Driving Under the Influence

I had this invincible attitude when I thought I could drive home drunk all the time. The I got into an accident while I was driving home from a bar, luckily itwas my car that was the only one damaged and no cops were present. I was stranded waiting for a tow truck at 3AM in the morning drunk off my $#@ . It was anexpensive lesson, but one that I needed. I'm so lucky no cops showed up and I got my car towed home safely.

Ever since that night I've never got behind the wheel drunk. All it takes is one time for you to be scared straight.
i can drive when im under any influence, but there is a point where i know i cant drive and i dont. i do drive home drunk or high a lot though
I pray these responses is cause of NT's stupid immaturity and don't actually reflect the real world
Originally Posted by gnarmyroly

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

What I don't understand is why they don't just put a Patrol car in front of every bar in America? I mean 90% of the time the people leaving those bars are above the limit.

entrapment? sorta? kinda?

no one would go to those bars if that happened

Fail kinda sorta, that's not entrapment.
I don't see the point of driving drunk anyways. Taking a cab/bus waaaayyyyyyyyyy easier.
I've done it before and I try not to anymore. I caught a misdemeanor DUI back in 04 when I OD'd at a senior night party. It's not a good feelingseeing those lights behind you, taking those dumb $%% tests or sitting your $%% in jail.

I hope your friend learns his lesson. They say the third time is the charm.
ive done this a few times

stopped after i got pulled over absolutely wasted and got let off. cop just told the girl i was with to drive instead of me and warned me about how bad a duican be.

lucky lucky night.
My friend recently had to take a DUI class. A stat they gave is that a person can drive up to 250 times drunk without being pulled over
Originally Posted by King Beef

I don't see the point of driving drunk anyways. Taking a cab/bus waaaayyyyyyyyyy easier.
+No reliable pub. trans system here
+ Unsafe to walk at night
+ Little to NO traffic after 12 AM
YoUNg bR3aD:
YoUNg bR3aD:
YoUNg bR3aD:
I have a friend who has to go to court tomorrow for his 3rd DWI (not learning from your mistakes FTL) but he could end up doing some time.

I have been in the car with him on may occasions while we were drunk leaving the club, bars, ect... Always made it home safe. Even on the night he caught 1 of the DWI's he had just dropped me off.

I've drove drunk quite a few times. Never got caught by the police though.

So my question is how do you feel about driving while drunk??? Do you do it? Have you been in the car with people who have???

Yup! Every time me and friends go out we all drink we don't have a designated driver

But when we drive its mainly my boy (who drives drunk/drinks while he is driving) or me, I would say its different for people. I wouldnt drive if I was pissy drunk.

I drive normal while I am intoxicated...People often say you shouldnt do it and yets its true, but eveyone is different some people can do and some cant.

I haven't got caught and neither has my boy and DC/PG County don't be playing when it comes to pulling people over at night.

Well brandon we from the same "urrea", and its the same situation with me. When we go out we all drink. I have a couple friends who don't even drive. My friend that goes to court is can drive when hes all in. I can drive when I'm wasted but I know some people who can't drive off of one drink. Like you said I guess its different for people.
Yup, the only time I would probably stay put is if I am stumbling and I know I am @$%%+% up. And even in that case I could operate my car but I wont because I know I would probably pass-out or fall asleep halfway home. I have had to parallel park while driving drunk (got in their the first time every time).

Yeah me too. For some reason I think I'm more focused when drunk because I'm worried about getting caught.
I'm so glad you two can gt all giggly about something so serious. The world needs more people that can take very serious topics and scoff atthem.

The unfortunate thing is that the way this story ens is like this: one of you two taking things too far (which I know you think will NEVER happen, because youare completely in control of your senses and coherence when you're drunk, unlike EVERYONE else out there), and you end up hitting some other driver becauseyou were too drunk to react in time, and someone in that car dies while you walk away with maybe a cracked rib, or less... oh, and maybe some jail time. Andthat pesky little DUI charge. The jailtime will be reduced, the DUI will be a bragging point for you two (judging by the posts you've made in the thread upto this point), and the person in the other car will still be dead.



That's hilarious, huh?

Freaking comedy.
Drunk driving. So funny!
when you're under the influence of any alocohol, they are accidents, they're called crashes.

for the most part ill drive blazed, but can't get caught slippin with the alchy no more because of this recent MIP...

Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

Its just as bad to drive tired.


Whenever I drive Drunk, im SUPER focused...especially if I have people in the car with me...
This post is what is wrong with the world...

Driving drunk even once...go to jail...end of story...

What is wrong with you people? Grow up...take responsibility...

If want to kill yourself go jump off a cliff...I would prefer you not to be on the road endangering my family and I...

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]It's pretty stupid but it happens whenever u go out, dudes always feeling good and whatnot[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]dumb when i do it since i don't have a license....[/color]
Yeah you can be super focused and not pay attention to a damn thing but the road... it's just your reaction time is a hell of a lot slower and that aloneis extremely dangerous.

Like what if you see someone crossing the street and you had time to brake except your reaction is a lot slower.
I can't believe some of the responses here. How is it that your minds can't comprehend the danger you're putting yourself and others into bydriving drunk?
This thread is scary

As much as I love to get down on some Alcohol on weekends..I havent drove on a weekend night in almost two years
i never thought it will happen to me. but that night changed everything. gettin arrested.. sittin in jail. than seeing the look of dissappointment on my momsface. it hurt big time. even though i dnt drive now im not out there gettin ripped just cause i kno i dnt have to drive. its something that sticks with youwhere ever you go. and lately ive been seein this drinkin and drivin commercials so it hurts even more cause when i hear those stats about people gettin killedi know that couldve possibly been me.
Originally Posted by Cz7

It's not something I advocate

But I've definitely done it.
i've done it quite a few times..paranoid as hell everytime..every car i drive past i think it's a cop..then i check my mirrors to see ifthey brake..usually i try to catch a ride with somebody b/c i know i'm gonna get drunk..and i've ridden with people who were drunk a ton of times..onetime it was me and 3 of my friends..we were all drunk coming back from this party driving through this town thats notorious for pulling people over..we gotlucky..drove past some cops that were getting ready to set up a DUI check point..if we had got pulled over..it would have been over for my friend..another timewe got pulled over..we were all drunk again..cop pulled us over for speeding..ask the driver if he had been drinking...driver said no..cop ended up giving asobriety test and lukily my homeboy passed..still got a speeding ticket though..but better than catching a DUI
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by f3DJam

im a dude thats always in control, no matter how drunk i am

and also when you drive drunk you stay mad focused, incase of cops or other things on the road
You serious?

In 2007, an estimated 12,998 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater).
So I'm assuming the people that caused the 12,998 deaths were "mad focused," huh?

your right man, it is reckless
i was just talking about myself and those i associate with
but depending on you character and whatnot, it can be done

shout out to those that feel me
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