Driving Under the Influence

who's trying you? depending on which research study you deem accurate, it has been scientifically proven that males drive better than females ... not onlyin actual road tests, but also in simulated cognitive driving skill sets ...

Baby You Can Drive My Car: Men vs. Women at the Wheel

So, who are the better drivers, men or women? That's the unasked question at the core of the columns I've written the last two days.

The answer is: It depends on how you define a "better" driver.

A review of the relevant literature conducted by Susan A. Ferguson and Keli A. Braitman of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that when only fatal crashes are examined, men have higher rates of driver involvement than women: "In the United States, the rate among men is about three times the rate among women per 10,000 licensed drivers."

That's a pretty big difference. But the picture is different when looking at all crashes in the United States. Per million miles traveled, women were 12 percent more likely than men to crash.

Here are some other findings from the paper:

* Men rate the crash risk of driving situations lower than do women.
* Men are less likely to use seatbelts and more likely to drive while impaired by alcohol.
* Men are more likely to speed (though women, especially young women, seem to be catching up in this regard).

I think the most telling finding is this one: Men tend to rate their driving ability higher than women.

In a way, the data seems to reinforce a few stereotypes: Men are testosterone-filled risk takers, liable to drive into a tree and kill themselves. Women are careful drivers whose timidity gets them in all manner of fender-benders. And as far as my columns are concerned: Men are convinced that they're better drivers and thus don't like being in a car driven by a woman.

I don't think there's necessarily anything inherently gender-specific about being a good driver. It may be that having a license and driving a lot is something our society values more in a male than in a female. It may also be that women just simply don't drive as much as men. And what makes a good driver is the same thing that makes a good musician: practice, practice, practice.

By John Kelly | May 12, 2009; 9:10 AM ET
Previous: Where in Washington? | Next: Time in a Bottle: How Would You Remember Today?

yes we think we are better drivers ... and acording to crash data we are ... we just dont use seat belts as often and kill ourselves lol
WOW! There are a lot of idiots on this site. I really hope to God that this isn't a reflection on how the rest of society thinks. Some of you guys aregoing to get someone killed.
Dirtylicious wrote:
1. Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sexual orientation or religion are strictly prohibited. The use of slurs and/or hate speech will result in immediate and permanent banishment from the community without warning.
...but keep trying me.

I guarantee you'll lose.

it has been scientifically proven that males drive better than females

In a way, the data seems to reinforce a few stereotypes: Men are testosterone-filled risk takers, liable to drive into a tree and kill themselves. Women are careful drivers whose timidity gets them in all manner of fender-benders. And as far as my columns are concerned: Men are convinced that they're better drivers and thus don't like being in a car driven by a woman.

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Wow OP smh at you downplaying drinking and driving. So stupid! He's lucky he only is getting jailtime and he hasn't killed himself or anyone else. %$#@ like this really pisses me off... all of you people who get behind the wheel intoxicated are selfish and dumb and you deserve to get your license revoked.

Obviously you didn't read too much of what I said in this thread.

you're right...after reading in your original post about how you drive drunk occasionally i discredited anything else you had to say on the matter.

Well reading is fundamental you should try it sometime.

seems to me that you still advocate drinking and driving though.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.
As I also stated earlier I can't say that I wouldn't do it again because if I'm out drinking a couple beers most likely I will hop in the car and drive home.

...you being "more cautious" doesn't mean a thing.
A friend of mines stays doing this

People leave notes on his car saying "its ok to kill yourself but don't kill others"
that was a rather specific quote up there lol ... as i said before, if you want to side with opinion and the insurance companies then thats fine ... i justdont want you to come at me like i was putting down females based on some erroneous thought i had in my mind ...

and the only reason i know so much about this subject is because i did research on it in college ... my group found that most articles describing males as"more dangerous" skewed results in order to get paid by the insurance companies who funded their "research" ... much of the research wasdone to argue for a gender specific clause in insurance policies that would reduce the liability of those very same insurance companies ...

we may drive faster and not wear our seat belts, but we get in far less crashes than woman ... point blank, period fact driven statement ...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Wow OP smh at you downplaying drinking and driving. So stupid! He's lucky he only is getting jailtime and he hasn't killed himself or anyone else. %$#@ like this really pisses me off... all of you people who get behind the wheel intoxicated are selfish and dumb and you deserve to get your license revoked.

Obviously you didn't read too much of what I said in this thread.

you're right...after reading in your original post about how you drive drunk occasionally i discredited anything else you had to say on the matter.

