd help a friend out by being his dd...on the way home he tko'd me with a bottle and i rolled his car. Don't drive with outta control drunk friends smh

im sorry


Glad your ok though.
Naw its coo...pretty funny story it was his car didn't pay for it...but he seriously swung at me like mike tyson on punch out. Black eye and%#$ but yea no one was hurt other then that and we rolled twice
Originally Posted by JDWiley89

Ive done it a couple times but never really drunk just a little. I got caught once in march on some bs. cop comes out of nowhere and pulls me over for illegal u-turn, smells alcohol, etc. I passed the field tests too but they still took me in. im on probation for it now. Luckily it will be taken off my record after probation because I was under 21 (20) when it happened. I've learned a lot from it tho and would not do it again, even though I know I would have been fine driving, it's just not worth the risk.
uhh they probably took you in because of your age and "zero tolerance".
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

As said before, everybody cant do it, I drove beside police cars after a night of drinking...I know its not right but I be trying to get home and I know I'm not going to hurt anyone
So you're telling me that you're immune to the hitting someone or getting caught by the police after a night of drinking? It's nevergoing to happen to you, huh?
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

I have a friend who has to go to court tomorrow for his 3rd DWI (not learning from your mistakes FTL) but he could end up doing some time.

I have been in the car with him on may occasions while we were drunk leaving the club, bars, ect... Always made it home safe. Even on the night he caught 1 of the DWI's he had just dropped me off.

I've drove drunk quite a few times. Never got caught by the police though.

So my question is how do you feel about driving while drunk??? Do you do it? Have you been in the car with people who have???

I think your freind should be going to jail for a while. DWI is the worst man.......end up killing innocent people like that. You are pathetic alsoand ought to be ashamed of yourself...yes....you are PATHETIC

I've done it, but I don't "do" it... nah mean? I feel I know my capabilities within a certain range and that if I stay inside mylimits and take it slow, I'll make it home safely. I never out-drink my driving capabilities and I'm always mindful of how far I have to drive andunder what road/traffic conditions before I start drinking. I just recently got real lucky though, so I thinkI'll chill on the DWI for a while...
To y'all who drive drunk.

Spread your arms to the side and point your thumbs forward. Move your arms forward until you can see your thumbs while looking forward. Next time you'redrunk do the same thing and you'll notice how much narrower the area you see clearly is.
Originally Posted by Yo Andreee

Sometimes you gotta drive in certain situations.... But I'm pretty sure getting a DUI sucks!
right. it boggles my mind how some people don't understand the consequences of their actions. do you HAVE to drink? no. if you'regoing to drive, then don't drink... or stop drinking early enough to sober up.

and for the ones who claim they drive better when they are intoxicated, your coordination isn't the only think that is diminished. your vision isworsened, your reaction time slows, and your judgement is impaired (which might explain why you believe you're "alright" to drive in thatcondition).
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

I have a friend who has to go to court tomorrow for his 3rd DWI (not learning from your mistakes FTL) but he could end up doing some time.

I have been in the car with him on may occasions while we were drunk leaving the club, bars, ect... Always made it home safe. Even on the night he caught 1 of the DWI's he had just dropped me off.

I've drove drunk quite a few times. Never got caught by the police though.

So my question is how do you feel about driving while drunk??? Do you do it? Have you been in the car with people who have???

I think your freind should be going to jail for a while. DWI is the worst man.......end up killing innocent people like that. You are pathetic also and ought to be ashamed of yourself...yes....you are PATHETIC

Sometimes you gotta drive in certain situations.... But I'm pretty sure getting a DUI sucks!

If you're going to be in a situation where you may have to drive, there's no excuse. Just don't drink. It's ALCOHOL, people, not oxygen.
Originally Posted by Yo Andreee

Sometimes you gotta drive in certain situations.... But I'm pretty sure getting a DUI sucks!
Like I said earlier, no you don't - it's all a choice.

If you took your car get a cab home, get a cab to work the next day. Might cost you $100 but that's what you get.
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