Well reading is fundamental you should try it sometime.

seems to me that you still advocate drinking and driving though.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.
As I also stated earlier I can't say that I wouldn't do it again because if I'm out drinking a couple beers most likely I will hop in the car and drive home.

...you being "more cautious" doesn't mean a thing.

Drinking a couple of beers would put me under the legal limit. So that wouldn't be against the law correct?

Also Thytker admitted she aint read much of what I wrote.
so basically you take more risks and kill yourselves more...
that's a better driver in your mind?

..sound logic
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Also Thytker admitted she aint read much of what I wrote.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.

and if its not possible???
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

so basically you take more risks and kill yourselves more...
that's a better driver in your mind?

..sound logic

why are you talking like youre a female? you ARE "yourselves" too lol ... and yes that is sound logic ... women cause more crashes than men ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

that was a rather specific quote up there lol ... as i said before, if you want to side with opinion and the insurance companies then thats fine ... i just dont want you to come at me like i was putting down females based on some erroneous thought i had in my mind ...

and the only reason i know so much about this subject is because i did research on it in college ... my group found that most articles describing males as "more dangerous" skewed results in order to get paid by the insurance companies who funded their "research" ... much of the research was done to argue for a gender specific clause in insurance policies that would reduce the liability of those very same insurance companies ...

we may drive faster and not wear our seat belts, but we get in far less crashes than woman ... point blank, period fact driven statement ...

i hope you were never on a debate team

Oh yeah, us guys drive better! we have a higher death toll but at least we're not getting in fender benders like those stupid girls!
women cause more crashes than men ...
if those crashes are simple fender benders....while males have more fatal car crashes.. that's still better driving to you?
...quite myopic of you.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Also Thytker admitted she aint read much of what I wrote.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.

and if its not possible???

#1. The underlined part of the quote was said because if I drink a beer or two and I have my car I will be driving.

#2. In the second part of that quoted statement I said I will think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out meaning that if I am driving I will keepit at those couple beers instead of getting wasted or drinking some liquor.

#3. In the event that I do cross that line and get wasted I will go a different route to get home. example: Cab, Bus, Train or even call a friend/familymember.

Some of the things I have said are being taken to the extreme. Like when I said "Honestly I can't say that Iwouldn't do it again"

You may have took that as this guy Bread is saying he will probably go out, get wasted and drive again...

I said that to be honest because I will drink and drive again. If I drink one beer I will drive. Therefore I would be drinking and driving right? Even if I amunder the legal limit its still drinking and driving.

As far as going out for a night of partying and hopping behind the wheel, thats a different story.

Like I said a good friend of mine is about to do some jail time behind this... Which some of yall may think is deserved for what he has done.

At the end of the day I wouldn't want to put myself in that same position and I wouldn't want to hurt or kill anyone.

I admitted that I have been DRUNK (bolded and italcized for emphasis) before. Fortunately I didn't hurt anybody including myslfor get in any type of legal trouble because of it.

My next question is... Haven't we all done things in our past that we now think are foolish?? Or is everyone on NT perfect?
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Also Thytker admitted she aint read much of what I wrote.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.

and if its not possible???
It's always possible. That's why they have cabs.

It may be inconvenient - but you always have a choice.
YoUNg bR3aD wrote:

My next question is... Haven't we all done things in our past that we now think are foolish?? Or is everyone on NT perfect?

I'm glad your outlook on it has changed.

As far as your question...obviously nobody's perfect, nobody is trying to belittle you. However, some foolish actions are WAY more dangerous than others,and drinking and driving is one of them. I almost lost one of my best friends to some idiot driving drunk. Luckily, he lived...with extensive brain damage andpartial paralysis. It's sad that it takes your good friend getting possible jail time for you to have a reality check (although, like I said, I amglad you finally saw the light). I just think it's sad that people ignore statistics and the law until it hits close to home.
IMO, if there is no damage, the fines should be reduced. That damn DUI can tear your wold up. I got a DUI because I mistimed a light changing by 1-2 seconds. Iwasn't swerving, didn't hit anyone and wasn't speeding. I approached a red light that was about to change and moved too quickly. Stupid *!%#+ sawme and got me.

B/c of that !@$* in 2004, that damn charge is showing up now, which makes it very difficult to find a job. I was a !*!%%%# college student wasted like howcollege students get wasted. I was literally 3 minutes away from my apt. I didn't hurt anyone but myself. These cops and prosecutors try to throw the bookat you as though they have no fault.
YoUNg bR3aD wrote:
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

YoUNg bR3aD wrote:

Also Thytker admitted she aint read much of what I wrote.

Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out though and if possible have someone who is not under the influence to ride with.

and if its not possible???

#1. The underlined part of the quote was said because if I drink a beer or two and I have my car I will be driving.

#2. In the second part of that quoted statement I said I will think alot more about how much I drink while I'm out meaning that if I am driving I will keep it at those couple beers instead of getting wasted or drinking some liquor.

#3. In the event that I do cross that line and get wasted I will go a different route to get home. example: Cab, Bus, Train or even call a friend/family member.

Some of the things I have said are being taken to the extreme. Like when I said "Honestly I can't say that I wouldn't do it again"

You may have took that as this guy Bread is saying he will probably go out, get wasted and drive again...

I said that to be honest because I will drink and drive again. If I drink one beer I will drive. Therefore I would be drinking and driving right? Even if I am under the legal limit its still drinking and driving.

As far as going out for a night of partying and hopping behind the wheel, thats a different story.

Like I said a good friend of mine is about to do some jail time behind this... Which some of yall may think is deserved for what he has done.

At the end of the day I wouldn't want to put myself in that same position and I wouldn't want to hurt or kill anyone.

I admitted that I have been DRUNK (bolded and italcized for emphasis) before. Fortunately I didn't hurt anybody including myslf or get in any type of legal trouble because of it.

My next question is... Haven't we all done things in our past that we now think are foolish?? Or is everyone on NT perfect?

Its no point in arguing Brad...there are no winners and losers in this argument.

I guarantee most of the people that are saying its stupid have "probably" never driven drunk/been in a vehicle with someone drunk that was driving.

The very first time I did I was scared as hell when I started driving, been then I was like for what? It feels the same as if I was sober

Point is, driving drunk is dangerous and you take a big chance doing it. Some can do it and some cant point blank.

You take a big risk driving a vehicle sober or not, You could go outside pull out of your drive way SOBER... and be in a 3 car accident soon as you turn on thestreet. Accident causes vary, nobody is perfect. The same people criticizing people on driving after having a few drinks, dont act like yall don'ttext'n/ beon the phone while yall are driving.

Judging from some of these responses it looks like we have a lot of drunk drivers in the DMV area
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

the underlying point is you warned me on a subjective matter in which neither one of us can technically be "correct" ...
...no, not really.
you mocked her based on her gender.. that's enough in my book.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

YoUNg bR3aD wrote:

My next question is... Haven't we all done things in our past that we now think are foolish?? Or is everyone on NT perfect?
I'm glad your outlook on it has changed.

As far as your question...obviously nobody's perfect, nobody is trying to belittle you. However, some foolish actions are WAY more dangerous than others, and drinking and driving is one of them. I almost lost one of my best friends to some idiot driving drunk. Luckily, he lived...with extensive brain damage and partial paralysis. It's sad that it takes your good friend getting possible jail time for you to have a reality check (although, like I said, I am glad you finally saw the light). I just think it's sad that people ignore statistics and the law until it hits close to home.

I figured you had someone close to you in a situation like that because of how you felt about it. Sorry to hear about that.

As far as the people in here talkin #!%^ I'm not even going to waste my time and respond to comments Like "your a @#$!%%^^& idoit"
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

IMO, if there is no damage, the fines should be reduced. That damn DUI can tear your wold up. I got a DUI because I mistimed a light changing by 1-2 seconds. I wasn't swerving, didn't hit anyone and wasn't speeding. I approached a red light that was about to change and moved too quickly. Stupid *!%#+ saw me and got me.

B/c of that !@$* in 2004, that damn charge is showing up now, which makes it very difficult to find a job. I was a !*!%%%# college student wasted like how college students get wasted. I was literally 3 minutes away from my apt. I didn't hurt anyone but myself. These cops and prosecutors try to throw the book at you as though they have no fault.

The system is already like that - if you just get a DUI then you get the standard fine. If you kill someone you get amuch harsher sentence.

You were lucky you didn't do any more damage - but you still deserve what you got. You mistimed a light because you were impaired - just be thankful itwasn't a kid crossing the road that you mistimed.
women are timid on the road
.....and timid = unnecessary accidents.....us men usually get into the bizarre accidents.....
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

the underlying point is you warned me on a subjective matter in which neither one of us can technically be "correct" ...
...no, not really.
you mocked her based on her gender.. that's enough in my book.

i mocked her? really? why because i put
... i was under the impression that it was a "laughing"emoticon ... im not trying to be difficult but ive been warned so far for this and calling someone "the dumbest ntr on this board" ... i guess i justhave to stick to calling people muppets from now on ...
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